Vote Link 3 bugged

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by olo_YT, Jun 3, 2020.

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  1. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    if anyone could help me out here that would be great.

    You may or may not have seen that on the MCC voting leaderboards, a few players have 13 votes currently, instead of 12, which should be the maximum at the time that I am writing this. This is not a case of they have just already voted for a vote link that comes out at a different time, I know when each vote link opens and this should not be possible.
    Since I am going for top voter this month, I was quite dismayed when I found out this had occured, and immediately started trying to find out what happened. According to one of the people who have 13 votes, for some strange reason, he was able to vote on vote link 3 twice! Checking the leaderboard right now, I can see 5 people who are on 13 votes, which means other people and I wont have a chance at top voter due to this bug if they stay consistent. I am not sure why this has happened, but I think we can reasonably assume that it is a bug in the website.
    Further more, when I attempted voting twice on vote link 3, it did not work.

    While many people have told me that MCC cant do anything about the websites if they glitch, they are the ones giving out $25 for top voter, and can surely remove the glitched votes from their leaderboards to make it fair. If this cant be done, then can we please get into contact with the moderators from the 3rd voting site and try to fix this issue.

    Thanks for reading,
    olo YT :|: My discord is oli#3045
    Lewklo likes this.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Good Evening!
    As you mentioned yourself, we can not help broken websites. I understand it makes it difficult when you're trying to achieve top 5, however if the website is broken, that's an issue with the voting site, not MCC. My tip that I usually try is to vote, if it doesn't work (at all) I vote using my phone, which often fixes it. Obviously sometimes it won't work, however quitting your browser, using chrome instead of safari vice versa may help. I can see what you mean about it being unfair, so I'll provide this post to smoothers to see what can be done.
    Hope this helps,
    Nikki <3
  3. Mauricioh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! Nikki has pretty much summed up everything you'd need to know. It's not really on our end so there isn't really much we can do. Please try contacting the website that seems to be broken to you as they're the one who are supposed to deal with the issue.

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