Prisons | Blast Mine Buff

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by ThiccBooty, Sep 10, 2020.


Should Blast Mine receive a buff?

  1. Yup!

    1 vote(s)
  2. Nope!

    5 vote(s)
  1. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Good day,

    I would like to propose a suggestion to buff the Blast Mine enchantment. As it stands, (outside of the donor mines) Blast Mine is essentially a slightly worse, more expensive version of Fortune.

    I think the information surrounding the enchantment is also very hazy. Does it stack with Fortune? What about Token Detector? Does it give more XP?

    As far as I can tell (and have been told) this is not the case.

    Now obviously, stacking with something like Fortune or TD every single time it procs would be ridiculously overpowered. However, I feel like there should be some kind of advantage to having the enchantment, other than just mining a few extra blocks every now and then.

    Thus; I suggest the following enhancements:
    • Give Blast Mine a percentage based chance to proc and count all of the broken blocks towards pickaxe XP, Fortune and/OR (mostly or) Token Detector. Or;
    • As seen above, but instead of being a flat percentage-based chance, base the chance off of the level of Blast Mine. I.E. LVL1 = 2% chance. LVL10 = 20% chance.

    I'd also like to see some in-depth write ups about the enchantments somewhere in game. The players don't know, the staff don't know. The only people who seem to truly understand how it all works are the original devs.

    Kind regards,
  2. Mikiih_

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I don't agree with this poost and trust me I love the blast mine enchantment and I use it a lot every season I focus on leveling blast mine first

    But honestly in my opinion I don't think the blast mine enchantment should be a buff because it itself is an extremely good enchantment and maybe OP

  3. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Thank you for the feedback, it is always appreciated.
    I would like to clarify some things to ease some of the confusion (I completely agree, we need to be more transparent about this stuff ingame as you are far from the first to question, we will try to add more clarity in the future.

    If you actually crunch the numbers for Blast Mine, I really do not believe it needs a buff (It is already pretty dang good, hence why we priced it as the most expensive upgrade.

    Currently Level 10 Blast mine is a 10% chance of blasting a 3x3x3 hole (27 blocks) by simply breaking 1 block (so it has a 10% chance of being 27 times better). Whilst not a perfect example (as majority of the time you would not break a clean 27 blocks, there would most likely be some air blocks in the blat radius) it does show the potential of Blast Mine.
    Mikiih_, ThiccBooty and Xermes like this.
  4. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    In my thoughts, I do agree that "Blast Mine" should be changed. I feel that when the reset happened, Fortune and Blast Mine should've switched places. This would make the eco more balanced, and it harder to make money without opening keys. 4 points for Blast Mine doesn't seem appealing to me unless I've already maxxed out Fortune. That's all I really have to say about that matter. Now regarding the percentages and such, I think they are pretty good already. Once you get Blast Mine X, you break a lot of blocks, and I do believe that the stuff stacks, so that's even more OP. Overall, I don't think that it needs changed, but it should've switched places with fortune to balance the economy.
  5. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Anyone else shocked that Alex Markey responded to this forum post? Hahaha..

    And I agree with @Devon I don't think the percentages need to be changed. I honestly feel like there is other things they should focus on instead.
  6. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Thanks for the response!

    Hearing these stats overall, I'd have to agree with you that it most certainly doesn't sound like it needs a buff in terms of functionality.

    That being said - I also agree with Freak0nALeash that it should perhaps switch places with fortune in terms of price. Fortune 10 seems to be a lot more overpowered than Blast Mine 10.

    I can't tell you the percentages or exact specifications of each enchantment, but as far as I'm aware:
    The Fortune enchantment on MCC uses vanilla fortune. Which in the server software actually maxes out at level 10.
    I assume this because a custom item was made to harvest apples (the Apple Picker) which is more efficient than a Fortune 10 Immortal Pick.

    And vanilla Fortune 10 is extremely powerful. I'd put money that I could fill my inventory using Fort 10 a heck of a lot faster than Blast 10.

    Thank you for the stats, by the way! Now when someone asks in game I can give them numbers.

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