idea - Lock spell table

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Felipe Bastos Vitorio, Jun 22, 2020.


Do you agree with this suggestion

Poll closed Jul 9, 2020.
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  2. NO

    4 vote(s)
  1. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    They could block the skywars enchantment table, so that no player could break the feast enchantment table, because they enchant their armor and sword and then break the enchantment table and play void, so there could be a system that prevents them from breaking the enchantment table .
  2. Fatyl

    Jun 20, 2020
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    I feel like that would be kinda useless because there's nothing wrong with destroying it, like first come first serve. You just gotta be fast!
  3. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    but without taking away an enchantment table from the Feast. because this is considered theft
  4. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Ok so your main argument is that people take the e table and it is considered theft.

    I agree with Fatyl. First come, first serve. There are a lot of skywars players that take the e table like Eballan etc. and yes, it may add an unfair advantage to the game,
    HOWEVER, they did make it to mid by speed bridging and took a risk of getting shot to get there first. If you want to remove the e table from mid, it’s their choice because they practised and risked getting to mid so they should be given the reward, which in case you are wondering, is the reward to do whatever they want to mid as they got there first. If they want to blow it up, sure, if they want to remove all the chests, sure because they were the ones to reach first.

    Second, you say that it is theft to remove the e table. Theft is when you steal something that isn’t yours. Is it theft if I break an e table that was placed there by a team of Builders who wanted me to go enchant stuff? No... Would the Builders come after me and be like ‘
    Hey you broke the e table! Now u get banned for doing a strategic play because it’s theft and it’s illegal to steal e tables!’ I don’t think the Builders honestly care, Nor do the staff team.

    In my opinion, removing the e table is a strategic play because it prevents people to use it. Am I angry that I won’t get to use the e table? Yes, but I respect the play and I respect the player because they got to mid first.
    forgranted and Devon like this.

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