
Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Mutant_Chicken, Jun 22, 2020.

  1. Mutant_Chicken

    May 2, 2020
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    we should be able to use ingame credits to purchase ranks. like or comment if you agree or disagree.
  2. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I do not agree, the credits are an in-game way of purchasing abilities and other upgrades regarding different mini-games. To have credits = ranks is a bit too OP for ranks are a way to increase the amount of credits given. People with around like 2 million credits would just buy ranks for their alts, and their mains and everything and I find that too OP. In-game ranks give a vast variety of different cosmetics and different multipliers to increase credits given per game, but also to get credits quicker and faster. If everyone continued to just grind credits then the server would be filled with Immortals. In-game ranks are a big factor to keeping Xenforo (this forums page) open for they most likely use the payments given to them to pay for the forums. Credits shouldn't be used to buy in-game ranks. Not only that, but I have never heard of a server use in-game currency to buy ranks on a Minecraft server. That just sounds a bit weird to me. To me ranks should be given to people who pay real money for their title. So, I disagree with this suggesstion.


    Have a nice day!

    89p likes this.
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there,
    As Fournut said, ranks are for in game abilities and would be too OP for buying ranks. In case you can't imagine, you'd be able to save up a large amount of credits, and buy immortal rank, ultimately winning the mcc store by getting the 1x Ancient key per month. This would be OP on all levels, and there is not much point using credits for this if you can just do an IRL deal on a subserver with someone if you can grind enough. It is for these reasons I can not see this happening on mcc.

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