The r slur should be punishable

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by DressCodes, Jul 16, 2020.

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  1. DressCodes

    Jan 7, 2020
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    A lot of players are always suprised when discovering that the r slur isn't mutable for slurs or disrespect. The r word should be punishable under at least disrespect. If they make the f slur punishable so should the r slur. The r word is a term that is negative towards people with disabilities. It can be hurtful whether it is directed towards a person with a disability or when used as a synonym for “dumb” or “stupid”. When used in this way it is equal to saying people with disabilities are stupid.

    I really hope MCC makes using the r slur punishable, as I see tons of people say it and don't get muted for disrespect. I know I and other players agree it is rude and disrespectful
    MAXILES, iGabby_, SplatBerry and 4 others like this.
  2. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can see where you're going with this idea and I do think MCC should promote using friendly language, especially on places like Creative where there are many younger players. However, I'm not sure if instantly muting players for saying "retard" would help reach that goal, as it would definitely irritate a lot of the community.

    If I may, I think a better solution would be to make "retard" a semi-blacklisted word. What I mean by this is when the word is detected in a message, your message is bounced and you're asked to be polite and considerate. If they attempt to send the same message or the same word again, then they can do so. I think this will make players think twice, reduce the number of mutes (if this is implemented) and generally be a much more lenient approach than instantly muting for disrespect. This can also be applied to other words, if necessary.

    I like your idea, but I think some things have to be considered before it is added to MCC. +/-
    #2 Zonafer, Jul 16, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
    iGabby_ and puposaurus like this.
  3. Daniel

    Jul 23, 2019
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    i agree
    calling someone retarde should be muteable
    also telling people to fuck off should be muteable aswell
  4. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there,
    I was just talking (not in the conversation) with you on discord about this, and I can agree with it. I can tell you with 100% no doubt that it can cause a lot of issues to begin with, since I know a lot of the toxicity on factions and kit PvP mainly talk that way, saying "L retard" after killing someone. I think this might not be added however, as at this point in time we do not even deem it as disrespect. I think making it punishable would cause many issues for players, but despite that I can agree with where you're coming from. (I'm so backwards and forwards so it won't make a lot of sense). I agree that saying the r slur is just as offensive to someone of "that category" (if that's how you'd explain it) as saying the f slur to someone of that category also.
    iSloth and guih like this.
  5. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    I think something that the majority of players who use this language on MCC do not understand is that the R-word is overtly ableist and quite offensive & discriminatory to those with any type of mental disability. Using this word disrespectfully categorizes those who have a disability as "dumb" or "stupid" as you mentioned. Here are some screenshots from a post that helped me better understand why using the R-word is completely inappropriate. I wholeheartedly support the proposal of classifying this word as a slur and will forward this suggestion to the Admin team appropriately.
  6. Pageants

    Jan 3, 2020
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    I agree with this idea due to the fact that the r slur has a long and very controversial past. I think that this word is very overused in a negative way, and shouldn't be taken lightly. If this word were blacklisted I think that it could help people, especially the UHC community, be less toxic. <3
    iGabby_ likes this.
  7. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey DressCodes,

    Thanks for the suggestion! Considering your suggested changes surrounding how retard is punished on the server have now been implemented (calling someone a retard or retarded is now punishable with a sev-1 mute for disrespect), I'll be locking the thread to prevent further arguments/useless posts.

    Thread Locked.
    forgranted and mxbel like this.
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