the downfall of mcc

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by happiey, Jul 10, 2020.

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  1. happiey

    Aug 2, 2019
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    When I had gotten my Minecraft account back in 2014, I was so eager to start playing on whatever I could which brought me to mcc. MCC was my way of getting out of reality and bring in fun filled gameplay with a fun community as well. I would log on everyday with a smile and play into the late hours of the night, but it isn't the same anymore.

    I hate to talk bad about the server I've come to love deeply, but after reading forum post after post with everyone having the same message about this topic, it is pretty obvious that MCC is having a downfall. Now don't get me wrong, I still love the server and will play on it in my free time, but that doesn't mean it is the same for the rest. So many players, who were loyal with their ranks and donations, are quitting due to the:
    - toxicity of the players
    - the awful anti-cheat
    - some of the staff who take their duties for granted
    - the incapability to keep up with other present Minecraft servers

    If MCC still wants be relevant in the upcoming years, I think many will agree a HUGE amount of changes needs to be put into place.

    Let me know what you think! <3
    - Leah *Happiey*
    MAXILES, Etero, ImaBucketBoy and 2 others like this.
  2. Lunatix

    Jul 25, 2019
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    fax, the staff are stupid
    Flarinbeast likes this.
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Good Afternoon!
    As a staff member I can 100% tell you we are aware of the Anti Cheat issue, and we are not doing anything to prevent this change. I can assure you that the Admins and Owners are working hard to make changes to the server for its own good. When players complain to staff about the anti cheat, that doesn't solve the problem faster. We are well aware of the issue, however complaining to a Helper won't get you too far.

    Secondly, the toxicity of players is something we have little to no control over. When players complain about how harsh the chat rules are, and then other players complain about how they are too lenient, there is no conclusion that can be met. Something I would suggest as possibly a punishment for being overly toxic, however subserves like Factions, toxicity is second nature. When people complain about rules being too harsh or not harsh enough, it's difficult to make an agreement, and there's not much that can be done.

    As for what you said about Staff taking their duties for granted, I'd assume you mean staff aren't doing their job? With regards to this, I can tell you from experience that staff are very busy people. From cleaning solo Skywars, to middle manning on prison, we are very busy and often don't have time to help everyone at once. I can understand it's annoying when no staff are online to help, or the staff that are online are busy, but patience is key. It wouldn't be the best thing to do to continually complain to a staff member when you need help as it can turn into too much to handle sometimes when we're also trying to do other things at the same time. We all try out best to respond to all players, and do take time to handle different situations efficiently but it heavily depends on the cooperation of the players. I can tell you, when i'm playing kit pvp sometimes player's can end up spam messaging me for help, it can be very hard to respond to them and become frustrating at times especially when i'm busy assisting other players.

    Finally, with what you said about "the incapability to keep up with other present Minecraft servers", I'm not quite sure what this is in relation to. If you're talking about needing new ideas, I can suggest is you create a suggestion post, which you can do here , or create a community events ticket to bring up interesting new event ideas. The server is always looking for new and exciting additions, and although not all of them are added, they will be considered and possible create a new or similar idea.

    I can see where you're coming from when you say 2014 MCC was the place to be, but I think MCC can get back on track.
    #3 Nikki_, Jul 10, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
  4. ImApregnantteen

    Jul 10, 2020
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    I mean it is there for a reason
  5. Sparky

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Hey happiey!
    I can agree with you, 2014 and 2015 were the days! I started playing in 2015 and loved the servers creative and survival games. Then I stoped playing in about 2017 and came back late 2018 and have been playing murder mayhem ever since! Unfortunately there is nothing the server/staff can do about any of the toxicity, but about keeping up with other servers and the anti cheat, the Admins and Owners are doing all they can to get a better anti cheat which should come out soon and make the server a better place! I don't think MCC is on a downfall we have just yet to rise from version updates and anti-cheat!
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    - Sparky
    Bob50 and Etero like this.
  6. Lieger

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I for one agree with this post, When I started playing on this server I found it so refreshing, new and exciting, I loved the UHC server, I thought it was so fun and cool! But as the time went on, I started to feel bored, not excited and even sad, Just look at these pictures of me before i started to play vs after: BEFORE (Look at me all ready to go!): [​IMG]

    AFTER: [​IMG]

    The afterwards image shows the suffering Ive had to face due to the hands of many cheaters and cross teamers. The way my legs are wrapped around my trusted picaxe depicts the strain of facing the toxic players and the ropes, the ropes show how you are stuck, you want to stop playing but you just cant stop, you can never stop, minecraft central all of the time, every day. And so the cycle never ends, another one of these posts, another cry for help, and when this thread gets locked the screams will be silenced. I hope you take what I said and you think deeply about it....

    Have a wonderful day! :))
  7. Sleekrant

    Aug 28, 2019
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    though i agree with you, I strongly believe that your life long dream is to get #1 on NameMC, therefore you can go fuck yourself.

    -Have a wonderful day! :))
    -Glizzy Goblin :tonguewink:

    (الموت لأمريكا!!!)
    Pxrge, Flarinbeast and uncleNO like this.
  8. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Thread locked to prevent bumping.
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