My issue with chat rules... situational ~

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mackenzie Fiona, Sep 10, 2020.

  1. Mackenzie Fiona

    Aug 1, 2019
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    You can/do get muted for 2+ days for simple comments in chat that are non-discriminating though still "inappropriate" however, the same could be said about cursing, as while it too would be considered inappropriate, it can still be used on the server, that being said, cursing can be used in a harmful matter where as "don't spank me daddy" (in reference to PvP) in chat seems a bit extreme to mute for 2+ days for... opinions?
  2. __dragonslayer

    Jan 1, 2020
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    we can drop f bombs for days but cant say the word "*******" yeah seems legit. there's plenty of problems with the server that the owner & admins don't want to talk about.
  3. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hi Mackenzie!

    While I do understand your frustration, the rules are pretty specific in what kind of language and subjects are allowed and in which contexts they are allowed in. For the most part, swears are allowed in chat; however, certain words are excluded from what is allowed because they are derogatory or incredibly vulgar. On top of this, over-use of vulgarity or excessive use of swearing can also be against the rules. Also, explicit and overtly sexual conversation (like "spank me daddy") can fall under the rule against explicit conversation - even if there is context for the statement. I recommend taking a look at the rules page as it provides more (and better) examples of what kind of messages are allowed in-game. Also, you can appeal any mutes you think are false and ask for the reasoning behind your punishment.

    Have a lovely day!
  4. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    I see you had fun while pvping :flushed:
    I agree the punishment is extreme for what it really is. The muting system covers only things like that but toxicity is a major problem that it mostly doesn’t cover.
    I think that the severity number of targeted harassment needs to be way higher and even bannable.
    /ignore doesn’t work always, like in plot chat you can still see the messages, which makes no sense when someone is harassing you it’s super annoying.(when you are not on ur plot)
    I think they should add some more rules to face toxicity between players, make the more harsh, because as you probably aware this server’s player base is mostly toxic. Here’s my suggestions for rules:
    1. Targeted harassment in groups should be punished because it is amazingly common to see in chats. I know it counts as arguing but it should be way more harsh than arguing because it’s based on 1 person.
    2. When people argue in chat, after they get muted, the people that argued should be automatically ignoring each other for 5 days forcibly, that would save so much tension between players and in chat.
    Btw I do not agree with A lot of the punishments harshness, some are too harsh for what they are and some just are nothing compared to the chat offense.
    Sorry this got so off topic, kinda wrote what felt.

  5. Mackenzie Fiona

    Aug 1, 2019
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    No I totally agree, I see people arguing in chat on a regular basis & it's extreme how harsh people get but even if they do get muted it always comes back regardless, having more severe mutes on harassment is something I definitely agree with. Making it so that as long as the chat generally falls under the guidelines, there being those of which are "situational" but putting that in words would make a very long description.
    OriAlfi likes this.
  6. Mackenzie Fiona

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Thank you, though I'm more so just asking general opinions on it as I've read the rules & I think that while harassment is regular occurrence in chat that occasionally gets someone muted, they should loosen chat but tie down on bullying/harassment/etc.
    Hope this makes sense I'm not sure exactly how to word it lol <3
    Lxvely likes this.
  7. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Simple solution. Add them as a friend and use /msgf to call them a fat f***ing ni****. It's allowed, just ask the mods :joy:
  8. tayhlor

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Hi Mackenzie! I think it's reasonable why they would mute for someone saying "don't spank me daddy" or anything like that. There are very young kids on this server and staff most likely don't want young kids to get influenced by these statements. This definitely isn't a big deal for older people but I think they wanted this server to be appropriate for all ages. It does seem a little bit extreme but I think it's the best for the server. Have a great rest of your day!
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    If this were true then they wouldn't allow swearing altogether. Yet MCCentral is one of the only big servers out there that allows some swearing. Also like I said you can literally add someone as a friend and call them the n-word and threaten to slaughter their entire family without being punished. I wasn't being sarcastic lol. Not very kid-friendly.
    OriAlfi likes this.

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