Apple Pickers

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by abbs, Sep 5, 2020.


Do they need To Improve them?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, i just wanted to make a thread and see what y'all think about the new Apple pickers and give my own opinion on them!

    First i think the concept is pretty cool but they (in my opinion) Have not been implemented well. Every season I usually in the first few weeks make a large scale apple farm so i to an extent know drop rates. The new apple pickers are simply not rewarding enough for them to be an ancient key drop in there current state, seeming more fitted to the vote keys. Right now the advantage I've seen from using them is that they seem to be faster than farming trees the old fashion way, This how ever is debatable as i'm not sure it is much faster. Using apple pickers requires you to mine all the leaves around the tree where as normally in a good apple farm you'd only need to mine 7-6 logs per tree if that. the apple pickers compared with normal farming are not good. The apple pickers from what i have seen (I've tested them to an extent) do not seem to drop more apples than normal mining would. Another side note is you don't get saplings from the trees if you use apple pickers so its going to cost you to use them.

    My advice for the apple pickers would be to increase the amount of apples that they drop and also make them drop saplings. They (in my opinion) need to be improved considering they cost you to get them and in all honesty they're kind of shit. For something like this to work it would need to have quite a boost from the average amount of apples you'd receive.

    Thanks for reading! ~
    mxbel and Aussierules123 like this.
  2. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Abbs,

    The Apple Pickers have been balanced around Fortune 4, which is a drop rate of 2.5x better than breaking the leaves by hand or decaying.
    This means if you were to plant one layer of trees and decay them, compared to using appple pickers, you'd get roughly 2.5x as many apples, and its faster than waiting for the leaves to decay.

    The complaint about needing to rebuy sapplings is moot, as you could easily sell a portion of the extra apples to well and truly cover the cost of the sapplings; or you could half half your farm as decaying, and the other half as manual.

    The idea of the apple pickers wasn't to completely spew out apples, as that would just ruin the point of farming apples - its moreso as a faster manual alternative, whereas a decay farm is a slower more AFK alternative.

    We will monitor the apple pickers and see how it goes over the next day or two before buffing or nerfing them, as we'd hate to overreact and either buff them early (and then nurf), or nurf them early and have to re-buff them.

    We are open to any and all feedback, of course.

    Edit: To re-balance the apple pickers we will consider adding sapplings to their drop table, this negates the comment of the pickers not dropping sapplings; which should make them feel like a more worthy reward for being a key item.
    #2 KierenBoal, Sep 5, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2020
    abbs and mxbel like this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    yk, i may be really dumb or something, but for the longest time i’ve been using ancient and myth pickaxes (fortune 10+) for apple farms. if apple pickers are fortune 4 they don’t really seem worth it at when there are better options from kits. like, last season and season6 i wasn’t very active but i still had somewhat of an apple farm/gapple shop and used legend and immortal pickaxes especially since they were so disposable after upgradeable pickaxes came out.
    there are uhc servers that have plugins where if you sheer any tee/leaf block it’s some higher apple drop rate, while i get this isn’t uhc and markey is trying hard not to break the eco again or at least as fast as other seasons, i think the apple pickers shold have fortune near an ancient pickaxe seeing as the come from an ancient key and in previous seasons me and a bunch of other prison players would use ancient and myth picks for apples.

    when i read the changelog and saw that i was super excited since i thought about how ever season i’d use my pickaxe and such to break the leaves and then i thought well maybe it’s more like in some uhc servers (already mentioned these points). but as i have personally have yet to use one, i likely wouldn’t have a whole lot of impact on what i said.
    based off the description abbs gave and the one kieren gave they really do not sound “all that worth it” and/or efficient when, again, there seem to be better options from kits. and a good chunk of prisons player base is legend+

    again, i probably wouldn’t have much impact on it all as i have yet to use them myself, but i soon hope to get my hands on one to see the hype.
    have a lovely day
    Raqueese, abbs and mxbel like this.
  4. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The code in spigot directly caps anything Fortune 3 or more as Forune 3 when breaking leaves.
    This means even with Fortune 2,147,483,647, you'd still only get a 1 in 120 drop rate.

    With the Apple Picker, due to it being a custom item, we bypass Minecrafts intended droprate, allowing us to emulate a custom configurable droprate.
    Noting, of course, you can not instamine leaves with myth/ancient pickaxes.

    We tried to be careful with the droprates for the Apple Pickers, as there would most likely be backlash if the item spewed out Apples, devaluing them.

    Lets give it a day or so more before considering changing the droprates; we already added saplings to drop as of the daily reboot, which should help balance them more.

    I just don't want us to make the Apple Pickers SUPER OP, then dissapoint everybody by nurfing them. Would rather slowly increment it till it reaches a agreeable droprate. (In saying that, I think the current droprate is quite adequate for being a manual option)
    Raqueese, Etero, AlexMarkey and 3 others like this.
  5. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Ngl I still think the fortune should be bumped up another level. It would give people a reason to actually use the apple pickers rather than keep an actual farm which takes way less time and effort. After all, they are an item obtained from keys and therefore should be better than the free option of making a normal farm.
    puposaurus likes this.

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