Chat Flood

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 4151, Jun 16, 2020.


Should this happen?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. no

    13 vote(s)
  1. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Ive been muted for chat flood a few times and i dont think it should be a severity 2. Its such a petty thing and its a long mute. If its like your 4th or 5th offence its 2 weeks. Chat flood should be severity 1 because its not a major offence. So please implement this idea so some people don't get muted for a long period for something petty.
    Thanks have a lovely day/night
  2. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree that it's not major as it's only small chat offence. it's technically spamming but worse, so i don't agree theres a point of the punishment time being lowered. A 4th or 5th offence is a lot and it deserves to be 2 weeks, or even longer as you clearly aren't learning your lesson. meaning if you can't learn to stick to the rules by the 5th time then I don't think the punishment should be so easy going, no matter what the offence may be.
    Kane likes this.
  3. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The issue with chat flood is exactly that. . . It floods chat. There's really no reason for someone to be sending so many messages so rapidly. Staff also take in to account the length of time between chats and how active chat is. Chat flooding requires 5 or more messages, from the few I've seen it is typically messages that could have easily been said in one or two messages.
    Zonafer likes this.
  4. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Hi there
    I agree with you on this one, players often chat flood by accident as people are used to sending messages 1 phrase or sentence at a time, similar to the way you do on messages or discord. At least I do that a lot. It definitely shouldn’t be severity 2, especially when you do it in a skywars lobby with 12 people. It’s kinda dumb how rules dont change between being in a lobby with 12 players and being in one with 500...
    +1 from me
  5. abbzyy

    Aug 13, 2019
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    The only other option would be to make it severity 1, which makes no sense because it's similar to spam (which already is sev 1). Chat flood and spam are always based on context and time stamps, so even if it was an empty lobby, the messages were still close enough for you to be punished. Lowering the severity of the punishment would be pointless. Be more aware in the future so you don't get to a 4th or 5th mute.
    Zonafer, olo_YT and InsaneIsMyName like this.
  6. Cefr

    May 9, 2020
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    As stated before I think it should stay as a severity 2 because if it got moved to severity 1 there would be no need for chat spamming. I generally think that when someone gets muted it's for a good reason. If you are getting many mutes like 4 or 5 or even 3 there is a reason it's happening and you should change that way you speak to others so it doesn't happen in the future. Thanks for reading have a nice day!

  7. Christaa

    Sep 18, 2019
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    I agree that a severity 2 mute seems excessive for chat flood but it's like that for a reason. Chat flood is exceptionally annoying. If chat flood only resulted in a severity 1 mute it would be equivalent to spam so making the punishment any less is pointless. I can understand how chat flooding can be an accident when having a conversation with someone else in a lobby but you need to be aware that there are other players around who also want to use the chat. In order to stop getting muted maybe just be more cautious about how many messages you are sending in the future :)
  8. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I make it very clear to staff members that chat flood punishments are ONLY if a player is intentionally trying to flood the chat box. Simply having discussions, and talking to much should NOT be considered chat flood. If you are muted for chat flood under an occasion on which you were not purposely trying to flood chat, feel free to make a staff report.

    Chat flood is severity 2 due to the fact that spamming, and chat flooding are very similar. However, chat flood can be far worse, so we will need a bigger punishment for that reason. Sev 2 mute for chat flood should only be used for that purpose alone. Hope this did clear up the confusion, as chat flood punishments can tend to get out of hand, but can be resolved.
    ThorKingOfAsgard and Zonafer like this.

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