
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ItzYaser, Aug 24, 2020.

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  1. ItzYaser

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Hey Guys!
    Today I am going to talk about a staff member called KierenBoal, whom I believe is a biased, rude and ignorant person I have been banned for scamming 3 times which resulted to a 21 day ban for the third. KierenBoal blatantly decided to perm ban me for disrupting the server when that is not in the rules, the rules state that the 5th scam ban is going to be permanent. Anyway. KierenBoal shows no respect when taking to you and lacks professionalism. He is of a lower class character whom clearly is unqualified therefore shouldn’t be moderating such a server. To conclude I am just warning players about this item known as Kieren, and I am not looking for people to tell me to report him at a certain link or anything of that kind. Stay safe! And beware this creature, whom bans whenever he feels the urge
  2. ItzYaser

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Here is a list of things he has done to me: Calls me names, even tho i repeatedly tell him to stop (which he should have never said in the first place), talks about how I am raised (unacceptable), He repeatedly calls me a fool, clown and mocks me in many ways, which as a staff member should not do no matter what
  3. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Hey there.

    If you feel a Staff Member has abused their powers, you can report them at Making a thread in General Discussion is not the correct thing to do. I'll be locking this thread as I see no valid purpose of it staying open.

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  4. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Good job on not explaining the entire scenario, but don’t worry, I’ll enlighten you if you forgot

    First, you created fake screenshots of staff in order to trick people into giving you items aka scamming them.
    Second, you repeatedly used alt accounts to scam people and then proceed to lie for weeks. Your permanent ban was a holding ban until all evidence was resolved. You were given multiple chances to come clean of your actions; yet you continued arguing and sticking to a poor excuse.

    Even after Kieren showed you evidence, you still proceeded to spam staff members and not admit to your wrongdoings. Only after you wasted weeks of Admins time of having to go through logs and putting all the pieces together you gave in and admitted

    You deserve the perm ban for causing so much disruption

    Don’t blame others for mistakes you made. Kieren is a good staff member and was doing his job

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