Hi! I was wondering if people have a lot of free time, or if they simply play mcc when they are now busy. basically: How does people balance playing mccentral and real life?
Hey, I find my life pretty balanced. I am in my last year of school and I go to the gym, spend my time with close indiviudals and play sport quite often. Most importantly, I always manage to find time to play and help out the server!
Hey _Cryogenics are you having a good day so far? I usually play MCC when I have finished tasks that have a priority such as: My jobs, School but also things you 'just need to do'. When I finished that it is just how my mood is. Do I want to play some MCC or do I rather hang out with friends? Since I have no friends this choice is quite easiliy made everytime. I love playing MCC for a couple hours just right before I go to bed! Enjoy your day! :D
Interesting question haha Never really thought about it but I guess there is a good analogy that I once heard. If you put the important things in life first, then all the other minor things such as gaming fall in around them. Think of the important things like large rocks and minor things as grains of sand, if you put the rocks first then pour the sand over the top it all falls around the rocks and fits in perfectly! Have a good one!