Sell Wands - A thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Aug 12, 2019.

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  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello All - I made this thread to answer anyone's questions!

    What is a sell wand?

    A sell wand is a stick which appears enchanted, which can not be stacked and can not be used for anything other than its main purpose.

    What does a sell wand do?

    A sell wand is a very efficient tool to use for selling all sellable items in a chest, for example, getting one on skyblock is good to sell all of your magma creams in a chest. You can do this by left clicking the chest. NOTE: Once you click the chest ALL sellable items (items that you could /sell all or click with MMB in shop to sell) you can not undo, so make sure there is nothing you want that you can sell in the chest before selling. Also, a tip: its best to wait for your chest to be full (if it is at an afk grinder) that way you can maximise the amount you make for the cost of one use.

    What does 500 uses mean?

    On a sell wand, you will notice if you hover over it it will say a certain amount of uses, which indicates how many times you can click on chests to sell the contents before it will disappear.

    How can I get one?

    Sell wands, on most subservers can be obtained by vote keys as a legendary reward, and mythical/ancient keys. On a few subservers, they are also a reward from event treasure. Worth fighting for if you ask me!

    All in all, sell wands are SUPER helpful, and are worth paying for if you can't get keys.
    Careful not to waste it!
  2. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Thank you for making this thread. Everyone loves threads like these that help the server and help newer players that have less experience on MCC.
  3. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Nikki,

    Thank you so much for this thread. I never fully understood what a sell wand is, I just knew it was valuable but because of this, I know what it's for. You are always helpful and I just want to say thank you for this amazing thread.
  4. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Nikki!

    Very helpful post, I see so many people asking what these things do haha. However, you missed one important thing that gets equally as many questions ;) Throttle of the sell wand is something I see a lot of people questioning and confused about. And for those viewing this thread for more information on the wand, throttle is a way to ensure your sell wand is not wasted without having to check how many items are actually in your chest. It saves you a few seconds at the most, but it just makes things feel less tedious. You can increase the throttle to, for example, 64. From then on, the Sell Wand will not waste a use unless there are more than 64 items in the chest. This also prevents accidental mis-clicks and makes sure you get the most efficiency out of your wand while you still have 500 uses left. But overall, very very helpful tutorial and I'm happy that any new players to skyblock or just the server in general can refer to this :)

    Have a nice day/night!
    Add me on Discord!: Zguy2000#2656
  5. Josh Dunsmore

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Yeah really helpful people ask that all the time thanks for the info!
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