Hey guys, I used to play prison back in 2015/2016! If you have old photos/memories of old prison!! Share them here <3 <3
These are from October 2016/January 2017 and sadly any older screenshots are now lost since I had a different computer back then :(. I have random screenshots dating back to October 2016! Thank you for posting and I look forward to what others have to share! ♡ Spoiler: Images @MasterChheda @Zlain ♡♡♡
HI KITTY, I probably have some old screenshots with you lol ! Although i don't have many on me :(( I wishh I still had the same computer my godd there would be so many I could share. Unfortunately these are the only ones I have saved; Spoiler I miss prison man, I really wish I saved more screenshots but rip, I'm so devo that i cleared my wall on enjin cause thats where they would be ://
Cute little screenie taken in front of my Prison shop on map 1 in 2016. It's so crazy to think about how this was taken with Layla and @Saphiya way back then, now that Sofia and I are both staff again 4 years later. I have so many memories from this map, and remember meeting so many players through having such a popular shop. One of my most cherished memories is creating the first ever Prison gang, Empire, long before the plugin to do so was implemented. And of course, I remember meeting you all those years ago (: So exciting to see some of the OG community returning and being able to rekindle old relationships <3
Here are some from my collection: My Staff Signature wall on Prison 1.0 Prison 2.0 Spawn Secret area under the spawn! Overview of the Prison 2.0 spawn
Looking at everyone elses screenshots, really wish I didn't get rid of my old pc, I would of had screenies of 2014-2019 on them ): Really miss the old days of prison, and all the people who used to play, there aren't that many ogs left anymore. It makes me sad.