Locking items

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by AmnemonicBemused, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. AmnemonicBemused

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I have an idea for a new perm to be added a ancient/vote/myth chest. A perm that locks items into your hotbar or inventory space of the user's choosing. This makes it movable only within inventory. These items can't be sold or be removed unless user decides to remove the lock feature on it.
  2. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello! I like this idea, although I don't think it should be obtained from a perk paper or a key. If they just made a command for a player to do it, that would be sufficient. Maybe it could be like /lockitem, and the slot that is selected in their hotbar becomes locked into their inventory, and they can't drop it or put it in an item frame, etc. unless they run the command again while holding it. This would be extremely useful for harvest hoes, since people are constantly losing them by dropping them into the void. It would also be helpful for pvp things like swords, if in the case a player presses Q instead of W when they want to go forward while holding their expensive sword. Of course, though, it should still be able to be edited if the player has their inventory open, and can be edited by srmods with /invsee. Overall, though, this could be a nice thing to add to skyblock. +1
    Xermes and Lewklo like this.
  3. AmnemonicBemused

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Perhaps you can obtain it at a certain rank instead then? Although, I think this should be limited to only on the island of skyblock. In pvp, I think whatever you carry would be lost upon death there. Perhaps pvp is the only exception because pvp is a skill based area so if someone messes up, they mess up.
  4. stampyrhodes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like the idea of this definitely because I've had 2 close calls where I dropped my hh just b4 clear lag literally 5 seconds before and almost dropping it in the void but falling onto the next layer instead, I know people who have quit so early this season bc they dropped their hh and sooner or later my luck will run out and I might not get my hh back. So this is definitely something I think should be implemented into skyblock

    -stampyrhodes <3
  5. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree! This suggestion would be so beneficial to the community especially for those who tend to always drop their items by accident as it would ensure it into staying into place. You wouldn't have to worry about dropping any items. As mentioned this ability would be very helpful for those scared of loosing their harvest hoes while farming, and dropping their swords while pvping. I don't exactly agree with that it should be a perk obtainable via crates as I believe everyone should simply have the option to do this or not, although it would be a very useful perk- it would slightly be an unfair advantage if everyone werent too have this as no one should really have to worry about losing their items by accident. Theres so many complaints about loosing items due to clearlag or the void & I've seen many threads with similar ideas too this. I really agree that something like this needs to be added in the future. Really great idea, and I hope too see something like this added! +1
    #5 Lewklo, Jul 11, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
    stampyrhodes likes this.
  6. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Something definitely needs to be added to prevent the loss of harvest how’s due to a misclick, and honestly i really like this idea. People have now spent 50+ hours of straight grinding farms to get their harvest hoe leveled. it’s not fair to lose them just bc of a misclick at an unfortunate time.
  7. DubLMGaming

    Jul 6, 2020
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    This right here is an amazing idea. I personally think that everyone should have this ability for free because of how often this happens. It's an idea that needs to be brought up, it's well worth implementing!
  8. TheHalfHeartHero

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Hey Amne,

    I Personally think that would be a fantastic idea! Recently I lost a level 88 harvest hoe because I accidentally put it in an item frame and it was extremely frustrating. However getting it from a perk paper would make it not worth it for me. If it was from a rank, or a server wide command for everyone to use; then it would be an absolute win of an idea. Keep your Head on a swivel, and maybe next time KierenBoal does a mega thread for Skyblock development you can suggest this. I would love to see this in the near future.

    Keep up the Creativity, and have a fantastic day,
    ~Matt :)
  9. tayhlor

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Hi Amnemonic! I really like this idea. When I'm farming I worry about dropping my harvest hoe and I'm sure other players are too because its a necessity to have. I don't think this should be a perk though, I think all players should have this ability. If this was a perk I don't think people would buy it from /ah. I say that because the chance of dropping your harvest hoe is rare but there is a chance. I'd imagine people would want to keep their money than buy this perk. Having this perk will make players feel more carefree while farming because it's guaranteed they will have their harvest hoe at the end. Have a great rest of your day!
  10. opensideflanker

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Hi I’d just like to add that I think this is a good idea, literally today on skyblock I lost my fishing rod! Not a big deal but something I used for a lot of my money making believe it or not ha ha! I agree this needs to be more obtainable that keys to unlock the perk.

    Possibly a command as previously stated, or even a way to work perks into being accessible from weekly or monthly quests. Instead of giving out a few K I think most people would agree for new players quests can be helpful, but most don’t either know about them or as soon as you get into the game they arnt actually that helpful for late game players other than if you wanted lots of dragon eggs.

    I think perks such as this one which arnt too hame changing but a quest may be an exciting new way to achieve a perk or something creating a new gameplay dynamic etc!

    as for your original suggestion it’s a +1 from me
  11. HWS7

    Jul 8, 2020
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    I Love the concept :D
  12. SamTheNoob69

    Dec 24, 2019
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  13. ChimkenWings

    May 11, 2020
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    +1 from me, probably a diamond rank perk? Diamond rank is underwhelming in perks right now.

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