New Updates to Gamemodes

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by calmdownkid, Jul 19, 2020.

  1. calmdownkid

    Oct 29, 2019
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    I feel as if there needs to be some updates to some of the gamemodes on this server. Like survival games and skywars are kind of the same thing over and over. I wish there were new maps and new upgrades you could get on the gamemodes.
  2. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey calmdownkid,

    There have been rumors of an upcoming 'Minigame Revamp' but nothing has been confirmed yet. It could include a ton of new maps for players to explore or new items for people to try out. I think the main focus on the revamp (if there is one) will revolve around Skywars and SG. Those are the minigames which I think need to be updated. Also, I totally understand how minigames can get repetitive after a few games but I'm hoping there is something new and fresh for those who enjoy playing minigames!
    calmdownkid likes this.

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