New subserver

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Karl Robin, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. Karl Robin

    Aug 6, 2019
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    I've been playing MCC daily like 3 to 4 hours daily now and i can't do anything but notice that ArenaPvP is basically dead. It has like 3 to 4 players during EU timezone and sometimes at good times 10 during NA.
    I suggest to replace ArenaPvP with HCF. For those who don't know HCF stands for hardcore factions.
    There is no TnT or creeper eggs and it doesn't have any kind of farming or anything. U need to gather and enchant sets by mining and PvP and sell sets for other things AKA trading. There are no coins or anything.
    I know a server that is completely dedicated on HCF and it has 100-200 players daily (I won't mention the name of the server since im not completely familiar with the forums rules and i don't know if i can get muted in any way.) I feel like HCF would be a nice replacement to ArenaPvP.
    I know replacing it would be bad to the player that actually play ArenaPvP but i suggest if u actually plan on doing this announce the replacement like 5 days before and reward certain stages with keys. (ArenaPvP has ranks like Gold, Diamond based on the XP u get from wins.) This would give any kind of reward to the players that played ArenaPvP and would bring a very cool new subserver that i believe many would play to the server.
    Let me know what u think!
  2. Karl Robin

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Also i messed up the currency/coin part. There are coins which u can get by selling mined ores at spawn. U need money to claim areas and on most servers 1Block claim = 1$ and the sell prices are Iron= 1$ Gold= 2$ Lapis Lazuli= 1$ Emerald= 4$ Diamond= 10$ and obsidian= 3$.
    Also u can get money by finding spawners in the wild. Depending on spawner u get 10-50$
  3. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    Hello! I actually suggested this back on enjin in like 2017 or something, and I got a few answers on there I'd like to share with you. The first thing I'd like to say that this is not really the best idea for MCC because HCF is mainly a 1.7.10 oriented game. When it comes to MCC and its backends, all of them are 1.8.8 except for Creative and Survival which are 1.12.2. I get that HCF might be fun, but adding a HCF would require them to add a backend for that subserver, which would completely make a U-turn on the path that MCC is trying to achieve, which is updating their games to newer versions. My second topic, the versions you can join MCC on. At the moment, most of the PvP on MCC is 1.8 (except for survival which i said earlier), but you can still join on higher versions (versions you can join on are 1.8-1.16.1). It would ruin all of the PvP on the server if they had to change the way it is now. Now, lets say that you intend to have HCF on 1.8. Well, they are going to have to find/create plugins that literally NO OTHER HCF SERVER HAS because all of the plugins on other HCF servers are 1.7.10 based plugins, and we would have to have 1.8.8 plugins. If you get this jist of what I'm trying to say here, it just won't work on MCC, if you want to play HCF go to a server that is oriented on that.
    89p likes this.
  4. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    This is something Alex and I have discussed a few times before, At this time we aren't interested in having a HCF Sub server on mcc.

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