Should Staff Be Punished For This?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by abbs, Aug 9, 2020.


Is this REALLY something that staff members should be punished for?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Guys! So i'm going to explain a situation that happened to me while i was in game and my thoughts on how it was dealt with and would love to hear your thoughts on the Situation! (To avoid Bias i will not be including the names of those involved other than myself)

    Okay So i had chat reported a player who in my opinion had been being rather toxic and a staff member accidentally posted the link to this report
    (which included who reported them, which was obviously me) in to chat whilst trying to run a previously used command. This had clearly been a mistake on their behalf but as a result the staff member was reported by someone who witnessed the incident.

    So My question is:
    • Is it fair to punish staff For something that had clearly been a mistake, especially considering how easy it is to make such a simple mistake?
    Well My Opinion is as follows:
    This had clearly been a mistake on the staff members behalf and really should only be punished with a warning, anything more than this would be excessive and un-necessary as they meant no ill intent.

    Another thing to consider is how it affects the player who made the report. In this case it was me and i really disagree with them being punished for an honest mistake like this. I think it should be up to the player who made the chat report to decide whether its reported and or punished.

    In short i don't believe this is something that should be punished with out proof of actually ill intent and evidence to support it was anything but an accident.While it can be quite troublesome having your chat report posted like this it really isn't something worth punishing.

    So! that was my opinion on this situation, If you have any thoughts please feel free to comment them!
    OliveIsSoCool and mxbel like this.
  2. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    While this hasn't happened to me personally and therefore I can not speak from my own experience, I would not give any grief to anyone by reporting them as it was obviously an accident. And a mentor/admin would take that into account when dealing with a situation like this.

    Clearly it wasn't intentional however is still an error on the staff member in question and while I hope they don't receive any backlash from mentors/admins, I still hope that they have one talk to them about what happened and the possible chaos that could ensue if it was anything more important than a simple chatreport link. This would help reinforce the idea to watch what their about to post in chat better and in turn, reduce the chance of it happening again.

    Just my opinion on the topic:)
    #2 Elecctricc, Aug 9, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2020
    abbs likes this.
  3. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there!
    By the current system, if a normal user does an accident (example: lags out and instead of putting 1 message in chat, puts 5) it would be punishable even if it was a mistake.
    If you were to ask me, I wouldn't punish for an obvious mistake. However, others might disagree just because of what I stated above happens.
    The chat is still your responsibility, mistake or not.
    I hope you have a great day!
    Zonafer and abbs like this.
  4. Tcay

    Jul 23, 2019
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    who snitched ?
    OliveIsSoCool and abbs like this.
  5. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Like i said, not saying names to avoid people being bias in there opinions.
  6. 27JAS

    Jan 20, 2020
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    Hi there!
    Like pistolpet said above, even if what you say was an accident, what you say in chat is what you say in chat. that wont change. so the only thing this staff member - or any other player who makes this kind of mistake - can do is to be more carefull.

    With that said, I do think that if it is obvious that this was a mistake, the punishement should be a warning, at the most. Ive been muted for accidents so in the case that this staff member is still muted or punished, the best thing they can do is appeal their punishment. Other then that, they cant do much.

    abbs likes this.
  7. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi Jas, My issue with this is that the severity of being muted and getting a infrac (This is what i was told the punishment is) are very different. For a normal player they can receive 40 mutes/warnings before they are punished more severely (Perm mute) where as, from what i know, a staff member can get a max of 3 infracs before they are punished more severely (demoted). When you compare these scenarios they are completely different and as such do not seem fit to be compared with one another.

    This would be like giving someone 13 mutes for making one small mistake in chat, which is why it bothers me. While i understand the staff are held to a higher standard this is something that really should not be punished as if it where the same as a mute as it is simply to easy to do.

    I understand where you are coming from and why you see things that way but i simply can't justify such harsh punishments for something so minuscule.

  8. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Honestly, I feel like being staff is a big deal. I know everyone makes mistakes, but when you are helping a large number of people there should be no room for mistakes. If the person who accidentally leaked out the report link is new to their staff position (Higher then helper) I feel like they should remain at their old position for a while longer. And if this does happen I hope that this staff gets a little bit more training from higher staff positions.

    (I'm going to be really honest I met a few helpers and I feel like they should not receive a promotion anytime soon. These helpers need a lot more training before becoming anything higher then helper. Not only should they receive training about how to mute people and when to mute but also how they respond to such problems verbally. )

    Truly sorry if any hateful comments were directed towards you.
    Mackenzie Fiona and abbs like this.
  9. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there, I'm going to give some context to this incident,The Staff member was on kit pvp attempting to run the fix all command (I'm assuming mid fight) which you can tell is probably quite stressful. As this was the case the staff members actions are understandable and in my opinion it just seems wrong to punish them for this. Staff have a hard time as is playing the sub-servers. It'd be even harder if they are forced to type out every single command over and over (as apposed to just pressing the up arrow key) I think this is a disadvantage and at the least should be looked into.

    I see where you are coming from and i do agree that the helpers should be trained more thoroughly but this is something i don't think can be helped through training as anyone
    (Even staff members like Timppali and the other admins) can make this kind of mistake and as such should be handled with this in mind. I hope you can see where i'm coming from when i say this, While i understand your point of view but i simply can't agree with it.

    Ahnxious likes this.
  10. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there,
    Staff members make mistakes a lot of times. We’re not perfect but we have to be on our A-game everyday. If someone was to report that staff member, then it’s up to the Administration and Mentor Team. Most times, though, if a staff member accidentally does something, it’s their responsibility to gather evidence of what they did and show their mentor. It’s a safe precaution and it’s also just a good rule of thumb. I’m not too sure if this really answered your question. If you have more, feel free to dm me. Or really, I suggest dm-ing a mentor from the mentor team!
    Take care.
    Ahnxious and abbs like this.
  11. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This situation sounds like something that happened to me as well!
  12. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hahaha Yep, Guess its pretty common then :sweatsmile:
  13. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Which isn't a good thing especially if its the same person.
  14. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Sorry if you didn't understand, I was being sarcastic when i said it was a different person :/
  15. Heptasia

    Aug 11, 2020
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    Well, no one is perfect so I don't really think that this should be something punishable unless it's done more than once. Then, that person is clearly being careless and should get something more than a warning. As long as there is no reason to believe that it was done intentionally, then it should get a simple warning. I pretty much agree with your opinion.
    abbs and Ahnxious like this.
  16. Crosaint

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Well all i am saying is that we as humans will make mistakes and we should not be punished for it when it's clearly an accident and just because their staff doesn't mean they don't make mistakes
    Everyone is entitled their own opinion feel free to share it :)
    abbs likes this.

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