Survival Time Credits for Skywars

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by yungjunior, May 28, 2020.


Should there be credits for survival time in Skywars?

  1. Nah f#%k skybasers

  2. Yeah the void is the reason I'm not level 10,000

  1. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I've had an idea I've been thinking about for a while, which I think could be a good idea. However I'm not too sure. I'm a +0 on the idea but I'd like others' thoughts on it.

    Playing a game of Skywars for longer than 5 minutes and dying with 0 credits is always annoying to those trying to grind points. And it's not just the campers and skybasers who this happens to. Maybe you're playing with 2 good teammates in TSW and they both get killed by the other team still standing. Meaning a 3v1 which most people inevitably lose. Or maybe you're playing SSW, and there's only one guy left who did all the dirty work, so you start looting islands and then get killed/fall into the void. Seeing that 0 credits on your chat can be really frustrating. Which is why I'm suggesting some survival time credits for Skywars. Not too much so it's OP, but enough to make a little bit of difference.

    I think that there should be a reward of 10 credits per survived minute at Rookie level, with the credit multipliers at the given ranks. (Lapis-Emerald 20 credits/min, Diamond+ 25 credits/min).

    1) More rewards keep people playing the game
    2) It will possibly mean that Skywars will give more credits than Murder Mayhem per hour. A lot of people see no reason to grind SW out all day when you can literally do nothing on MM all day and still earn more credits. I don't see how this should be the case.
    3) This one sort of leads on from #2. Some of the people who are actually good at Minecraft but just play MM since it gives more credits/guild points per hour will come back to Skywars, popularising the minigame a bit more which could mean that the fake player count can be removed, this would stop a couple of complaints and hate on MCC. Yes, if you didn't know, Alex and Vislo get hate because of a PLAYER COUNT!

    1) It may encourage more skybasing and camping, so players can hide from others and therefore get 10-25 points per minute for doing nothing. I don't think this massively matters but it does frustrate a lot of serious players who just wanna get matches done fast.
    2) For big parties, it may encourage some sort of teaming, to make the game last longer. So essentially they will target the other teams and then chill until one of the 2 or 3 teams in the party win on kills.
    (These are reasons why the reward/min shouldn't be too high, or it really brings about the same question of, why should you get credits for doing absolutely nothing?)

    I don't think the cons are that bad to be honest. There's a lot worse things to worry about in the game like hackers than someone camping at a base.

    Let me know your thoughts! If you have a Pro/Con to add to the list, I'll add it, so we can have all the pros and cons in one place so they can be weighed against each other more easily. I'll also add it with a (Thanks [Username]) so some angry bean doesn't reply to someones point with 'hE aLrEaDy sAiD tHaT nO0b l0ser LLL' or something.
    Yukihira, forgranted and smelie like this.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Good Evening!
    I for one agree with this idea, since a lot of players complain (especially during my AU timezone) that it sometimes takes 5 minutes to fill up a game, and then they die to the same level 1000 player after minutes of torture (EBallan im looking at you). I think this idea could be looked into and credits per minute or whatever should be calculated fairly so that it's not easier to afk than actually kill people and try to win. I think for an average game (at least when I play) if I'm final 2, the game usually finishes after about 4-5 minutes, though my perception of time may be very off. I think for an average game, if you come 2nd and get no kills, you should get about 5 credits, that way it's not too small, but not too large.
    +1 from me :)
  3. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I agree that it's frustrating to be waiting 5 minutes + for a new game. I don't however think 5 credits is enough. A mid level - pro player can get 500 credits per game at Lapis-Immortal. Say the game lasts 5 minutes, that's 100 credits a minute. I think that 10-25 credits/minute is justifiable especially when you're waiting 5 minutes for a game to start. You could have spent those 5 minutes in a game getting a lot of credits or dying fast and getting 0.

    I hope this makes sense to you since I'm going through some irl stuff right now and am having trouble communicating lol
    Have a nice day

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