CTF Bows too OP

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by mystical_dove, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. mystical_dove

    May 12, 2020
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    I'm just putting my input on the Over Powered bows in CTF. With more new people playing the game i feel as if we should make it more fair for newer players who do not have the arrow tank perk etc. Furthermore i feel as if Infinity and Power should be taken from bows, and give each player 32 arrows to start with, making it more difficult to bow spam the whole entire game, or something in regards to the matter. It defeats the sole purpose of "Capture The Flag" when you cannot reach the other teams base due to bow spammers who can 1 shot you, and the game comes to a standstill with fighting to see which team gets the most kills. I'd love to see some sort of change or hear more suggestions on how this can be resolved. Thanks in advance!
    iluvu, YupImDuck and reallylazy like this.
  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Heya mystical_dove!

    This has been discussed a fair matter of times and I am not too fussed on bow spamming but I understand how people might be. Me personally, I think the removal of power 1 would help bows become less overpowered however I have never truly been a fan of the idea of having limited arrows per spawn or per game. In my opinion (opinion means others can think differently remember <3) I think that if a limited amount of arrows was to be added, people would waste it too fast or even if you just don't die for a while then it's not really fair you run out of arrows.

    However, the reason I am not personally fond of removing Power 1 on bows is long-distance shots. For example, if a player has stolen the flag then that player might not be able to be caught back up to so people have to user Power on their bows to have a shot at reaching them. Now that may just be a minor inconvenience to this solution so another idea could perhaps be if you're 0-15 blocks away from the target its no Power, if you're 15+ blocks away then you do get power (these numbers can be adjusted). However, the problem with this is that even maps like Clash Valley were you are cluttered on the bridge shooting back and forth then you would still get power. Furthermore, I am not sure if this is even possible. Anyway, that's my opinion on the matter. I encourage others to share theirs.

    Have a Lovely Day
    All The Best
    mystical_dove, 89p and reallylazy like this.
  3. reallylazy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I very much agree with this, when there is so much bow spam it can be very difficult in maps such as clash valley and land of bones to even leave your teams side of the map or base which defeats the purpose of capture the flag and causes it to turn into a “whoever has the most kills wins” kinda game. If power 1 is done away with then infinity should be also since it would just encourage more shooting with a bow due to less damage being done (if infinity remained). I’m not too big of a fan on a smaller amount of arrows but i think it’s the best option along with removing power 1 and infinity since I definitely don’t want a bow cooldown. Although bows are a huge part of CTF it has become a very over centralized part and I would rather bow spamming on such a large degree not continue. This is just my opinion on the matter and everyone might have their own opinions.
    #3 reallylazy, Jul 4, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
    mystical_dove likes this.
  4. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I reckon the best idea is just to remove power 1 from the bows. I agree that bows are way to over powered, but I think bow spamming and having infinite arrows is kinda apart of the game, as a bow is essential to defend your flag from a distance.
    mystical_dove and iluvu like this.
  5. mystical_dove

    May 12, 2020
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    Hi there! I see your points on the matter and they do make a lot of sense! I agree with everything you stated! It was just an idea that i mentioned and i actually wanted to hear everyone's ideas on this problem! I mean i'd be happy with even just receiving more health and keeping the power! I just want what they have now to change! Make it a somewhat fair game for everyone who plays whether if you're just starting out or you've been playing for years! I understand that a lot of people have been playing for years and they grinded really hard to get the perks they have now, but something needs to be fixed when all it takes is two shots with a bow and you're dead. How do u expect to go for the flag when you're dead practically instantly. So, maybe just giving players more health would solve the issue? Please let me know what you think! Thanks!
    iiSean likes this.
  6. YupImDuck

    May 11, 2020
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    I was about to post this, I've seen this discussed a bunch of times, majority of the reason I don't play ctf is those pesky bowspammers, maybe they should limit to 16 arrows, but I do not mind the power enchant. I think it would get way more people back into ctf. Great Idea!
    mystical_dove likes this.
  7. Reeme

    Mar 7, 2020
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    I do agree the bows are very powerful. I would like to see a change in them. I think infinity should've removed but I don't mind the power, and YupImDuck said a limit to the arrows would be an improvement.

    Have a good one.
    mystical_dove likes this.
  8. 10Controls

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It's agreed by pretty much everyone that bows are too powerful, and that they definitely do need changes.

    I personally don’t like the idea of limiting the arrow usage on bows, because bow spam tends to be a crucial thing on CTF at times.

    I’d personally like to see Power 1 get removed, as this would obviously make bows do less damage and make them less OP.

    I’d also like to see some sort of perk for bows that you can upgrade with credits.

    As you may need a crucial snipe from distance to recover the flag at some point, I’ve come up with the idea that there could be an upgradable perk which would increase the chance of doing more damage from a long-range snipe (just an idea, feel free to lmk what you think).

    Have a great rest of your day/night!
    ~ Sus
    mystical_dove and iluvu like this.

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