New AntiHack Tip

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Felipe Bastos Vitorio, May 28, 2020.

  1. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Put a New Anti Hack that takes the hacks out of the Mc Central, Lately inside the skywars already had hack flying before the match started.

    But an AntiHack If a Player is suspected of being hacked to kick the Automatic Server and Staff be notified.
  2. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Uh there is a problem with the anitcheat and they cannot remove this. I think MCC can be more transparent about the anticheat like add a sticky thread and close it so people are educated as to what happened. The reason they cannot remove and add a new one is because imagine like many circles and each gets bigger. At the centre/core, it is the anticheat and there are layers above the anitcheat. Removing it could result in things where the outer layers get destroyed and that could be important information.
  3. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    But you have to bring a new Anti-Hack, it can't be like this
  4. Not sure about this all, but I do know MCC is using AAC (pretty bad, I used it one time on my server) so in now days hacks just bypasses it.

    Also I am having a bit hard time understanding what your trying to say? User kicked for fly? Thats a thing, infact you can get kicked for fly by ender-pearl glitch, or slab stuck. If these people gets a "false" trigger, then staff would just be wasting their time looking at an innocent user. Most of fly hackers are smart, they would land (to avoid kicked for fly), also if I am not mistaken the message for fly isn't always "Kicked for fly"?

    Hope this information helped you! (If i got your question correctly)

  5. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    My idea is a following .

    For an Anti-Hack that removes hacks from the Server, if there is a Player who has been using a suspicious program, to give a 3-hour ban or a kick. but an anti-hack that prevents them from using Kill-Aura mainly and other hacks .

    If there is something there that I wrote wrong I apologize. because i used google translator because i'm brazilian.

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