/report is useless

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by willysnacker, Aug 16, 2020.

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  1. willysnacker

    Apr 22, 2020
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    when you /report you have to go to the website they should make so you can /report _____ hacks and it sends mods and admins a notification pls do it would make hackers easy to report
    tjester300 likes this.
  2. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    This would be a useful idea at times, but also, there are a lot of people that falsely hackusate a lot of people. If this was a thing, people are accusing innocent players of hacking can ping the staff, and staff would have to spend their time, to go check it out, when its only a skilled player. I just think it would be a waste of time, and if I were staff I wouldn't want to be pinged and waste my time for someone who isn't even hacking. Also, forum reports aren't complicated to do. If you find someone hacking, just record them.

    That's just my opinion on it. -1
  3. TimTam

    Jul 22, 2020
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    The problem with that is, there's no real way (At the Moment) for staff to teleport to players throughout the whole server. (Only on sub-servers)

    In mini-games the staff aren't able to teleport and spectate the hackers unless they get into a game with them and die to spectate like every other player (Which is difficult as some hackers leave when they see staff members). So having the /report command wouldn't help any more than just going into the Discord (Click) #support channel and telling staff someone is hacking.
    If ever a realistic way for staff to teleport to any player on the Minecraft Central Network including being able to spectate ongoing mini-games became available then yes having a command to /report hackers would be really good, But only if staff are actually able to get to where the reported player is playing, even if it's in an ongoing mini-game.

  4. tjester300

    Nov 12, 2019
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    hi there,
    Some servers that i've played on have a future called /helpop. Basically what this does is send a message to all high enough staff to ban hackers that a person is in the need of help (what kind of help is said by the player doing help). This makes it way easier for staff to quickly tp to people when they need to. This command would be useful for factions especially but also a lot for minigames and other subservers.
  5. 27JAS

    Jan 20, 2020
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    What you are describing is, as TimTam said, no different than just visiting the discord #Support channel and telling the staff that there is a hacker. While in general it would be a good idea to have a /report <player> <reason>, there would be some people who falsely accuse people of hacking. That takes time out of the staffs day, and it would be a lot easier to just report the player on the forums with evidence.

  6. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey willysnacker,

    I believe everyone in this thread has made valid points as to why this won't happen; to summarise:
    -People would excessively report due to it being so easy to report
    -People already abuse /chatreport, they would abuse /report
    -Staff can't currently TP into minigames, making it just as difficult to track down hackers
    -You can already tag staff on the MCC Community Discord to get hackers looked at

    Thread locked.
    tjester300 likes this.
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