Giving staff the ability to send players to the hub.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Akhu, Jun 16, 2020.

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  1. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Hey, I've noticed staff facing trouble when it comes to screensharing suspicious players. These suspicious players are aware that if they go to the hub or any other sub server they might get ss'ed thus, they camp in minigames so staff cant ss them. This problem has caused a lot of trouble as staff cannot get hold of these players. This leaves us with two solutions:

    1 - Give staff the ability to send players to the hub, (the command could be something like /send <player> <destination>). Upon being sent to the hub they would be instantly frozen.

    2 - Give staff the ability to /freeze in minigames.

    The title refers to solution no.1*

    Implementing either of those two options would make the staff's job a lot easier and more efficient.

    Thank you.
    stiva, khoah, olo_YT and 4 others like this.
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Mr. Sexy Beast Akhu

    i don't think suggestion 2 would work out bc like
    screenshares last for longer than a sw game for example
    i think that on SG and CTF it'd be different
    those would be the only minigames where that would actually work

    Other than that everything looks great +1
    Tennente and Akhu like this.
  3. Tennente

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Hey Akhu,
    I completely agree with your ideas, and honestly, I think they are one of the most important things that the server should change. In my opinion, they should implement the idea described in your topic 1, since freezing people during minigames could disturb other players' playing.
    If implemented, this action would decrease the number of hackers (especially known players that cheat in a non-blatant way) extremely.
    Akhu likes this.
  4. Bob50

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Akhu

    This is a amazing idea but like what guih was saying the screen share could last over the time limit of a skywars game. What I'm thinking is the staff stay the full game than when the game ends screen share them in the skywars lobby and than send them to hub. As this won't mess up anything and work for both the staff member and the players in the game.

    As what tennente was saying this would actually help the staff catching known players that cheat because most the time these cheaters don't go to subservers or hub at all and if they do its for about 5 seconds. So it's impossible to bring these cheaters anywhere unless they get someone to bring them somewhere which is hard to do sometimes and maybe doesn't work out right as these cheaters can actually be pretty smart and log off and not use a client for a few days.

    But anyway im +1 on this good idea akhu you cutie ;)
    Akhu likes this.
  5. s0cial_

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Hello, gamer!

    I agree with your idea however, I think there are some parts that don't make sense like, for example, as already mentioned by some player, this would not work on SkyWars..
    But if they allow the staff to freeze the players and pull them into the Lobby to do SS in the middle of a MM, CTF, SG etc game, I think it's great and there would be fewer players using xray etc in some of these minigames that I mentioned.

    I hope your idea would be implemented. +1
    Akhu likes this.
  6. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree we need this automatic feature. At the moment, to SS players in Minigames we have to manually message them to go to Hub and not modify any files.

    However that method is not very efficient and has problems. If /freeze at least would automatically send them to Hub, it would already be a great addition
    Akhu, mcrcus, s0cial_ and 2 others like this.
  7. delu

    Oct 4, 2019
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    [QUOTE="xBenz, post: 216884, member: 152]

    However that method is not very efficient and has problems. If /freeze at least would automatically send them to Hub, it would already be a great addition[/QUOTE]

    Sending players to the lobby using /freeze would be problematic as it would coincide freezing players in UHCs as they would be logged for a period of over 5mins meaning they would automatically die.

    While I agree this is a great feature, it would have to be indistinguishable from mini games and subsections of the server.
    Akhu likes this.
  8. kvng_steph

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Akhu!
    I completely agree with this idea! There are definitely problems with the current system because sometimes the players leave when asking to join and it can cause some really big problems because they could modify their bin. I'm hoping this becomes a feature as mini games have been catching a lot of attention recently. A command which freezes a player and sends them into lobby will be very efficient and effective in the fight against hackers. Great idea tho!
    Akhu, mcrcus, Tennente and 1 other person like this.
  9. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    My bad. I meant to clarify that it applies to Minigames like Skywars, SG, CTF, Walls, CB.

    We can already freeze inside UHC and it works exactly like it does on sub servers
    Akhu likes this.
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