A new key

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Darenn, Aug 11, 2019.

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  1. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    G’day folks!

    I have recently had the idea that a new key could be implemented into MCC. The name would be a Legendary Key. This key would be above the Mythical key and would cost 2.50$ more than a Mythical, therefore 7.50$. Its a pretty high price for a key but bare with me, this key would have 100% win rate on good items. There would be limited amounts on stuff, compared to the Ancient and Mythical keys, they have many different things you can obtain from the key. Though, the Legendary Key would only have 4 options. With the price that it would cost to buy a Legendary Key, the items won would be 100% worth it. All 4 items would be on a 25% win rate.

    The items would consist of a Legendary Money Pouch (5,000,000$-6,500,000$)

    A new player disguise perk. (Would let you disguise into any other player, meaning that only your skin would change, not the name as well) (Can be sold on /ah)

    Ten different mob spawners. (Spawners that have a value of 4,000,000$+)

    And last but not least, a sell wand. (This sell wand would consist of 15,000 uses)

    You may think that players with a lot of money could buy a lot of these keys but here’s the catch. You can only buy one of these per 2 weeks. Without this, players could buy as many as they would desire and the player would become too overpowered.

    I thought a lot about this and seeing this get implemented into the game would be incredibly amazing!

    Let me know your thoughts and if you agree or disagree with this!

    Have an amazing day to all!

    - HotPringles
    puposaurus likes this.
  2. Stan

    Aug 10, 2019
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    Whats the point in making a game more pay to win, and also a guaranteed win is very flawed, on factions for instance you can get buycraft codes (money only spent on the mcc store) with the top prize being 300$ USD. If that top faction then spent all that money on"legendary keys" on the sale they would instantly have such an advantage over everybody else because there wouldnt be any chance of them getting filler items. Can't see this every being added.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    heyo! i’m not much of a fan of buying keys, since they only last a season blahblahblah n’ all that, but i think this a cool idea. your prize options seem to be leaned towards prison since on skyblock you can disguise into any animal w/o a perk paper. so i think it’d be kinda cool to see other reward possibilities for the other subservers with keys (survival, skyblock, kit, and factions).
    as mentioned above, i feel this gives more room for people to complain that the server appeals more to donars.. and is pay to win. also, since there is a 2keys/week limit on how much one player can buy, this can result in players going around it and just buying the keys for their alts and using their alts to spin ‘em (if that makes sense).
    overall, i don’t think this is a completely bad idea, but i dont ever see this being implemented into mcc // +0

    have a great day!
  4. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!

    I believe this isn't such a great idea. There are already enough keys and I believe that this is kind of a meh idea I guess. Mythical keys already have some if not the best items in the game. With this idea, you are just guarantying that the richest people on the server get the most fun and I find that pretty wrong. Just like everyone else said, there are already 1) Too many people complaining about this server being pay to win and 2) to unfair of an advantage. This just helps all of the above. I hope what I am trying to say makes sense.
  5. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I’m sorry but I could not see this implemented in the future. I like the thought of the idea and the way you are thinking of new ideas for the server but this would make the game even more Pay2Win then it already is. Not many rookies would agree with this and rookies are about 60% of the concurrent player base.
    Thank you,
  6. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I think that this idea isn't a good one. As said before, it sounds like this Treasure Chest would be a major advantage to those players who buy it. I don't really want to see the server become too Pay2Win. Limiting the amount of purchases doesn't really sound wise either.

    Unfortunately I don't think that this idea will be added, as even the players seem to be against it (based on the comments). It's pretty difficult to think of better stuff than Mythical Treasure items, as they are quite op already.
    Maffy1230 likes this.
  7. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'd like to state that those prizes were made for Prisons. I'm more of a Prison player and know a little more about the economy compared to other sub servers.

    But therefore the prizes would change for other sub servers (Survival, Factions, etc)
  8. Maffy1230

    Aug 10, 2019
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    I would still have to disagree.
  9. NewYorkKido

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey HotPringles,

    i do not think this "legendary" key is such a great idea as the game is already pay to win and making it $7.50 there will not be as much people buying it. Unless there is really op stuff in it which is unfair to the other players that work hard for what they need. Not as much people buy the Myth key as is personally i don't think it should be added.Hope this helped -NewYorkKido
  10. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thank you for taking your time and suggesting this. I must agree with most of the replies above; adding a “legendary key” would make the treasure key system too p2w.
    I’m also a prison player as you might know and I can say that you don’t need irl money to make money. I can also say that to all the other subservers. Have a nice day
  11. Luke WoodWalker

    Aug 15, 2019
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    I'm sure that whatever MC-Central picks, they must have a good reason for it. They are already building on the Anticheat so the crate (if it becomes accepted) might have to wait some more before it can become fully completed.
  12. Nxgget

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Hey, i completely understand why you could think this is a good idea but everyone above has already said what I thought when I read this post, you have to understand the server is a massive pay2win right now with ranks and stuff etc as I’ve played on a level 1 rookie before and it really is unfair and pretty much just completely unplayable. I agree with Timp when he said he would like to see the server become less pay2win and I 100% agree with that.

    Thanks for reading, Nxgget.
  13. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I think adding a key of that price and with such fluff is a bad idea. I already believe many things on the server are too expensive and making something of that price is just unreasonable in both aspects. MCC already has too many features that can be paid for in the game and making another with a 100% wr seems too much. Like i get it the money but it would only corrupt other sub servers even more and make the game harder on those who dont have the irl money. Like its a decent concept but overall it would be worse to add in rather than how the games are now.
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