Hacking Scammer

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by RieseLangee, Sep 11, 2020.

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  1. RieseLangee

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Hello Moderator, I know it sounds made up but hear out! recently I had appeared to be scammed in sub server prison realm #1 Here is the Gist of it: A "scammer" by the name of Karl_____ had taken 1.5mil out of my account. He gave me 64 banknotes of 100 dollars. As normal i started farming them into my account. Then he teleported me to his plot which had sticks for 700k per stick! I thought this was an extremely clever tactic. Until i noticed that he just teleported me to his plot! I didn't give him any permission or accept a tpa! I know you don't resupply people who were scammed of their money, but this guy exploited a tp hack of some sort to get me to his plot. Its all fair and game if they do it without exploits, but if they do it unfairly, I figure justice should be dealt.
  2. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello! Scamming is actually allowed on prison, so this is not punishable. I'm not entirely sure how they would teleport you to the sign, although maybe you /tpa'ed to him and they just did /tpaccept later on (players cannot force-teleport on prison). I personally have never heard of any glitch in which a player can teleport someone to them, but if you have video proof of them abusing a glitch, you may report it on the forums.

    Question answered, thread locked.
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