[POLL] Make Mines Deeper?

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by nouhs, Sep 9, 2020.


Make mines bigger?

Poll closed Sep 30, 2020.
  1. Yes

    21 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
  1. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    The mines are shallow and when everyone is mining at once the mines reset after less than 30 seconds and it's hard to mine when it resets so much.

    Making them bigger will make them reset slower giving you more time to mine and this is helpful during boosters.
    #1 nouhs, Sep 9, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
    Raqueese likes this.
  2. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Agreed. This would also reduce lag as mines are not resetting as much.
    nouhs likes this.
  3. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    YES, bigger mines would be so much better and allow more people to grind before the mine resets sending everyone to the top. Overcrowing is such a big issue in mines and needs to be addressed. Mines w-z are usually overcrowded when no boosters are on, it becomes hectic with the amount of players trying to make quick money in a 30 minute timeframe. I believe mine sizes should be expanded to at least the size of plots or to have prestige mines as another incentive to prestige further and quicker. A combination of both could work well too.

    maaaya, Xermes and nouhs like this.
  4. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I meawn, theres no technical reason why we couldn't - but I personally think we shouldn't.

    Simply for the fact that too often we are trying to make things 'easier'; having a deeper mine will of course, make it 'easier' to grind more.

    In doing so, it'd make the mines feel less lively, and y'all will want it to go back to how it was cause you miss having that "rush" during first week of reset, or during boosters where the mines are packed and lively.

    So its a big ol' -1 from me.
    puposaurus, Guwoq and guih like this.
  5. Guwoq

    Sep 9, 2019
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    I wanted to share my thoughts considering either way wouldn’t bother me, and also some feedback if I’m wrong feel free to correct me but I was jjst thinking if the mine is infinite. Right? No matter how big the mine, it will respawn blocks eventually, meaning you bump into people less but spend more time in a bigger mine that can have tunnels all through it from blast mine pics and flying miners. On the other hand you have a small mine bump into some people but continue mining relatively fast and boom within 30 seconds you get a whole new mine. Social distancing does not have to happen virtually XD But either way I would just use the majority rule as I don’t think it would be a change that would upset players who didn’t want it quit playing since its just more room to mine.

    Edit: Upon reading more of the thread, I 100% agree with Ranked mines! Great idea!
    #5 Guwoq, Sep 10, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
    nouhs likes this.
  6. Mikiih_

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I really agree with this post and I really think that the mines should be increased
    But in my opinion I think that the result at the end of the booster would not change much
    But I still find it a cool and very useful idea!

    BlockyBeach and nouhs like this.
  7. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Nobody wants it to go back to "how it was" we want the mines to be able to support 10+ people at one time.
  8. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    If you guys know that people want a lot of things to go back to the way they were, maybe you should bring back beaconing, /back in pvp, the /rename perk that was essentially stolen from people who paid for it, remove spawners (maybe keep blazes or something for xp), make the chat rules less restrictive and let people be a little toxic (obviously calling someone a nig*er should still be against the rules). I'm sure there's plenty of other things people want changed too but these are the more important ones that stand out to me.
    I guarantee if everything I just listed was implemented in the next reset, there would be a ton of people that come back.
    nouhs likes this.
  9. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i think it'd be great if this were to be readded, but I wouldn't necessarily say it was completely stolen, they removed perk keys and replaced them w/ perk papers in myth keys and if u send a support email/donation issue email they'll give you a free myth key. however, i think it would be nice if they could've somehow put it to where the myth key is bound to give a perk not some stupid *** amount of tokens or smth for that.. but anyways

    as far as the mines go. i can see both sides, it does take some time away having to reset position and such when it resets and such, but also kinda mentioned there are going to be "those people" who just look for a reason to complain abt something every season of prison and blah blah. but i think a bigger pvpmine at the least would be nicer. not so much deeper but wider/bigger area.
  10. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    If you play often you would notice that SO many people on prison already have been complaining about normal mines lmao not just me as "that person" complaining about everything.
    #10 nouhs, Sep 11, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
  11. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    How they handled getting rid of the perk was wrong. Since it was a while ago, I do not remember if they added another perk at the same time they removed it but if they did, everyone who lost /rename should have gotten it replaced with that. If there wasn't another perk added at the same time, they should have given a different perk (on the same subserver) to the people who didn't have all perks. For the people with all of the perks, they should have gotten a choice between a few myth keys or ancient keys that are equal in price to the myths.

    I'm going to assume that you don't pvp because if you did I'm fairly certain you wouldn't say this. A wider pvp mine would be awful. The mine is already annoying enough when you are fighting/chasing people because when the top layer is mined, you can get stuck in there easily. If you think bow boosting pretty much solves this problem, you're wrong. Often times, arrows don't register when you're bow boosting (whether this is due to the constant lag, shitty anti-cheat, or both, idk. probably both but thats not the point.) and you will fall into the mine and getting out is a pain because when you try to bow boost out, the same bullshit happens, your arrows dont register and you fall even further behind.
    nouhs likes this.
  12. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i have seen a few comments about it, but would have to say that the plot ads do overweight it. and by “that person” i wasn’t really referring to you or anyone specific. but generally the people who seem to rather complain more rather than suggest alternatives or solutions.

    they did not readd another perk at that time. i remember when they removed it in, like, season3 or 4 or smth. and i agree with the giving a dif perk to players who havnt yet claimed all of them yet and key equivalent to those who had, but they kinda did give key equivalence. as perk keys were $5 and they give a myth key in return which is also $5
    i get what you’re saying and i know the struggle for getting out of the mine in wilderness. i only suggested it since it’s a mine (at least on p2) that likes to be used a lot rather than dmine or whatever it may be. as for p1 i havnt been active much in p1s pvp “community” much but i kinda thought since the pvp arena this season is U shaped it could work out in later seasons as it could just give a little extra room for some of the players who like to use the pvpmine more for mining than pvp.. especially back in ssason3 when pvp mines were first introduced i remember multiple people (maybe abour 10-14+) were all mining it out and it just seemed a little small for all em. granted this was also before mines would reset at 50% mined. but anywyas...
    nouhs likes this.
  13. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Moving forward with Prison, I personally think it would be awesome if we were to somehow implement a way to obtain your own personal mine (Maybe via prestiging you unlock your own personal mine, this would add a motive for prestiging). This would open up a lot more doors for Prison (stuff like being able to level up your mine, upgrade it, idk). What are yall thoughts on something like that? Im sure there is many more angles to approach this situation, rather than the basic 'MAKE MINE BIGGER'.
  14. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    I would much rather have a personal mine where you can upgrade the size of it or the ores in it as a prestige bonus that would be really great.
  15. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Personal mines would also sort out having nothing to go for at Z9...
    Also, anyone with a different style of mining won't annoy you.
  16. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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    Maybe something like making "gang mines" where you can get an upgradement of your gang to get your own personal gang mine where you could all use money and tokens to upgrade the mine, to upgrade the ores, maybe also getting like a small little percentage of getting a random item? Like an item scroll (something like treasure hunter on harvest hoes). Also being able to upgrade the size of it, the color of it, ground, or even add designs to gang plots?? Like making 3-4 designs for people to choose what they want their mine to look like and a small gallery where the heads of the gang are displayed.
  17. chocopie2222

    Sep 22, 2020
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    Yes! I've had a few thoughts about larger mines, as especially when prison resets, the mine is almost resetting instantly, and it is very difficult to mine anything.

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