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Pedophilia on MCC

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ryley, Jun 9, 2020.

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  1. ryley

    Mar 27, 2020
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    MCC fosters a dangerous and unmonitored community in which grown adults can prey on and use children in unsafe and unsavory ways, and here is why:

    All names will be kept out for privacy and respect ONLY for the individual that was a victim to this full grown adult that used them and treated them terribly. In this case, the adult, 28, will be called X, and the minor, 16, will be called Z.

    To keep it simple, X approached Z intending to use and manipulate. X kept their age hidden, as they knew that what was occurring was unacceptable, all while Z's age was known for the entirety of the relationship. When I personally went to staff, I was ignored, shut down, and brushed off. I was told things such as:

    “Unless something is done in-game, there is nothing we can do”

    “They did not break any MCC rules”

    “Just tell everyone to avoid them and don’t talk to them. That is all you can do” ​

    First of all, saying nothing was done in-game is false, as this is where minors are picked out and preyed on by these pedophiles, as they know that it is accepted and overlooked in this community. Do not say there is nothing you can do, as it is not true.

    Second, MCC may not have any rules against this, but it is quite literally illegal and for it to not be a rule on MCC is unacceptable. Not allowing client modification but allowing and overlooking pedophilia is sick. I understand that it is difficult to pick out and judge when cases like this are occurring, but in situations like this where there is evidence and a victim that has come out, it cannot and should not be ignored. Adding a rule against pedophilia is not difficult and would only better the community that the staff on MCC have so much pride for. On that note, adding this rule may not lead to many people coming forward, but it allows them to if they are willing to share their story and can provide evidence. This may be a Minecraft server but it is dealing with real people and real problems. Once again, it may be online, but oftentimes online relationships and friendships end up becoming a personal relationship in real life with meetups and connections. Allowing pedophiles to connect with minors in game can easily lead with them connecting in real life.

    Third, this mentality is terrible, as when something as awful as this is being done, we cannot just look away and tell others to avoid it. Taking action is absolutely necessary and we cannot turn away from this issue. I understand that this is Minecraft and it is not real life. Some may say I am taking this too seriously, and that may be true, but I believe that is just creating excuses and allowing this to continue. If you see a problem, speak up.

    This case is not the only one I have heard of, and I have been a victim of this myself. I know I cannot speak for every person that has been impacted by the toxic and dangerous community MCC has created, but my attempt should not be ignored. MCC is turning their backs to people advocating for a safer community. This server claims to be a business, yet the staff are inexperienced and do not understand how to deal with conflict. MCC allows 14 years old's to be staff, and in cases like this they do not understand what many of these things mean, and they should not have to. There is a very clear and real reason that other businesses do not typically allow people under 16 to be staff. There is a very real point to it.

    It should not be this difficult to get rid of pedophilia on a Minecraft server where staff ban for much, much less. However I understand that this is a difficult topic, and it may be more than a problem on a block game for many. All we ask is that steps are taken to better the server and community that we enjoy. We want improvement and steps in the right direction, not to be ignored. I personally am willing to do what I need to to better the community I consider to be myself a part of. Silence, ignorance, and a fostering community are nearly just as bad as the act itself. We need change and we need to protect the innocent children in this game that is made for them.
    Phraze, Pxrge, Departition_ and 22 others like this.
  2. cayce

    Apr 9, 2020
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    nah don't keep their names hidden. it's SAO_AsunaYukki & all the ylnt's. staff members protect them & will probably delete this thread
    Pxrge, Merowian, Ariadnne and 10 others like this.
  3. Twizsoul

    Jul 22, 2019
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    report anyone who does this to the FBI, they can face real justice and not just a ban on a Minecraft server. These things need to be shown to law enforcement of some kind, you can report here. Of course, you will need the full name of these people and they have to be in the US for the FBI to get involved, you can report to authorities in their regions as well. https://www.fbi.gov/tips
  4. cayce

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Main pedo is in Mexico
    Jxsmine and KaptainKreeper like this.
  5. KaptainKreeper

    May 3, 2020
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    Pxrge, ryley, Kafer and 3 others like this.
  6. Perspires

    Apr 21, 2020
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    certain groups dont like each other but as an sg community we gotta come together to do something about these sickos
  7. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    Players join the MCCentral network at their own risk - the server does not claim responsibility for the interactions between players or control the type/age of people who play on the server. Minors are under the jurisdiction of their parents, who allow their children to talk to others over the internet with the knowledge that it's not a 100% safe place. Our server rules are reflective of the aspects of gameplay that are within our control and jurisdiction - staff are not here to protect players against the very real, very serious dangers of the internet as a whole.

    We always welcome players to bring evidence to the staff team's attention in the case that they are being disrespected or harassed so that we can take appropriate action. We also have mechanisms in place, such as /ignore, so that players can effectively "block" unwanted communication. Implementing a rule regarding "pedophilia" is simply unfeasible as the evidence for breaking a rule like this would need to be extensive, involve forms of identification, etc. To reiterate, that's just not our job. In case these incidents heighten to the point of DOXing or threats, staff can intervene.

    Users play MCC at their own risk. We aren't an impermeable safety net from the surrounding environment of the internet.
  8. ryley

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Your server should claim responsibility. Allowing pedophilia is unacceptable, and if you are creating a community that supports it, maybe more needs do be done and things need to be changed. You say you need evidence that is too extensive, but there are numerous victims coming forward and many screenshots providing all the evidence that should be needed in this exact forum post. You say it is not your job, but you are staff that was given the job to protect the community, no?
  9. Invader

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As a former Staff Member for McCentral, I can put my personal notes on how this has impacted the community and in general, what I've witnessed in my time as a Staff Member along with my thoughts on this sensitive topic.

    Normally when dealing with such members of the community (in this case, pedos), we just tell you to either block them, report them to Discord TOS or if evidence is brought up, that'll be determined by the higher up staff members. Of course, if this were to happen in-game, it'd have to be pretty blatant things in order to receive a punishment (aka /msg, /msgf, /pc, etc.). Now, this is my term as a Moderator for the community and other staff members treat these types of situations differently apart from what I did as a Mod.

    Now, I'm not going to be that person and say "oh just block them" - when in reality, this is a constant issue, even outside of McCentral. Your best bet for dealing with "pedos" is reporting them to the discord moderation team (report link found here) or do as suggested above from @Twizsoul, which is report them to the actual FBI.

    Though, I'm strongly with this being added to the server and make it a Severity 2 Chat Offense while we're at it.

    - Fox
    Twizsoul, Vosca and iZyro like this.
  10. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thread Locked / Answerwed to prevent further Drama Related / Useless posts
    iZyro likes this.
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