Should muted players be allowed to /msgf?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by iFeast, May 22, 2020.


Should muted people be allowed to /msgf?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. iFeast

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Hey all,
    Now before I start, I'd just like to say that I have zero problems with the chat rules and they're honestly fairly simple and easy to follow. However after witnessing so many people get muted, I wondered "should they be allowed to message their friends and let them know that they're muted?" Personally, my position is that sev 1 chat offenses should be allowed to /msgf. Most of the time, it's just basic stupidity or ignorance of the rules on their part. Now, of course I'm not asking to reward people who are spamming blacklisted words but I truly am curious to see what the community has to say on this topic. Please let me know what you think. :)
  2. stiva

    Jul 22, 2019
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    personally, i do not think that muted players should be allowed to /msgf. generally, the players got muted for a valid reason, so i honestly think that allowing them to /msgf would cause them to be less cautious when typing in chat because they they will still be able to message their friends in game while muted. however, it could be useful so that players could let their friends know when they are muted, but the muted player could also just message their friends through discord or any other apps that they might use. these are just my thoughts, but you have a valid point! have a nice day/night :D
  3. 10Controls

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I personally don’t think that muted players should speak in /msgf. They broke a chat rule and they have to pay the price for it. If they want to speak in chat in any way they can either wait out their punishment (sev 1 mutes aren’t too long anyways) or appeal, and I think it should stay that way.

    I wouldn’t mind a system where you try to type in /msgf and it just replaces your message with “muted” so you can tell friends, but allowing players to talk in /msgf just allows them to break more rules.
    Lewklo and iFeast like this.
  4. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello! This is an issue that happens often for players who know a lot of people on the server but are muted. People aren't going to spam their friends (or other chat offenses), and if they do they can simply be removed from the player's friend list. It's quite difficult to communicate that you're muted when a friend is trying to start a conversation with no response, especially if they're not in the same game as you are. However, the major problem is that people will almost certainly use this to bypass their mute. If someone messages them, they can just be temporarily added to the muted person's friend list if they could use /msgf to talk while muted. Because of this, I'm going to say -1 on it, since this is a major concern. What should be added instead is a command that can only be used once every 3 minutes or so (so it isn't spammed), that notifies a player on one's friend list that they are muted, and should also work across servers, since sometimes friends will start up a conversation with /msgf while they're not in the same game.
    iFeast likes this.
  5. iFeast

    Apr 24, 2020
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    I like the idea of a notification when you chat with them. Like, say I was to message a muted person on my friends list. My message would still go through but red text pops up saying "This player is muted"
    stiva likes this.
  6. iFeast

    Apr 24, 2020
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    I can agree with you on that, like I replied to YoureKindaSus I feel like there should be some way to inform others of that player's mute aside from going on the forums to check
  7. Lexxonist

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I'm actually going to +1 this well more like +0.5 as it can cause issues between friends if one person isn't replying back and that other person doesn't know about the mute. It would seem like Person A is ignoring Person B. Not everyone would think to check punishments. I do think that this should only be for severity 1 mutes as they are less serious.

    EDIT: To add onto making it easier for people to know if someone is muted. It could be like if someone mentions the name in chat or tries to /msgf them, they would be given a message (by the server, not the player) that the player is muted. Alternatively, YoureKindaSus's suggestion would work too.
    brandnew likes this.
  8. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I disagree, it wouldn't be a fair punishment, as you could continue what you did to break the chat rule in msgf. If you get muted, you shouldn't have the ability to use any form of chat, otherwise theres simply no point to the punishment at all. I understand the problem with the players trying to msg you without knowing you are muted, so I definitely agree with what YoureKindaSus said about it letting them know that you are muted without the ability to actually message them.
    brandnew likes this.
  9. Venzel

    Dec 19, 2019
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    Hi there,

    I also disagree as well, being muted is a punishment and it ruins the purpose of mute. Allowing /msgf will possibly increase the amount of players that gets muted as it gets less serious. Looking at the current MC Central, I've noticed a lot of players that are really toxic (especially in Creative) and because of that I personally think that the current rules are appropriate for this server, It's certainly strict but it's necessary.
    khoah likes this.
  10. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    I feel that allowing players to /msgf while muted would not be conducive to the point of a mute. Punishments are issued as consequences for a user's actions, and as an opportunity to reflect upon rulebreaking. The tiered severity system is also forgiving: for example, a first-time Severity 1 mute is only 30 minutes. This provides some time to review the rules to ensure a user does not break them again. If they are allowed to /msgf, they will not truly feel the intended consequences and will simply continue communicating with players throughout the duration of their mute. A player can always use Discord to message their friends to let them know if they're muted.

    I would also like to point out that players can be punished for messages in /msgf if reported. Thus, a player could be muted for breaking a rule in /msgf, but then still have the opportunity to continue using /msgf. This opens the road for them to continue breaking the same rule they were muted for by having this channel of communication. Thus, the mute is basically pointless if they still have this ability.
  11. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Coming from my experience, there are plenty of times that I actually mute people because of what they say in /msgf - and therefore will say that I personally think that we should mute the chat offences outlined. The bypass filter does not apply to /msgf (or other private chats) and I have had a few times where I know that people didn't know they couldn't say that, and they would have no clue until I show them the evidence against them.

    I feel that the filter should be applied to /msgf. It will save a lot of time for both players and staff when it comes to chatreporting, punishing and appealing, it does quite feel like it should have been there from the start however I hope at some point it does come.

    To answer the topic, I don't think they should players should be able to /msgf while muted, they committed a chat offence and have lost the ability to talk ingame (traditionally through chat) and should sit out their punishment or appeal :)
    Simplistiq likes this.
  12. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I sometimes wish they had this, but I always get muted for breaking a rule, and I really do deserve the mute. I dont think this should be added because people get muted for a reason, and who knows what they might say in msgf. I dont see this reasonable, and why they should add this because you are muted for a reason. And like elecctricc said, as a staff a bunch of players get muted for saying stuff in msgf. So for me, -1

  13. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, @iFeast I going to disagree with you for allowing muted players to talk in /msgf. The reason for this is because the user who broken a chat rule deserves to be punished for what they did. Also allowing muted players to talk in /msgf is defeating the purpose of a mute and I see where you are come from. The muted player can always just fo on the MCC website to appeal the punishment. Overall it is a -1 for letting muted players talk in /msgf and have yourself a good day or night.
  14. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I personally think that severity 1 muted players should be allowed to do this. Mostly because when a player commits an offence, it is normally in the main chat. In muting a player we a preventing them from being able to annoy/disrespect other players in a lobby/mini game, but why should they not be able to have private convos? They only committed the offence in the main chat I dont see why private convos would have any thing to do with this.
  15. Filiplayz

    Feb 1, 2020
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    I'll have to strongly disagree
    They have broken a rule therefore they have to pay for what they have done
    by sitting trough the mute. By enabling them to use
    /msgf your essentially

    giving them a simply bypass for their mute. Also, if you were allowed to use
    msgf during a mute then the msgf could be abused in toxic/inappropriate ways.
  16. Melc

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Personally I feel like they should not be unmuted due to the fact that they were muted for breaking a rule in chat and giving the /msgf would just be giving them a bypass around it. They should just wait out there mute and contact friends using discord and such
  17. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    As someone who is muted pretty much all the time, I'd like this very much especially when you're trying to get one of your friends to party up on minigames or something. Or for friending a staff you've seen playing on minigames and reporting a hacker for those times where you simply can't be bothered to go on the discord or on the forums.

    However, this doesn't really back the idea of a mute. You being muted isn't for the benefit of other players, it's for you to be inconvenienced so you reconsider your actions and stop doing whatever it was you're doing. Like someone else said, being able to talk to your friends in /msgf will only mean that you are more relaxed about what you say. This is especially bad in the case of toxic, competitive players. Who only really use the chat to talk to their guild, faction, prison gang or their minigames party.

    Implementing this will cause a lot more mutes, wasting more time than staff are already wasting on muting people. This limits the time available for staff to purge hackers. Which will send a lot of people who wanted it implemented in the first place back to the forums to complain about "staff aren't doing their job". So its a -1 from me.

    Hope this gives you a clear understand as to why it's a bad idea to let muted players talk in /msgf!
  18. Prismane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there!,
    I mean I can see why some players agree, but its still a way to be able to chat on the server. Also, I feel it would be just really unnecessary to even mute the player then, because they are still able to chat in another way. -1
  19. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    They don't deserve to even get the chance to communicate with others. If you let them have the opportunity to even have a chance to talk with others, they will not fully learn the lesson.
  20. DrBrando

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Hey! I think that this post comes from a misunderstanding of the punishment system. A user gets muted because they broke a chat rule. The purpose of a mute is to be enough of an annoyance/inconvenience that they will not break that rule again. We do this by escalating the punishment based on history in an attempt to make it more fitting.

    I believe that if we were to reduce the effectiveness of the mute that players would no longer care that they got muted and would more freely break chat rules.

    This addition would also be able to be exploited by bots advertising for other servers by rendering mutes ineffective.

    Due to the reasons I have listed above, I will have to
    -1 on this suggestion.
    Simplistiq likes this.

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