
Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by 4151, Jun 29, 2020.

  1. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey gamers
    I've come up with the idea /anvil as this would be insanely useful for a lot of people, mainly for people who have dubs of p4 to repair. When I'm repairing 5 dubs of p4 I have to go grind the xp at someone's plotworld then I have to warp back to the anvil and repair a few pieces and then warp back to the plot. With this process repairing 5 dubs of this stuff takes forever.
    This would help quite a lot of people.
    Thanks for reading.
    Have a lovely day or night
  2. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey akaGast,

    Personally I don't really see a use for this command. There are already anvils given for the public to use and are easily accessible. I get where you're coming from where typing out the command can be time consuming, but I don't really see it being used often. Repairing armor and gear does take a fair amount of time but a shortcut to an anvil isn't really necessary. In plots, people can afk at an xp farm and leech off of somebody elses xp farming while in /anvil. It kinda takes the whole 'grind it out yourself' idea of prison. Not all players have tons of P4 and majority of them never even touch the anvil through the whole season. I mean there is a /workbench command that is available to Gold+ ranked player and I use that all the time but that is different as anvils aren't used as often as crafting tables.
  3. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Hey there! I am a -1 on this idea as I do not see the point in it. I believe that we should be thankful for the fact that there are anvils we can use without them breaking at spawn. As for having to move for 5 dubs of this, toss sets in your echest so it takes less time. It will still take a while, but overall, it is definitely a privilege to have free anvils at spawn.
    Invader and Simplistiq like this.
  4. Sparky

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Hey FireyGast!
    I can free with this is can get quite annoying at time when trying to repair and stuff to gear and tools if you only have like 5xp. But I think it would be easier to just grin it out all at once for like and hour instead of going back every ten minutes. Although I can agree with you here, I do like the idea of /anvil and I think it should be added. Although it should be for a rank, like emerald or diamond.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    - SparkyWah
  5. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Would be convenient but it isn't a necessity as there are plenty of anvils at the spawn of Prisons, as said above, if this were to ever be implemented, it would probably fit into the Emerald or Diamond rank. I can see this command as being similar to /workbench in SG, there are crafting tables in the map, but the command allows it to be more easily accessible.
    #5 EssentialsPlus, Jul 1, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2020
  6. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    We’re talking about prison bbg

    And no. If you need an anvil why not just typing /warp anvil? Ik how /wb works and I think you are looking for a similar command by suggesting /anvil. I feel it’s unnecessary as 1) not a lot of people use anvils and it’d prob be a rank perk (evidently it would, as /wb is) and 2) there are a bunch of unbreakable anvils in spawn
  7. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    mb, yeah I would say that this is a necessity and allows for easier access.
    guih likes this.

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