MCCentral Gift Card Problem

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by Calcul8ted, May 31, 2020.

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  1. Calcul8ted

    Aug 13, 2019
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    MCCentral Staff,

    I was completing a transaction/IRL deal about an hour ago on prison 1. The deal required 300 million dollars for 2 $10 gift cards (with staff middleman). Rev3rse was our staff middleman but when the gift cards were purchased I did not receive the gift cards. The guy who purchased the gift cards got the confirmation email but nothing else came through to me. I talked with some top people on the prison server and they said this problem has never happened to them before. I don't know if I need to wait longer or it just didn't come through and I was wondering is I can actually get my $20 worth of gift cards that i paid good money for in the game and the guy is nervous that he just wasted $20.


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  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This happens sometimes and very rarely. You can check out this thread and it'll help you to create a donation ticket.
    Otherwise, gift cards sometimes take longer than expected to arrive. But if you havent recieved them in more than an hour, you should consider making a donation ticket using the link provided above to help you.

    Have a good day!
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  3. Mauricioh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Your question has been answered. If you need help with anything else, you may PM me on Discord (Mauricioh#2505) and I'll make sure to help you! If you still have any questions about the deal, you may PM Rev3rse on Discord and I'm sure he'll be able to help you. (Rev3rse#8946).

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