Group Spam on Discord

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by puposaurus, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello everyone, would first like to preface this thread that there is no bias towards the admins or staff team nor is there any bias or way to defend users who have been punished for this rule. this post is specifically directed for the rule for discord, not for ingame. (╹◡╹)♡

    as many already know, recently (as of a few months ago) group spam was introduced to rules for the community discord. While this rule was implemented likely with reason, i personally think it only brings more problems/things lost in translation in the server and annoyed users and possibly even waste staff’s time with users who like to borderline the rules when there could be more serious situations that need to be handled (whether it be in game or in discord). ✧

    For starters, not every group spam is intentional while it may not seem like it with some of the more recent things that have been group spammed, like “le fishe”. however, before it was a rule there were instances [ like such: ] where there were legitimate responses that happened to be repeated because similar thoughts/reactions could have been shared with users (context and the amount of messages do also come into play, but generally speaking / ) and/or even on the friendlier side where questions get answered at same time (although most times for this specific scenario its usually whoever answered with most/necessary detail first and they can end up getting deleted by whoever was second or whatever the situation may have.) or members just saying hi (ex:

    not to mention, mcc isn’t the biggest server and has a good ‘mount of players, but also #general isn’t that active compared to other minecraft servers. (very) generally speaking, it tends to attract the same people that chat there and such, from what i’ve seen at least. times when there are new faces/people who oftenly don’t chat in mcc’s discord it’s most times been about an issue they have with the server or someone who’s trying to sell things or trying to be new and friendly, there is other reasons as reasons can vary but these were just some the ones off the top of my head. but overall mcc’s #general more recently has seem to become more of a ‘community’ of same members where other members may pop in and out, but still the members who are active there know other members and staff and etc. and by active, i don’t mean heavy chats where it’s a new message every second or even every minute, the channel isn’t that active and (for the most part) just radiates the same people or friends of those people (and already mentioned others who come in and out nsuch).
    while there are some channels where they barely get messages sent, like arenapvp uhc offtopic, general is at least active enough so if there was a super large ‘chain’ it likely wouldn’t be seen by new members or staff (obvjosuly exception if there is one actively in chat). since it gets “covered” it wouldn’t leave such bad impressions on the server since it’s not like it’s something that can be easily searched since most times the ‘chains’ are common words/phrases and for the ones that aren’t (1) who would search those- it’s unlikely uncommon phrases like ‘a :flushed2:’ would get searched and (2) if it was searched (by member) it would only show up once or few times (if it’s a commonly said uncommon phrase :flushed:) and (3) honestly if someone is searching random tbjbgs like that in a minecraft discord servee theyre weird or trying to dig something up on someone whiCh iS sus. but anyways.
    generallh speaking, when chains happen in #general majotiyy of the time they werent anything harmful or something that could make the server look bad and arenr that easily traceable unless youre looking up wejrd things or have other things in mind, like who said it and when it was said etc.

    since the #general channel has mostly the same people talking there somewhat actively, group spam wouldn’t seem to bother anyone. these members like to do “chains” [ like such: / side note: not all users shown in ss’s purposely did not mean to participate in chain it was the members who followed after ]. while to staff it may be seen as something annoying and uncalled for, but it’s still doable to do said chains without getting muted (confirmed by staff / proof: / the question was referring to soemthing that had happened in another channel and that was already shown, but here it is again; due to the statement “it’s not really spamming if not all done at once” things like chains in dead channels such like #arenapvp and #uhc can be done [ like such: ] niether chain in #uhc or #arenapvp examples had a comment on how the chain was annoying or if it bothered someone.

    now while group spam is a little silly to have as a discord rule on surface level, it likely wasn’t added without reason. some reasons (complete assumption) could’ve been that it was being done a lot without a staff to moderate/punish over (here’s an example of me and a user *who i’ll cover for sake of their privacy* talking about a time when users were group spamming before it was a rule, another reason could’ve been similar to the first one but the fact that it was happening in general and notbing was being done about it (theres a forums post that was made by an ex staff that has somewhat of a similar feel this post isn’t very similar when it comes to the topics but some of the reponsonses on how things aren’t punishable even though there isn’t full control on either side).
    something mentioned by a staff member about a week ago had mentioned how since this rule is already added removing it may not happen at all or for a while (like the advertising in status rule) *(*.

    while, yes, chains/group spamming was done a good chunk of the time before it became a rule, it also seems to happen a hint under or just as much as it did now even with a rule. especially since there is no real punishment unless if you ignore staff’s warnings/instructions. even then, users just wait til that staff goes offline or isn’t in #general anymore and continue a later in the day and there’s no actual enforcement on the warnings. i think similar could be said about the second point/assumption; users still do it despite there being a rule and while there are verbal warnings being said to slow it down/stop it for a little bit, it still doesn’t fully stop the chains from going on which kinda makes the rule in a way unneeded since a user can wait 2 days after the warning is given (if you wanna play it safe) or even 30 minutes (if you wanna be daring) and do it again and rarely mutes are given out (exceptions like if it’s a commonly spammed phrase or commonly known group spammer).

    if removing the rule is not reasonable for mcc, i think some fair alternatives would be to (1) be more laid back on the group spam rules for discord. for example, rather than giving a warning right when 3 or 4 users have created a “chain” or group spammed similar/same message a staff doESn’t immediately give the verbal warning and if it gets excessive (based off how many users participate- maybe about 7-8 and activity of chat- how often are messages being sent, if it’s like the arenapvp or uhc example where they’re minutes, hours, and days apart then a warning wouldn’t seem useful [necessary and useful are different words now ^_^] and also the message that’s being sent- if it’s something like le fishe [where it’s harmless and said for shits&giggles] one wouldn’t seem useful since it wouldn’t stop anyone and it doesn’t stop anyone now, maybe something more like #ResetSubserver might seem more useful since some people can’t get the hint about some things). another way they could get more laid back is just to not look at it by the rules so much and base every punishment ‘by the book’ while this is unlikely to happen i just wanted to put it out there. another way the rule could be altered is to (2) be more clear on the rules especially with the warnings. while ingame warnings last 2 days, there’s some staff who base discord warnings just if one saw it or not, and some who are super lenient and only give 728627 chances. while this isn’t really an alteration to the rule, i think it can definitely make this rule less of a problematic rule where staff mute and they only explain giving the rules while the rules are left so vague so it doesn’t fully make sense to every user.

    all in all, i personally would like to see this rule removed from the discord rules.
    thanks for reading would like to hear some of the community’s thoughts as well and have a great day ٩( ᐛ )و
    OriAlfi, Daniel, 01i and 5 others like this.
  2. Lunatix

    Jul 25, 2019
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  3. Lunatix

    Jul 25, 2019
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    im gay and i dont want to be
  4. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Love this post and I totally agree. The group spam rule is pretty pointless as most people who will break it are likely to be breaking another rule as well (disrespect, explicit convo, advertising), and so it really doesn't make sense to punish people who are just doing it for the laughs, as you said. Major +1 and hope this is removed very soon.
    Ahnxious and puposaurus like this.
  5. rep


    Jul 30, 2020
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    I mean let’s be honest, with each rule MCC are adding it’s only annoying the active users of the discord server. They only have a handful, myself included. And adding a group spam rule which I mean if you spent a day on the discord server it’s one of the “hobbies” that the active users like to do and referring to your point that it appears to be the same group of people and that same group of people are okay with it, don’t necessarily see the need for it.

    they added a filter recently which in short words is complete *** because you couldn’t even see the four letter f word and now you can’t even say the ***** word by itself. I mean honestly, MCC, keep adding rules and then see what users you have left in a few months.
    puposaurus likes this.
  6. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Hey there @mango#9625 aka puposaurus, I don't exactly remember when the group spam rule was added, but, I do know that most staff almost never punish for it, but most of the times, if there is a case where a group of ppl group spam, then that is a time where we could mute, I don't entirely know of a situation like this but let's say 3-4 ACC's join and they all paste 1 msg saying "Omg I'm so stupid please kill me" or something weird that isn't disrespect, chatflood, or spam, but the only thing we really could punish for is group spam, that is when we use it. BUT, here is my opinion on it. I believe that the rule should be removed since we kinda never get any cases of Group spam or anything, we always see the people who group spam getting banned for Advertising or muted for chatflood and or slurs or disrespect ETC. So in my opinion, I do agree with you, but the rule is most likely going to stay put because it helps us find a way to stop random people from coming in and starting trouble before they actually start spamming/chatflooding and disrespecting so personally I don't see this getting removed anytime soon, no matter how much I would like to see it removed. (This is my personal opinion + some insight from me being on the staff team and partially what I as staff think!)
    Xermes and puposaurus like this.
  7. Fracis

    Sep 21, 2019
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    puposaurus likes this.
  8. derrec

    Aug 1, 2019
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    no one's gonna waste their time reading this.
    puposaurus likes this.
  9. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Totally agree, not biased I just want to spam le fishe on general.
    puposaurus likes this.

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