New Anti-Cheat for Whole Server :D

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by CodeBoy/HackerHater, May 28, 2020.

  1. CodeBoy/HackerHater

    May 28, 2020
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    Hello I am Damion,

    I am an experienced programmer and have studied and am still studying computer science in high school. I made a personal anti-cheat that runs on my Minecraft log while playing. I have tested it many times on different servers. (PvPWars, MCCentral, CosmicPvP, SkyBounds, SaicoPvP, Hypixel, etc.) it works great but the only problem is it is not coded to run on a router or any server host. It is only coded to work on my mc log currently. I could recode it to run on a router or server host. It would take some time and might have some side effects which will need to be tested. I would like to request to be able to view the script and see what it does so I can make changes to the code and fix the issue. A big issue that might happen when running on a router or server host is LAG. I am working on a smaller packet to make it more stable on a bigger host than my computer. This could take from 3 to 5 hours to a couple of days to fix. If needed I could start on a new script but that could take weeks. If you are interested contact me or reply to this thread. It would be preferred to reply to [email protected].

    Thank You for your Time to Read This,
    mcrcus likes this.
  2. Lexxonist

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I'm just curious, do you think that it can compete with anticheats that are leading the market at the moment?
  3. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I suggested almost the same thing in the topic above ,
    But not quite like that suggestion .
  4. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Honestly though this topic has been posted a lot, I suggest looking at post with anti-cheat on them to see all of the peoples comments/opinions.

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