Prison Guide for Starters

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Darenn, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Folks!
    Some of you may know me and some of you may not but I have been a Prison player for a few years now. I know a few tips and tricks to help you get started on your Prison journey! As a new player, it is sometimes hard to get started but after a few days of repeating a few steps, you'll find your way just fine!
    To start, you should use the command /kit pickaxe and you'll be given a Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 10 & Unbreaking 10). This is a command that you can use once every fifteen minutes. When you join the server as a fresh player, you'll most likely start off at Mine A. Therefore, you can do the command /warp A and you'll be teleported to the first mine of many!

    Starting off. Prison is about making money and mining most of the time. When you start off, you start at Mine A and when you're teleported to that mine, you'll see blocks in a sort of "pit". Those are 2 types of blocks, Stone and Coal Ore. With your pickaxe, you can start mining both of these blocks and when you feel like you have enough in your inventory, you can type /warp a once again and you'll be teleported back to the top. At the top, you'll see Sell Signs. Sell Signs are a way of making money without you even have to do anything! It's very simple. Use Left Click to sell all of your Coal Ore and Left Click once again to sell all of your Stone. The prices of both Stone and Coal increase in amounts of .10$ until you rankup to a certain mine that does not contain anymore Coal or Stone. When you have enough money to rankup, you'll see a message pop up in green above your hotbar. It'll tell you that you have the required amount of money to rank up to the next mine. The next mine is Mine B. Mine B has a little number of increased Coal and less Stone. Coal gives you more money than Stone as you can see on the Sell Signs.

    As you progress through mines, you'll see different ores start to appear. You'll see less stone and more valuable ores!

    Now, if you make it to rank "D" and teleport to the mine, you'll see Iron Ore. Iron Ore at rank "D" gives you 1.70$ per Ore. That's 108.8$ per stacks of 64. As i've said, the prices increase of .10$ from mine to mine. With that being said, I hope that the Mining System is pretty clear in your mind.

    Plots. Let's move on to Plots. Plots are at piece of land given to you by using the command /plot auto or /p a for short. You should be teleported to a 33x33 square of grass. On this, you can build whatever your heart desires but stay appropriate with your builds. When you have money, you can use the command /shop to purchase building blocks, mob drops, minerals and much more! It's an easier way to get materials. You can get more plots by purchasing ranks.

    Ranks. Now that i've said it, let's talk about ranks. Ranks are an in game, permenant "tag" that you can buy with real life money to get in game accesibilities. Let's be fair, ranks are not just a tag. They are much more! You get so much more power ups from purchasing the one you desire. Remember when you first joined and you spawned somewhere? Well that place is called the Main Prison Spawn and you can access it by using the command /spawn. At spawn, you'll see a wall full of signs that tell you power ups that you get from purchasing a rank. For example, by purchasing "Gold Rank" you unlock a 2nd plot and get access to two new commands.By purchasing "Lapis Rank", you obtain the ability to see other player's inventories by using the command /invsee (player name)! By purchasing "Emerald Rank", you unlock the access to use /fly! You can fly anywhere you want apart from being in PvP.

    PVP. PvP is short for Player vs Player. It's accessed by using the command /warp pvp and in that warp, you can fight for days! You can fight who ever you'd like but be carefull. Some players are pretty powerful if I do say so myself. So... watch your back.

    Voting. Let's talk about voting. Voting is a way of recommending other players to join the server that you vote on. To vote for Minecraft Central, use the command in game /vote and a link will be provided to you in chat. When the link is open, you'll be given 4 links to vote for Minecraft Central. After following the steps to vote, you'll be rewarded with a Prison Token, xp and a bit of cash. You can vote everyday and earn amazing rewards! Now, for voting, you also get a voting key. Voting keys can be opened at /spawn and you'll spot a chest right infront of you that says "Treasure Chest".

    Prison Tokens. Prison tokens are obtained from mining and/or from voting. When mining, Prison Tokens randomly pop up in your inventory. With Prison Tokens, you can either purchase spawners in /shop or purchase Custom Enchants at /warp CustomEnchants.

    Auction House. Auction house or /ah for short is a place where you can sell your items for the price you want. Though, players might not like the price that you've listed and may not buy your item. If someone does buy your listed item, a message will pop up in chat telling you who bought your item and how much you've made. To sell an item, use /ah sell (price) Though, make sure you're holding the item in your hand.

    Scams. Scams are a common thing in Prison. Here's a quick walkthrough on what a scam is. A scam is something that you pay for (sometimes) but you don't quick recieve what you were told. Or if someone tells you "Press this button for 100k", most likely there's going to be a sign that you are unable to see and that will make you lose all your money! Be careful!

    Now, with all of this being said, if you still aren't too sure of all of this, type /warp and you'll see all the different places you can teleport to!

    As you progress in the Prison Subserver, you'll get more powerful and you won't have to mine anymore. You'll be able to purchase Spawners which spawn Animals and/or Mobs and when they are eliminated, you get their drops which you can sell in /shop and make tons of money!

    Well folks, I sure do hope this post helped at least a few of you guys!

    Any questions? Leave them down below and i'll be glad to answer you as soon as I can!

    Have an amazing day or night!


    #1 Darenn, Jul 22, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    puposaurus, BrysonOA and Incarnati0n_ like this.
  2. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hey there Xotticc,
    I have been playing prison for almost 1 and a half year now and I totally agree with this guide I know alot of things and what there is what there isn't, the scamming , the money making and this includes everything this is really good and any new prison players then look at this guide
    Thanks for posting this guide to help new players
    --==FireyGast Immortal==--
    BrysonOA likes this.
  3. BrysonOA

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Xotticc,

    This is a great start to a guide. I used to play prison frequently, but I have recently been playing more minigames. This guide makes me want to play again, haha. I would love to see a more in depth guide in the future!
  4. bypaths

    bypaths Guest


    This guide is amazing although there is something very similar to it with more detail in Muel's guide. One thing I would suggest is to add more detail to it. Thanks for the guide though!
    BrysonOA likes this.
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is such an amazing thread. I’m sure it will help many players who are new to the prison community. Thank you for making it! My suggestion is to make a list with the rankup and prestige prices. Have a wonderful day
  6. Gimper

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey mate,

    Really nice thread and really beneficial for people just starting up and wanting to have some sort of understanding on what prison is and its features. I think it highlights the majority of basics and think its easy to understand. As mentioned i would agree, for sure add a topic on rankups and stuff as this is a big part of prison as well. In general, i just think that if your starting up, new to minecraft or prison, this is such a good forum post to refer to and get a general understanding / concept of what prison is and what the main objective are, along with its cool features.

    Great thread, good into depth descriptions Good Job :)


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