Why isn't my login working? "user Kaboom_243 not found"?

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Freedom!, Aug 12, 2019.

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  1. Freedom!

    Aug 12, 2019
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    The login is not working for me, it said "user Kaboom_243 not found" i also tried my Email still didn't work,


    Why am i mistakenly banned?
    I am also Kaboom_243
    I am currently banned because i "Griefed" But I didn't, if you're talking about the Creeper spawners NoChanceM8 left and took his spawners back. I don't know if RBK_OpticZZ griefed us I don't know because I am banned which was a mistake,
    If my island is griefed it wasn't me i was offline and rbk was online, i can't appeal because the login is not working for me it says "User Kaboom_243 not Found"
    If our island is Griefed, it wasn't me and what kind of Leader would grief there own island?
    And I'm trying to appeal but the LOGIN is not working!
  2. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there!

    I can see why you're frustrated, I don't know how an island leader would grief his OWN island. But your problem you are having sounds a little complicated and would require a lot more information to actually determine the problem...

    If you cannot sign in to the website to make an appeal, then how did you sign in to post this thread? And if you can't sign in to minecraft at all, then chances are likely that your account was hacked and a simple password change should fix the problem. Definitely message me WHERE you're struggling to sign in, and then maybe a solution can be reached from there :) I don't know how you got accused of griefing your own island, especially when a man who is notorious for griefing was a part of your island. I hope you figure it out and get that appeal in soon, let me know if you need any more help :)

    Discord: Zguy2000#2656
    puposaurus and Maffy1230 like this.
  3. Maffy1230

    Aug 10, 2019
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    He was able to sign in on this website because you don't need a minecraft account to do so.
  4. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    In your appeal under the subject ‘In-game player name’ you can just put in anything and then in your main description of why you should be unbanned you can just state that ‘your username is Kaboom_243 and it would not let you put it in for some reason etc.’

    Hope this helped and hopefully your appeal gets accepted if you were actually falsely banned :)

    Thank you.
  5. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey Kaboom!
    Like ImConcerned said, I suggest you appeal your ban, and try to message the staff member who banned you by adding them on discord or joining the support wait room to speak to a staff member. This situation seems complicated so if you try to explain the situation to the staff who banned you.
    If you still can’t prove it, then unfortunately you might just have to wait out the ban as it may be difficult for staff to believe your claim without proof. If you have other friends on discord who are still active in game try to ask them what happened.
    Hopefully you can be unbanned!
  6. KingKottlewing

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You can appeal using your current website account here: https://mccentral.org/community/forums/appeals/

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