/Block In Prison

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by TeddyOreo, Jun 23, 2020.

  1. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hello people,

    While I was managing my shop, I found it very time consuming to convert my ores into blocks to reduce space and increase profits. I noticed that in Skyblock that there is a /block perk that converts all ingots in the player's inventory to blocks. I think this perk would be very well fitting for prison as the economy revolves around ores and profit/money. It can be useful for those who run profit shops. The perk can be obtained through keys so its not too easy to get as it can be extremely powerful. To balance the perk's abilities, it can either have a cool down or can only work on certain ores/ingots.

    Let me know your thoughts/feedback. :D
    Swaggle likes this.
  2. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    -1. I'm not trying to be rude by denying this idea, but I have my own standpoint on this. When it comes to buying keys in the game, perks are usually sought after as one of the best things to receive in a key. That being said, having a /block command that converts (some) ores into blocks would kind of ruin the fairness in game play by a landslide (in my opinion.) The reason /block exists on Skyblock is because you aren't going to receive as many ores/ingots to convert into blocks. In Prisons, the main idea of the game is to mine blocks, get spawners, and then afk (from my viewpoint of the game.) Although it may not be fun smelting ores, and then turning the ingots into blocks, it's a part of the game that is necessary to make it harder on people to enjoy the video game. The thing about it having a cool down is that it'd have to be at least 2+ minutes for it not to matter. When it comes down to all of the perks so far, none of the "break down" perks like /bottlexp, 15% shop dc, and I guess /fix all don't have a cool down, which would kind of be an exception to how things already go. My main point being that the reason it hasn't been added before is because it can heavily effect the grind, making the game more "pay to win", a good marketing strategy, but certainly not good for the game in my eyes. There are other ways to increase profits then adding a new perk.

    (Thanks for writing this I really had fun responding in my own words, if you wanna leave a comment on this I can look it over and respond soon :>)
    #2 Devon, Jun 23, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
    forgranted and Swaggle like this.
  3. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If you really need to increase your profits, consider scaling your store by prestiging and getting a higher multiplier. It is not necessary to block your ores just for a small addition to your profits. Save your time and invest in your shop by ranking up instead of blocking your ores.
  4. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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    I understand what you mean, Im not that much of an experienced player in prison but I feel that struggle of turning all of the ores you want to blocks without a command to help you, Im a former skyblock player and I can tell that the /block command was added for many reasons but the reason I use it is because in there your island is measured in levels and those levels are given by the blocks or type of blocks you own or place on your island, so as Devon said, I feel like it´s not that necessary to add this command to prison, but as I said I dont play the gamemode too much so if other people agree with you im not against the idea of it being a thing :).
  5. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey TeddyOreo
    This is a +1 from me. I think this would be really useful and would improve the prison economy. Also shop owners could make a massive profit off their ore shops. However, if this idea gets implemented i suggest its only claimable from ancient or mythical keys. Lastly i would like to see a sell wand type of thing if this is getting implemented. It would be much easier to turn your ores into blocks if you have thousands of chests :)
    Have a great day!
    -akaGast Immortal
  6. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    This is a -1 for me.
    Here is why:
    1. The main point of prison is to mine. If people were to add /block, it would take away from the point of the sub server. What I mean is that the "Grind" aspect of prison would be taken away. As said above, the idea of prison is to mine blocks, get spawners, and then afk for money. Adding this command would take that aspect away, and prison would not feel like "prison" as much anymore.
    2. This wouldn't make a major difference or even noticeable to the economy of prison. It seems like an idea that if added, would just be there as a perk to use if you really needed to. It seems like it would not benefit the server or be as useful as intended.
    Best of luck!

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