Prison Season 8 Feedback

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Unadvised, Sep 5, 2020.

  1. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Besides the initial internal network lag at launch of Prison 1 (Which has been fixed). What are your thoughts on this new season? What changes do you like. What don't you like? What are some things that might need to be balanced better. Please let us know below, This feedback is important to us!
    nouhs, Tinnin and Hypnoticxd like this.
  2. amandasowavy

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I know this is off-topic, but I think I speak for many when I say that I wish you would dedicate one percent of the energy you spend on updating and maintaningsub-servers to doing the same on mini-games. Sorry, I'm aware this isn't the answer you're looking for.
    JoaoOssucci and Aussierules123 like this.
  3. Sidthesquid51

    May 31, 2020
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    i think chunk loader should be added
  4. SverreDH

    Feb 6, 2020
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    I like the backpack, apple pickers are unnessesairy though. The eco is great and like the gang perms
  5. Insomniaq

    Jul 3, 2020
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    Great update. Next reset should have boosters at a discounted price like everything else.
  6. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    One thing I was a little disappointed about with the reset from reading the changeling compared to when reset was opened was the "Blocks Mined with Upgradeable Pickaxe". I was hoping it would show blocks mined/blocks needed to rank up. Yes, you can always look at the guide that shows how many blocks broken each level required, but it would take some math and working out to figure out how many blocks is left. I was really hoping that this would be the case, so I was a little disappointed when I found out that it just shows how many blocks in total it has mined.
    abbs, puposaurus and Xermes like this.
  7. Tcay

    Jul 23, 2019
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    making the ./warp pvp 5 seconds away from the drop down of pvp doesnt help with beaconing? make it closer LOL better yet sethomes in pvp.
    Xermes likes this.
  8. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Prisons gets boring very quickly. Tokens feel relatively useless once you unlock all of the /ce enchants. This season is basically the exact same as the last few. Additions like backpacks are certainly nice, but at the end of the day they don't really add anything new to the server, they just allow us to sell stuff less often.

    Some of my suggestions:

    Remove the 'leveling up' of pickaxes, and allow users to spend tokens (and blocks mined) to unlock different 'tiers' of enchanted books. These can then be purchased for tokens, and will each stand a random % chance (written on the book) to work or fail.

    Rebalance the enchantments so that fortune works on a percentage basis. Fortune 100? 100% chance to get 1 extra block each time. Fortune 200? 100% chance to get 2 blocks, etc. This would help deal with the inflation of the above suggestion.

    Add some feature other than spawners. Literally the only thing you can do is mine blocks, get tokens buy spawners, rinse and repeat. Do this until you have a few spawners, bingo-bango-bongo - you just AFK and make free money.

    Here's some stuff that could switch things up:
    • Perhaps a robot-type feature?
    • More custom enchantments.
    • Something along the lines of 'drugs' but obviously not specifically that. Something that would give certain special advantages in PvP and in mining when consumed. Again - a percentage-based chance of this working upon consumption.
    • Add consumable boosters (for tokens) to increase token drops (I.E. a x2 booster that lasts 15 minutes).
    • Add a survival world that players can enter once they prestige. Add some 'quests' to this word that can be redeemed for rewards in the prison.
    • Speaking of quests; add quests. A lumberjack that can be quested once a day and will give you a random quest for a random reward. A jeweler asking for gems. A fisherman. Etc, etc.
    • Some type of 'loot crate' type reward that drops while mining, and gives a random reward based on your level.
    • WAY more custom enchants. Speed that is given to you when holding the pickaxe that has the enchantment. An armor enchantment that stands a random chance (based on the enchantment level) to increase the sell booster when selling at mines. A pickaxe enchantment that stands a random chance to automatically sell some of the blocks you mine.
    • More than 2 levels of token luck. Rather space the same levels of token luck over 20 levels or so, making it more common, but harder to max.
    • I'd like to see something like pets or robots. Place 'em at your plot, and over 24 hours they can fill up their 'bank' until they reach a certain cap. Mining tokens AND blocks (or simply just money). These can be leveled up for tokens, giving tokens another use.

    These are just some of the basic, random features that came to mind. A lot of these would be relatively simple to implement, and would add a lot to the 'grind - > buy -> repeat' process that is prisons seasons 1-8 thus far.
  9. Insomniaq

    Jul 3, 2020
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    I think the pets on plot world would be cool
  10. Tinnin

    May 4, 2020
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    As I, and many others I debated about it with see it, there is a wave of overinflation happening. While last season started with token prices around 1k, some players are already paying 8-9k (last I checked was a few hours ago). The addition of the upgradable pickaxe in the prior season already generated a great amount of inflation and with the pickaxe booster, it has become even more overpowered. Also, the addition of token booster will make it much easier to adquire spawners and therefore inflate the economy even further long term. I do hope the economy auto-balances in the mid-term but as it stands, the economy is overinflating as we speak.
  11. Sidthesquid51

    May 31, 2020
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    i 100% with u bud
  12. Foola

    Jul 22, 2019
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    you didn't listen to many requests made for PVP. Add koths, add sethomes in pvp.
  13. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! ik that lag was something that was known of; however, i would like to address it for future resets. as last season (7.0) the whole p1 realm was down for a day or so because of some plugin issues. ik prison isn’t *as* big as factions however, if major-ish changes like the ones prison was said to have gotten in changelog are going to happen maybe it should go down for more than a day before it comes back. like how factions is down for a week, and when people are trying to get corner claims the lag isn’t nearly as bad as it was this season or last season. in previous seasons lag was bearable and a few chunks didn’t load, but it wouldn’t matter since once you go to somewhere those future chunks would load and such and such.
    if it takes a week to ensure that majority of lag would be handled or fixed or whatever it may be i think i’d rather have something like that if it is possible to do for future seasons and it makes sense “profit-wise” for the server ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    just an idea.

    for pvp and beaconing, i would have thought that setting homes in pvp would have been re introduced since when you warp to pvp you have to go on the plates that shoot you and then by the time you’re in pvp the effects are practically gone.
    i dont know why it was removed in season 4 since beaconing was removed in middle of season3 or something like that. if the reasoning was because of beaconing, i think it’d only make sense to readd it back since beaconing is now back in prison.

    some positive feedback is that it’s nice to see that the mines were changed. compared to last season where they used the same mines seaosj6 and 7
    but it does kinda suck that the warp plot spawn is the same since not everything is new or different.

    for wilderness i kinda dislike how the sell signs (1) are closer to the “spawn” or beginning of the pvp arena/wilderness arena and (2) face away form the mines.
    not to be bias or anything but i think it just takes away some fun from killing naked rookies since it’s now easier for them to get away with selling things, but that isn’t a main reason :flushed: that would be sad :flushed::flushed: abywyas also i think tjay it just makes it harder to sell ores you mibed up from pvpmines in general since it takes more time to go around making you less efficient especially when theres a booster and youre trying to be most efficient since youre on a time crunch unless someones trying to make money from tips and bought 50 boosgers and activatubg them for 628627 days straighr

    also the plot schematic is ugly. the color of the clay and grass don’t blend together well. if you want it to look like a patch of grass or something, i would stick with what it was like seasons 1-6. kieren’s mega posts 2 seasons in a row have suggested the schematic of the cyan clay and chest and bed and crafting table where it actually feels more like a prison cell than a “plot” (as in grass and naturey). if more natural tones fit better for prison plots, then maybe try coarse dirt and normal dirt ( or even adding in some regular grass) or something, which can give the effect that something was dug up and refilled back. the course dirt adds more texture to plots for any texture pack and can prevent regular grass from spreading if you were to implement that.
    i think the current way plots are just doesn’t look pleasant.
    i get you can use /p clear but then all the plots around you that could possibly be unclaimed wouldn’t have that ability.
    coming from someone who likes to build, by no means a good builder or anywhere near a ranking like that, i think if you want to have more of the prison feel for plots, the things in kierens mega posts before prison resets would be nice. and if not those and something to match the blocks warp plots spawn maybe even stick with the classic plain grass or go a little different and do a variant mix of the andesites and stonebrick and maybe even some cobble
    beeankah likes this.
  14. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Tbh I am not totally sure why they have not been added yet. I don't see why not. If anything it would help tone down all the alts. If they might be considered OP. We could change them where they only Work x hours of the day. You could select when you want them to "turn on"

    I don't think they are unnecessary. We are still looking at them and making some final tweaks.
    I think its too early to come to conclusions, Yes there are some things to make tokens easier to be obtained but we also added two new things to take tokens out of the eco. That being the head shop and backpacks. Backpacks cost tokens and money to upgrade. We have already seen users spend all their tokens right away on backpack upgrades. But when you make these big changes prices for tokens wont be the same every season at the start. Plus some users don't know the true value right away and either sell or too low or really high.

  15. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I 100% agree with you on trying to add more stuff to do on prisons. Ive advocated for more events for awhile now. Always thought it would be cool if there was a prestige only world since you "freed" yourself. We would need to make it have its perks though. Maybe everyone gets 1 huge plot and only prestige players can get access. I have always loved the idea of quests but i think they should be made from scratch and not generic "craft iron armor" I think they should take some time and have high reward. There could be some basic mine 10,000 blocks today too. The more suggestions we get for quests the better.

    Prisons being down for a short period of time does not mean things aren't getting tested. We test things live on a private server. The reason factions has a week down time is because factions is scheduled to 4 weeks. So for prison we work on the prison reset while its up. Since Factions is so short we can not afford to work during the faction season or we wouldn't have time for the rest of the network. So the downtime makes sure the rest of the network gets love.
    For the Lag issue, its unfortunate because we made a lot of big changes and improvements and the issue really could not have been caught. Its hard to mimic in a testing environment 400 players logging on at once.

    I made a poll about sethomes here. We need more community feedback before we make the change. It was removed before because people did not agree with it.

    For the sell signs being closer. I dont think this was intentional and just happened to be placed there with the build. Its different then past seasons. I will talk to alex about changing this.

    The plan for plots was to change it but last minute we did not feel like it was the right change. We agree this current schem is not the best fit either. We would love submissions or suggestions on what the default plot should be. :)

    Xermes likes this.
  16. Someone

    Aug 3, 2019
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    This is small, but I feel like backpacks should automatically be given like other servers and not be a crate item.
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  17. Sidthesquid51

    May 31, 2020
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    yo unadvised if chunker loader come into prison it will get rid of like 50 alts
    Xermes likes this.
  18. Issel

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Remove the ability to drop items at the mines, its annoying when other people flood your inventory with garbage. This would also prevent people from acidentally dropping their pickaxes while mining. Maybe adding in disposal bins like on factions would be an idea so people can get rid of their stuff there instead.
  19. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    As of right now no one can set homes in pvp. It might be a good balance not to allow set homes as some people (like you) don't like beaconing to begin with. Its impossible to make everyone happy but we need to try to balance best as possible.
  20. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Likes: The addition of new boosters has really given people a lot of reason to mine and I like that a lot.

    Dislikes: It feels like something is missing but I can't really name it myself. The map is great just seems kind of like there's something that could spice it up a bit more.

    Suggestions: People keep saying in game to add something like the obscure zone on factions but please don't it would break the economy.
    puposaurus likes this.

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