Rename Scrolls........

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by William Battle, Jul 14, 2020.

  1. William Battle

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Since we get a ton of rename scrolls via HH's now, we should work towards getting them removed from key rewards. It is a real feel bad to spend $5 on a key and get something that you can easily get in game. I have gotten 7 rename scrolls in about 2 hours on the hh.
    Issel, RagingCloud, Lewklo and 2 others like this.
  2. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with you! To be honest, rename scrolls are kind of useless unless you're looking for a colourful item name which no one necessarily needs. Saying that we definitely don't want to be rewarded them from keys especially as it's very frustrating if you spend money on a key and receive a rename scroll as in my opinion and I'm sure many others would agree when I say it's the worst possible reward earned from creates. I guess there has to be a somewhat chance in not receiving the best of loot every time making keys not so entirely overpowered, but scrolls really aren't worth the money and are a huge disappointment if you get them out of keys. I mean they are a somewhat cool aspect in the game, and maybe if they weren't so obtainable with the harvest hoe people would appreciate them a little more if receiving them out of crates but still I agree they should be removed from crates in general or the chances of obtaining them via keys should be lowered by a lot so they aren't so commonly rewarded. I honestly think it should be made back into the "Rename perk" but that can also be just as disappointing and worthless to some.
    Zonafer likes this.
  3. tayhlor

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Hi William! I agree 100% with you. Having rewards you can easily get from farming with a harvest hoe can make people feel unmotivated to buy keys. People buy keys because there are valuables to receive. Spending 5$ just to get rename scrolls is depressing in my opinion, because on /ah they are at most 5k per 5 uses. Players with harvest hoes earn many rename scrolls from farming. I guarantee you, people will not rename 200+ of their tools/armor because it's just not necessary. Yes, it is cool but this doesn't benefit the players. However, if MCCentral removes rename scrolls from keys I can see people buying keys more often since they don't have a chance of getting anything "useless". Thank you for your time!
  4. William Battle

    Feb 10, 2020
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    While I think that there would be an increase in keys bought, there are "useless" things that are still desirable. I have like a double chest of rename scrolls on my island and they are just going to go to waste. At least they could be combine-able like the sell wands. I mean dang add a hopper reward to the myth keys, Id rather get 3 hoppers than a 25 use rename scroll.
  5. HWS7

    Jul 8, 2020
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    I agree, I for sure have an awful lot of rename scrolls, and when spending money on myth keys, I don't exactly enjoy getting something I pretty much already have.

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