Problem with my MC account

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by JeremyMinecraftYouTube, Jul 14, 2020.

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  1. JeremyMinecraftYouTube

    Jul 11, 2020
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    So when I try to use my account, I was banned but I think there is a bug on my account. There's a hack bug on my account and I have no idea how to remove it.
  2. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey JeremyMinecraftYouTube,

    If you believe your punishment you received was false, you can appeal and explain your situation here.

    On the other hand, if you think your account was compromised and/or has a 'bug', you will have to go through Mojang to change your accounts login information.
  3. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I mean if you think it’s a ‘hack bug’, I don’t think there’s a way to fix it... maybe something within your files. So maybe try erasing minecraft first, but beforehand, remember your password or in any case, change it to something you remember. This way, nothing will go wrong if you forget your password and stuff like that.

    After doing so, try reinstalling it and maybe it’ll erase the bug? Idk... but it’s a suggestion and you’re welcome to try it :)
  4. TheHalfHeartHero

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Hey Jeremy,

    There Could be a few things happening here, for starters if you had used any alternate accounts that you got for free off of some websites, you could be IP banned, the reasoning for the IP ban, is someone used the alt before you and was either Hacking, or ban evading. when you would have used this alt it would have tied your IP to the previous players. if this is the case you will be IP banned for 6 months then you can appeal at after the time has passed, even if you weren't the one to cheat on these accounts you are still responsible for the punishment.

    if you believe there is a "Bug" on your computer preventing you from joining Minecraft servers do some troubleshooting. Test and see if you can join any other servers and if you can then try to delete Minecraft Central off your server list, then re renter the IP ( or ) if you try entering both of these through the "direct connect" option, and you still are unable to join the server, I would suggest you delete the instance of minecraft. to do this type in %appdata% in your windows search bar (this only applies on windows to my knowledge) and delete your .minecraft folder. afterwards you could re-download the minecraft launcher off of

    In conclusion, if you know for a fact that you have been banned, and you get an error message telling you this when you try to join, there is nothing you can do, but appeal and hope to be unbanned; Hopefully this Helped you out and answered all your questions.

    Best of luck and have a fantastic day,
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