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Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by Polar, Jul 16, 2020.

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  1. Polar

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Ight let's be honest all this shit needs to happen for next reset or we're all quitting

    1. Clan upgrades need to be cheaper there way to expensive, same with the clan chest upgrades.

    2. Better rewards for kill streaks all you get is like 5$ for 1000 kill streak.

    3. The koth rewards are terrible and the koths themselves are to way easy to win. The cap time should be reset everytime the capper is knocked or else it just defeats the purpose.

    4. Mob madness needs to go like please for the love of god this isn't sky block mob madness is so boring and just trash it needs to be removed.

    5. I think something that would be cool is a /clan war option where you could clan war an opposing clan, and it would make things a lot more fun. Like a Strike vs Beta clan war. You guys should also add a 2v2/3v3 duel option instead of just 1v1s.

    6. The shop prices are actually horrible... to get a full inventory of health potions costs about 500$ where it should cost about 50$ max.

    7. Add more events so there's more active players. Make the koths every 4 hours, have staff be active it's a lot more fun when the staff are online and playing with the community.

    8. Make it so clan top is based on more than just kills. On this server kills means absolutely nothing because the players with the highest level are actually the worst players lmao make clan top based off event wins that's what counts.

    9. I think something that'll bring a lot of players back and make it more active and competitive is if you add a payout. The payout doesn't need to be big, for instance make it the same as the reward for the 3 on f top for factions. Adding payout for /clantop would make it a lot more fun and competitive.

    10. Mute evasion bans are absolutely stupid. I've never heard of a server who bans for mutes, if you don't want people muted on 3 accounts than don't let them evade the first mute and ban, it shouldn't be an ip-ban or perm ban that's terrible.

    Finally, throughout the server and a lot of kit people are false-banned for ip-ban evasion because there linked to someone. You should be able to share an account with another player and not be banned because they are. Many of the OGS are banned for that reason which is why they should find a way to, if possible, do a ban wave and be more reasonable with the way they ban.


    Please respond with your input :) <3
    #1 Polar, Jul 16, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  2. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Okay Kiddo here’s my thoughts

    Point 2. Is a horrible idea that will just give incentive for people to farm even more which is killing the flow of new players into the server (Believe me I’m lvl 209 and understand this aspect more then you)

    Point 3. I agree because koth shouldn’t be so easy and so fast like you go to 90% and get knocked and someone is right under you, it takes basically no skill or them to cap and it can get very frustrating at times.

    Points 4-7 are fine to me

    Point 8 I do believe there should be payouts but there should be separate payouts for kills(Like how invaded lands is right now with their kitpvp payouts) but these payouts will only be in buy craft and also for clantop in event wins (clantop shouldn’t even be based on kills in the first place tbh) and also the payouts should be bigger then statstop payouts.

    the rest of the suggestions are good ESPECIALLY THE PICKUP FILTER. But a suggestion that I would like to see added is just like on skyblock, if you kill a player more then once in a certain amount of time, you don’t get any money from that kill and to also whenever you go into the portal, to spawn in a random position on the map. These 2 additions help it make it less convenient for players to just stand in a spot and farm rookies which in turn just kills the player count. Along with this there should really be a rookie buff as well. Maybe making the weekly kid daily instead? Anyways that’s me thoughts
  3. GoNanners

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Everything you said here can't be more true. The only problem I could think of is more rewards for kill streaks as it would encourage rookie grinding.

    The Staff on this server need to be more active/participate with the community more.

    They need to rework the IP banning system completely, this includes banning for mute evasion and for sharing accounts. I relate the most to this topic as I am currently IP banned.

    But I don't think much of these changes will make much of a difference until an anti-cheat system is added to the game.

    Idekbruv and PainfulStrafes_ like this.
  4. Jcson

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like most of your ideas :)
    Idekbruv likes this.
  5. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree above all else there needs to be a better anticheat
  6. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    You said that you want more events. It would be great if you could tell some actual ideas of what those events should be. It's easy to say "more events" but if the current events aren't something that you enjoy, you should tell what events you actually would enjoy.

    The economy changes sound good, although the actual specific prices need to probably be something else than what you said ($50 for an inventory of potions), as the economy needs to be designed properly and not just with estimates.

    I'm against payouts as I don't see them as necessary, and I think that there would be a lot more unhealthy competition such as using hacks, account grinding and other issues.

    A pickup filter is definitely something that could be added! :)
    Issel likes this.
  7. Theoretically

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I agree with everything apart from the clan war thing. I feel like it would just cause more disruptions and just would not work. I also strongly agree with the more events. They don't have to be different events, they can just be more often, for example, right now there is an event every 4 hours which totals to 6 events, I feel that there should be an event every 3 hours adding 2 more events throughout the day which will most likely drag more players to play more oftenly. For now that is all I have but that is my input on this topic :)
  8. Informing

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Alll the ideas you stated are great and hopefully should be implemented
  9. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello Polar!
    I agree with most your ideas. The clan chest and upgrade is way to expensive. With KOTH and other events, every 4 hours we would have more active players. I think the clan war thing would not work as it will cause way to much problems with the players and would hate the toxicity. I 100% agree that the /shop is absolutely terrible in prices. Other than getting the 25% market discount, it's still way too expensive for health potions. I still think it should be reduced to at least $2-$3. I have never really gone for a killstreak but I would be encouraged to if the values of each killstreak rise, I would definitely give it a try.

    My opinion on the payouts is that it's unnecessary. KitPvP is full of hackers and account grinders, it would destroy the whole purpose of payouts. I would want to see a new event like LMS. I enjoyed that on factions and prisons and would like to see that implemented! I also agree with the fact that clan top is based on kills. It ruins the purpose of events. They are basically only for stats but it is also a team effort. Thanks and have a great day/night! -Jay
  10. SeriousCircles / muk2006

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I think there needs to be more fortnite in kitpvp, for example you would be able to build walls and edit them. would really change up the gameplay and make kitpvp really unique from other servers.
    Idekbruv likes this.
  11. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    1. I personally think clan upgrades are very well priced. They aren't so expensive that they are impossible, yet the prices are high enough that you will likely need to get money from other members of your clan.

    3. I'd be interested in seeing what you would recommend for better rewards for koth that wouldn't make kitpvp even more unbalanced than it currently is.

    4. I'd love to see new events added, though I don't think they should get rid of mm to do so. I personally enjoy because its a change of pace compared to regular kitpvp and koth.

    5. Considering there is an ally optionn, I agree that there should also be an enemy option of some sort.

    6. Not only prices of hps, but prices for p4 as well. The fact that you can buy p4 pieces for 10-30 dollars in game from /ah but have to pay hundreds in shop. . . I think all the prices should be revised to make kitpvp more rookie friendly.

    8. Clan top should be merged with event top in my opinion. As you said, the only thing that clan top proves is that a clan kills a lot of rookies. That being said, aside from events, what else could be used to determine top guilds?

    9. I'd love to see all of the subservers develop a payout system! That being said, I feel like kitpvp would need to be moderated more in order for that to actually be a possibility. Factions are constantly being checked by staff. In order for kitpvp to have a payout system, I imagine the top clans would often be ss'd

    10. I absolutely disagree with this. Theres absolutely no reason players should be muted on multiple accounts at any given time. Typically, when you get muted on one account, you would wait out the mute. MCC is being lenient by allowing people to continue to talk on alt accounts. If you manage to get muted on several accounts its obvious that you have no intentions of following the rules. Simple as that.

    I've never understood the need to share accounts. I know several people who have had issues with bans/ip bans due to having family on the server as well. Most of the players banned for account sharing have no reason to share accounts as far as I can tell. Maybe someone can tell me otherwise but. . .?

    I'd personally love to see something added that makes it so that you can't kill the same person several times in a row. By that I mean, there is either a cooldown between killing player A and killing player A a second time OR make it so that you can only kill them so many times in a row before you have to kill another player. Could help with the account grinding issue in mm, and your typically account grinding for kills.

    I'd love to see more events added, or generally something that could draw more attention to kitpvp. As is, its fairly dead at any given time.

    I also believe there should be free fix all signs in pvp for rookies. I realize that this is something that most people have paid for. That being said, within every map have 2-3 fix all signs. Maybe have them partially hidden, but it would even out pvp a bit.
  12. CosmicGayta

    Oct 28, 2019
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    add dis pls mane i leik the opinons
  13. IgnKMFU

    Jul 15, 2020
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    I aggree with the Paypal payout
  14. Polar

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Well people would like to be able to share accounts with friends and for some people no one on the server will fight them because of who they are. For example Curtman, no one will 1v1 him unless its anyone from our own clan, or a couple beta members rarely, so using alts is the only way to have fun. Mob Madness is a shitty sky block event, doesn't involve any pvp what so ever, and most people cheat to win anyways... needs to be removed.
  15. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Mob madness doesn't even exist on skyblock as far as I'm aware. Theres no issue with using alts, but why not use your own alt as opposed to someone elses alt?
  16. Polar

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Mob madness simply isn't a kitpvp related event, and point is u shouldn't be ip-banned simply because you used someone else's accounts and most the staff team feels the same way.
  17. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    1. yes
    2. Are u ok? No im #1 2 seasons in a row and i woule have hundreds of sets of p5 if ks rewards were buffed.
    3. I agree with the cap resetting, but besides changing the axe for an s6 the rewards are, if anything, too good.
    4. Mob is good for people without good clans.
    5. Clan war would add toxicity, no 100% do not add this
    6. Yes
    7. Yes
    8. Yes
    9. If the admins make u shut up on 2 account and u go on a third because u can stop running ur mouth than u need to be banned. Bye shitter
    10. Yes pickup filter was suggested by rigbot and he has the code for it.
    Ip ban evasian needs to be based in what IP the account was usually used from. If somebody has 2 accounts banned, but 1 was only use say, 2 times on there IP, thsn it shouldnt be bannable
  18. Polar

    Feb 16, 2020
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    The whole point of kit is to kill people and if there is no rewards for killing people there is no point. They should implement a kill streak reward crate which should give money from like 50$-500$ and other items like god apples. Kitpvp is already toxic and adding clan wars would make it a lot more fun and allow clans to pvp against each other like team fights. Mob is a shitty event stop.
  19. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello I am not really a kit person myself, so my opinion on this is not going to be "in my opinion, da da da da" so I will add in some things that I for sure agree with even though I am not a kit player.

    2. Better rewards for kill streaks all you get is like 5$ for 1000 kill streak.
    This would make a lot of sense for sure to add in. A kill streak would be more rewarding, and simply make you more rich from the work you put in.

    3. The koth rewards are terrible and the koths themselves are to way easy to win. The cap time should be reset everytime the capper is knocked or else it just defeats the purpose.
    I agree with this. Knocking a player out should automatically reset the cap time no matter who decides to start capping afterwards. I have witnessed a koth like this one and they go by way too quickly.

    4. Mob madness needs to go like please for the love of god this isn't sky block mob madness is so boring and just trash it needs to be removed.
    Yeah, mod madness isn't really necessary for a pvp based subserver, can agree with that one.

    5. I think something that would be cool is a /clan war option where you could clan war an opposing clan, and it would make things a lot more fun. Like a Strike vs Beta clan war. You guys should also add a 2v2/3v3 duel option instead of just 1v1s.
    This would be pretty cool, however I don't think it would be brought into mostly because everytime a group wants to verse eachother, they just head to arenapvp. However, a wager duel group would also be a cool addition to be added in.

    6. The shop prices are actually horrible... to get a full inventory of health potions costs about 500$ where it should cost about 50$ max.
    Agreed. $500 on kit is a lot of money, just for some health pots.

    7. Add more events so there's more active players. Make the koths every 4 hours, have staff be active it's a lot more fun when the staff are online and playing with the community.
    More events would be nice, but the question would be what event would need to be held for this to occur? I also think koth should be much longer.

    9. I think something that'll bring a lot of players back and make it more active and competitive is if you add a payout. The payout doesn't need to be big, for instance make it the same as the reward for the 3 on f top for factions. Adding payout for /clantop would make it a lot more fun and competitive.
    Hmm unsure on a payout only due to the fact that it's mostly a factions thing due to giant factions competing for thousands of dollars. I don't think kit would get enough revenue to add a payout even though it is the 2nd most competitive coming right after factions would be. I don't know of many servers who have payouts for places besides factions.

    10. Mute evasion bans are absolutely stupid. I've never heard of a server who bans for mutes, if you don't want people muted on 3 accounts than don't let them evade the first mute and ban, it shouldn't be an ip-ban or perm ban that's terrible.
    This is more of a rule idea rather than kitpvp, however mute evasion ipbans mostly occur when it's a spambot raid, ect ect. You practically have to TRY to get ipbanned for mute evasion as it is sooo easily avoidable.

    Also, a filter command would be amazing. Not just for kit, but everywhere to be honest. I will try to remember this!
    MasterChheda likes this.
  20. Hey!

    As an avid KitPvP player and a former Moderator, I think there are some interesting ideas with this thread.

    1) I do agree that there needs to be some sort of change to the clan system. I think that 16000$ ingame dollars for the 10 member upgrade is a little too steep, especially for the smaller clans, as they may not have enough money to purchase keys.

    2) Yea, totally agree with the second one. The kill-streak needs to give better rewards. With the size of the KitPvP server ranging from a AU timezone of 20 members to an NA timezone of 70-80 players, I think it's quite hard to actually get kills this season due to a reduction of players.

    3) Yea, I agree with the third idea. The timer should reset to avoid people freeloading another clan then knocking at 90%, just to steal the cap.

    4) I think that mob madness doesn't need to go, but it doesn't belong in the main arena. Mob should be a seperate event in a seperate warp such as Boss in Survival or LMS in prison.

    5) I think a clan war option is also cool, but hard to implement. How would it possible be implemented properly? im not sure.

    6) Yea, I think the prices needs to change according to the real economy. The prices on the ./shop are often quite fluctuated. An example would be regs (non-enchanted golden appleas), they go for 5$ on the store, but in reality on ./ah they go for around 20-30 a stack. This shows that the economy has not been adjusted properly to the real prices of the items.

    7) I don't think KOTH should be every 4 hours. I think instead, we should have KOTH every 6 hours, but have other events. I think a good event would be something LMS; However, I have heard that those events are exclusive on Prison and Factions. I think would work well with Kit if implemented.

    8) I think I have suggested this idea last reset, but I think that I think that we shoud have clantops as not Kills or events but rather as points. Ill explain how this works. I think it would be good to have it as 1 kill = 1 point ; 1 event win = 50 points. I think that a point based system is better as it will lead to a fair balance between events and kills, whilst having them both contribute to clantop.

    9) I don't personally agree with the payout system and I'll say why. I think that this system will only work if there is a good anticheat, something that MCC currently doesn't have. This will be a problem, eg. if you have a BHopper in your clan on a killing spree and you will be on clantop really fast. I think that the reason payouts work on factions is because there is something that is actually measurable and there are sub-server specific staff that moderate factions to make sure that everyone is following the rules. However, if there is a way it could work, it could revive the server and draw people to play.

    10) I see why mute evasion is neccesary but I do not agree on it being an IP ban or a Perm ban. I think that if someone mute evades, it should be a 14 day IP ban instead and ban the accounts for the duration of the mute. I think it's too much to fully IP ban a mute evading user. Someone evading a mute is not nearly as detrimental as having 2 bans for hacking. When you say that this rule is to prevent people spambots, I don't really understand because spambots get IP banned regardless of how many accounts they have?

    - Yea I think that we also need the filter. playing in a crowded area, it's quite irritating to constantly have to remove things from your inventory. I think that collectively, we need an anticheat. I think it really shows, Kit has been losing many players lately because of the fact that the gamplay has been static for the past 3-4 seasons. I think we need to add more features that are being requested. -

    MCC Ex-Moderator // Beta Member - Recrement
    Idekbruv and JustBeChill like this.
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