My Opinions of the bad parts of Mccentral

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ImNotSad, Jun 9, 2020.

  1. ImNotSad

    May 6, 2020
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    So basically I would like to put points of the bad parts of Mccentral and how they can fix it.
    Section I - Paid To Win
    Section II - Cheater Problem / Anticheat / Boosting
    Section III - Letting people opinions speak out
    Section IV - Fixing and Adding Commands
    Section V - Reporting System
    Section VI - Saftey/Privacy
    Section VII - Conclusion

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section I - Paid To Win
    Hello so basically I would like to talk about the paid to win problem. For the people who doesn't know what paid to win it's basically where someone use currency in this case US Dollars to have a better advantage at the game. A reason why I'mm bringing up this point is "Skywars". First of all who idea was to add explosive arrows. Like it ruins the game for players who just want to have a more equal experince. Other servers might give the ranks like more currency in the game to buy kits and perks (Which is fine) ,but if your going to allow some dude who can use multiple kits at the same time (since it's not really event kits like unlockable items). The only servers I could understand of this is Factions and KitPvp because it's actually make sense. (Survival games are also acceptable since it anyone can buy the chests.)
    Section II - Cheater Problem / Anticheat / Boosting

    It's honestly dumb how I have to worry and hope that there will not be a cheater/hacker in the game. Cheating could be by people crossteaming or teaming in solo. Hacking is basically using an unfair advantage that a legit player cannot do. This will basically be people blatenly using Killaura,Bhop,And more. This can also be in other games like KitPvp,ArenaPvp,Factions,Survival games, UHC and mabye even prisons. Ok Now The ANTICHEAT. I don't even believe theres even an anticheat its basically just staff manually banning hackers. I'm going to be honest if someone is blatently cheating they should be picked up (But in some cases they cannot be automatically banned because the developers of the cheats can easily fix it and patch) Practice servers can auto ban because they manily will perm ban or black list and lets be honest nobody is really going to blatently cheat in practice servers more like closet cheat. Anyways now BOOSTING. To be honest I never seen someone personally done this yet in my game but this is when someone is hacking on another account or a friend is and when they kill all the other players they log so the booster can get the win. This can actually happen in skyblock with shop and more other sub servers. Also we shouldnt ingame report players on fourms because some people don't even know how to record.
    Section III - Letting People Opinions Speak Out

    This is a big topic and also what happened recently of phedophilla accusations with lots of proof. You should let people talk about this so the whole community can communicate and know whats going on. This can really help the staff make sure if theres a huge following. Critism is very important in my eyes because, it helps people make a better server.
    Section IV - Fixing And Adding Commands

    This is a minor thing but like the ignore command really doesn't even work. I tried to test it on my friend and they could still msg me and talk to me. (I even unadded). They should add more commands if they're going to add an anticheat because it's very dumb how you have to report ingame on the fourms. They could put Like /GameReport Username (SubServer).
    Section V - Reporting System

    Basically what I said in Section IV of the ingame reports. Just make a command for it and the anticheat can pick up on that and watch the player. Then a staff can watch if there closet cheating,scamming.etc.
    Section VI -Saftey/Privacy

    Since latley there was pedo accusations and a staff was saying that it's Not Mccentral fault for allowing that pedo behavior is unacceptable. If they reported that before and even told you to look at the messages and ignore it. You have to take the blame for it and stop it. This is how problems starts.
    Section VII - Conclusion

    This will be my last topic and basically I will make another thread updating my opinions and see if the server can do better because I just want the best in mccentral and a full honest opinion. I hope mccentral staff and community view me as a normal player and not just some dude who complains because I have good intrest in heart anyways have a nice night or day.
    Marco5py, Pxrge and merkava like this.
  2. KaptainKreeper

    May 3, 2020
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    Section III - Letting People Opinions Speak Out
    This is a big topic and also what happened recently of phedophilla accusations with lots of proof. You should let people talk about this so the whole community can communicate and know whats going on. This can really help the staff make sure if theres a huge following. Critism is very important in my eyes because, it helps people make a better server.”

    We need people like you
    Marco5py, Pxrge, olo_YT and 1 other person like this.
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there,
    Personally I can agree with a few of these, however with your 3rd point Minecraft Central is not the place for these types of discussions. It's highly unlikely that an alleged pedophile will be able to affect you IRL if they're on the other side of the world, so realistically they'd just be annoying. The easy way to deal with this is to just /ignore them. I am not trying to say it doesn't matter, however it's not like pedophiles playing Minecraft will be able to do anything to you IRL. As for some of your other suggestions such as the /gamereport, while I'm not a reports team member myself, I still feel like it'd be harder for mods to deal with hackers/cheaters this way. While there are times where it's only AU mods online, which there aren't too many of, meaning reports take longer to be dealt with, the same issue would still be faced with them coming on to ban them anyways.
    I still really want to stress that as a staff member I'm not ignoring pedophilia! I'm simply trying to say that if you're on the other side of the world, all they can do is annoy you. I just want to make this clear!
    Overall I appreciate the effort put into this thread! :)
  4. Sarrrcasm

    Jan 28, 2020
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    I agree to many of the things you have mentioned. However I feel like the reporting system would not be the first thing they would add. I agree that the server currently is just overwhelmed by hackers as I see the same hacker on everyday and the person comes up to me everytime and calls me sugar honey. Lmao.

    I honestly agree to section 3 and 4. I have now read 2 different threads to see what staff members would say to it. As Nikki said above. They are probably not near you irl and probably won’t be able to harm you. HOWEVER. I was just dealing with someone like this. Sent all my friends their info and I got admins involved. Yet there was nothing to be done. Even when this person was being very gross with a couple of 13 and 14 year olds on the server. I know that you join “by your own” risk but when you are young you don’t know any better. It is so easy to get controlled by someone who’s double your age. I know that they can’t do a lot about it but staff should at least consider it serious. Again it is possible to report it legally outside mc and have the person removed from the internet.
  5. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    The victims are people who dont know better in the situation and are manipulated by pedos and dont /ignore or even try to block them. In terms of what you said regarding pedos on MCC affecting people irl, its more if say a pedo started grooming someone on MCC, and the situation then moved on to a social media platform. There a pedo could trick victims into sending nudes, and you know what comes next. Also what if both players in the situation, the pedo and the victim do live near each other, which they find out from the talking via social media. Pedohilia should not be tolerated in any way on MCC, making such comments should be an instant sev 3, perm mute. Don’t let MCC be known as a platform for predators. That’s sick, and not what anyone wants for the server or the players on the server.
  6. KaptainKreeper

    May 3, 2020
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    Nah ur not ignoring pedophilia, you’re just downplaying it as something irrelevant. News flash, it isn’t
  7. Vicerz

    Feb 26, 2020
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    MCC is already known as the platform for predators lmao too late for a change to that.

    also, I agreed with all of your points, but more points could be made against the server. maybe reworking the staff team, especially the upper staff members. feels like the owners of the server, and the admins contribute in no way.

    the server needs change, but the only thing staff members do is lock topics, and disallow the community to speak on problems.
    Pxrge, olo_YT and KaptainKreeper like this.
  8. DressCodes

    Jan 7, 2020
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    I agree with a lot of this.

    MCC is very pay to win, with the explosive arrows and double credits for ranks... I really hope MCC removes this because it pushes away new players. I will tell my other friends from other servers about MCC and they will come and try it out and notice right away how pay to win it is.

    The anti cheat has always been an issue, ever since I joined MCC back in early 2016 I would always see players complaining about the anti cheat. I really hope it is fixxed because like I mentioned before, this will also push away new players as well as long time players.

    I've also made posts about adding more commands. As it's not as important as other issues, It would be nice to have better commands on the server such as server wide /ignore.

    I've always thought MCC needed a /report like hypixels. People will always say it would just be abused but they could easily add a rule that abusing it would result in a ban... This would make getting hackers ban easier. Recording, uploading to YT, and sumbiting a report can be a hassle.

    MCC has always had an issue with pedos as I have experienced it myself... I am not sure how the server would fix this. It would be hard to ban for it since you could easily fake evidence
    Pxrge likes this.

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