Being Muted

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Amvya, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. Amvya

    Oct 14, 2019
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    I'm sure a lot of players have had this cross their mind when being muted. Wanting to either type in party chat or in /msgf to players to communicate. I know this might defeat the purpose of being muted and there is two different ways this could go. But here is what I propose. I think that when a player is muted for something that is not a severity 3 I think they should still be able to talk in party chat and /msgf but not be able to talk in public chat. I think this would be nice for players to tell their mutuals that they are muted in the public chat and still be able to semi speak to them.

    To counter this, it can defeat the learning process of being muted for some players. Taking it as if they get muted they can still message their friends and speak that way. It can defeat the purpose of being muted like I said earlier and players might not learn their lesson from being muted.

    I want to know all of your opinions on this so please respond and let me know what you think about being able to talk in party and /msgf while being muted:)
  2. Semi

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey amaya,

    I dont think this would be a great idea, since it defeats the point of a mute like you pointed out, Muting a player is so that they learn there mistakes and will get consequences. If i were to get muted and would still be able to talk in msgf, i would obv get muted for probably the same reason because i didnt learn anything while muted (after i get unmuted).

    A more efficent idea: Something that might work out is like a command where u can basically msgf a player telling them you are muted ( command would be like /msgf (player) mute") This would make a automatic message saying that your muted. This will notify a person that u are muted. This way seems more efficent and wont make people abuse it. And u can only say this "command" when u are muted so it cant be a way to troll a friend/ abused.

    Thank you amaya and I hope u can agree. From: SemiHeartLegend❤️
  3. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hey there Amvya!

    While I do see where you're coming from with this idea, I don't think changing the rules & procedures around mutes is a good idea. As you said, the main purpose of a mute is to punish someone who as broken the rules and hopefully have them learn not to do/say whatever they were punished for. If there was a way around this - by still being able to message your teammates and such - that would pretty much defeat the purpose as it only becomes a minor inconvenience to be muted. There are also already some work arounds to being muted. For example, writing with signs or using Discord/Team Speak.

    I hope you have a lovely day :)
    ectratr and Semi like this.
  4. Bob50

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Amaya

    Honestly i agree on most of this wish it was possible to add but it just has too many risks

    If this was to happen severity 3 def shouldn't be able to talk but I also feel like severity 2 should not be able to talk as well as if you look at the severity 2's in rules some of those deserve to be muted like for racial slurs and death wishes.

    It defeats the purpose of being muted. If this was added what's the point of getting muted than. A lot of players wouldn't care if they got muted because they would be able to talk in the chats they mostly talk in anyway they would be getting literally 0 consequences and literally keep on doing it because they get really no punishment from it.

    If this was also added they can still break severity 3 chat offenses in party chat and msgf it would just be kinda awkward to have 2 mutes going on at the same time for a chat offense tbh.

    Read over semi's msg yea honestly a better option for this would just be command which msgs a person on ur friends list that you are muted. Pretty sure someone has made a post on this before but it would honestly be a amazing thing to add to the server because when I used to get muted weekly everyone thought i was like ignoring or mad at them and something like this command would fix that problem.

    Tbh it would just be too complicated to add this ik the struggles of being muted for 14 days and not being able to chat with people but it's the user's decision to break the rules and get muted/banned.
    ectratr and Semi like this.
  5. Flarinbeast

    Feb 26, 2020
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    ok that's cool bro
    Xermes likes this.
  6. Cefr

    May 9, 2020
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    I do think that if you get muted that you shouldn’t be able to communicate with others in game. If you were muted there was a good reason for it so it should be punished, but as other were saying there should be a way of see if someone is muted. In my experience it ends up a friend of them tells me, but what if no one knows. So I agree there should be a system to see if someone is muted like other suggested when you /msgf them. I think it would make it a lot easier and It’s a great idea. I hope they would add something like this because it would be very useful.

    ectratr and Semi like this.
  7. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    I agree with a lot of what has been said but want to add another concern which is if a player gets muted for something like disrespect, they could just add or party the player they were talking to before and start being disrespectful again. Especially since msgfs and pcs for below sev 3 aren't mutable, this could add a lot of room for toxicity for someone who might need a sev 2 mute to chill out a little.

    A command to tell people you're muted would be interesting and good idea, but besides that the old muted skin/discord do the trick well.
    ectratr and Semi like this.
  8. Amvya

    Oct 14, 2019
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    I agree with what you guys are saying 100% i think a command would be a great addition:)
    ectratr likes this.
  9. Flarinbeast

    Feb 26, 2020
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    Thank you for agreeing with me
  10. meana

    Jun 5, 2020
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    I can see where your coming from this as that thought has also came into mind. But I do think that still typing in /msgf or in /pc would definitely defeat the purpose of being muted. Anyone who is muted wouldn't mind even getting muted if that rule was there, they would say whatever and do it again. With this I don't think people would learn any lesson as to what they say online. Also, I do like the idea of the command, instead go having your friends guessing and not responding to them in chat. It would make it easier to understand. Although, I do can understand your point of view on this and im glad you spoke up about it !
    Amvya likes this.
  11. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    This isn't a good idea at all because no one will learn from their mistakes. These people need to not have access to any chat once they're muted just like the cheaters have no access to the server once they're banned and speaking of which. Uhhh... you can report hackers to the staff members since they are actually insane at taking care of all of the hackers on the server!!! They are really busy, so banning hackers may not be there first priority, but when they do, they do an excellent job. You can report players right here -------------> to make sure they get banned or go to the MCC discord and go to the support channel! Have a good day/night!

    - Pxrge
    Flarinbeast and Amvya like this.
  12. Swaatik

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I +1 this suggestion of letting users talk in party chats or /msgf or faction chat in factions game mode if its not a sev 3 punishment, because it is really annoying when you get muted for something small and simple stuff because a few people are snow flakes and cant take a little bit of disrepsect and you get punished and you cant even communicate with your team if you are in need of help. Many of my friends have been muted for small stuff and have died ingame due to not being able to communicate in faction chat.
    Amvya likes this.
  13. tayhlor

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Hi Amaya! I'm going to have to disagree with this. The purpose of muting people is so they hopefully don't do it again. They have to go through the torture of typing through signs or not talking at all. If someone got muted but was able to talk though party chat it's like an "oh well". But, if they weren't able to talk at all they would reflect on themselves and try not to make the same mistakes again. Also I think it would be obvious if someone was muted because they would suddenly stop talking. Have a great rest of your day!
    Lxvely likes this.
  14. Stolsiee

    Feb 28, 2020
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    I really don't think that letting them talk at all is good because they got muted for a reason therefore they shouldn't be able to talk at all, if they really wanna talk they can discord call them or something but I think the punishment is there for a reason and the punishment should therefore be accepted, but I think it should there should maybe a message in chat that pops up when they are muted and try to speak or a word that's next to their name that says muted.
    -1 from me

    Stolsiee <3
    #14 Stolsiee, Sep 14, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
  15. DeathStrokeDevil

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think there to ruin the purpose of being "muted" as not many people would talk in public chat in general. You could argue with me by saying about sub-servers. However, party chat is minigames based chat as you would likely use it there more to enjoy with your friends. Sorry but I would be -1 on your opinion.
    Have a nice day.


  16. Amvya

    Oct 14, 2019
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