YT Rank Requirements

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pxrge, May 27, 2020.


What do you think the subscriber count requirement should be for YT Rank?

  1. 2500+

  2. 1000

  3. 500

  4. 100

  5. The sub count should remain 5000 so no one at all can have YT rank

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  1. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello everyone who is reading this thread,

    I have only seen two players with Youtube rank on this server over the past five years of my time playing this server. They weren't even high levels and didn't look active at all, but they met the requirements as far as I can remember. Now there is a lot of new Youtubers popping up in the community who may not have the highest subscriber count, but post entertainment for their viewers on minecraft central. I was looking at the requirements for YT rank and saw the big problem that limited minecraft central youtubers of having any chance of getting the rank.


    5,000 or more subscribers on your channel.
    An active YouTube channel on which you post videos regularly.
    Your channel must produce Minecraft related content.
    Preferably have MCCentral content already on the channel.

    5,000 subscribers for YT rank on a server that doesn't even have 5,000+ players. The player count of the server is crucial because that's where the most subs come from a channel who only posts MCC related content.

    Why do I care if some might ask? I have many friends or Youtubers I watch on MCC who post on YT that entertain not only me and their friend group, but to a variety of audiences. Some try to go for YT rank, but they lose confidence because they don't seem themselves getting a YT rank anytime soon as long as the sub count requirement remains 5K.

    I get that MCC wants the YT Rank to be a hard achievable rank, but it isn't achievable if you make it impossible. I hope word goes out to the MCC Community, so we can see this rank in game. If MCC does happen to lower the limit, then I would like to see Youtubers have a /nick command because I don't even think they have it currently and if they do then great.

    Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this forum posts.

    puposaurus, kuieren, Issel and 5 others like this.
  2. HeckTheThicc

    Sep 1, 2019
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    5k sounds like a lot, 100 seems small, so 1k Should be the subscriber max. +1
  3. iTristan

    Sep 22, 2019
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    Hey Pxrge!

    I can see why you and your friends may be discouraged about applying from the youtube rank, but I really think the requirements right now are justifiable. One of the points you brought up was that MCC doesn't even have 5k concurrent players which is true. This is why they would like to expand their outreach to more players. I'm sure as you know (generally) the more subscribers you have the more views you will pull, which is one of the reasons why that requirement is in place. For example, let's say you have a channel with 5k subs, and you make a video about MCC that gets 2.5k views. Maybe 50 of those viewers will decide they want to give the server a try and connect, compared to a channel with 1k subs that will maybe get 500 views on a video and 5 people decide they want to try the server out. As you said, MCC wants the rank to be hard to achieve so not just anyone can have it. It is definitely not impossible to reach 5k subscribers on youtube and with hard work and quality content, I'm sure you can achieve that. As for the /nick goes, there is no need to add this as even staff don't have this command. With the scarcity of the youtube tag alone, you are bound to stand out.
  4. Prismane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I definitely feel like the limit should at-least be 3000, because you still want that sense of having a decent amount of subscribers to make sure that those amount of views are achievable. But, also I feel that the MCC staff should definitely make sure that the youtubers are still being active because with that rank on a pretty large server is very hard to get as you said. + 0.8
    HeckTheThicc likes this.
  5. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I've seen other posts like this, but this one contains the best explanation for why it should be lowered. I've only seen one actual youtuber who posts MC Central content during this time and it's Saboru_ . To be honest, if you only have one youtuber uploading videos currently(might be more) then the subscriber count needs to be lowered substantially. +1
    Best of luck.
  6. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Thanks for taking the time out of your day to respond to my thread. I get the concept of attracting more players to the server, but let's get realistic. I don't see a small youtuber who mainly posts MCC related content with the same hard and quality work attracting players to a server when their viewer base revolves around the people who already play MCC. Also, I'm not saying it's impossible to gain 5K subs on youtube. I'm saying it's impossible to gain 5K subs as a youtuber on MCC who posts MCC related content. This is why I don't see the requirements as "justifiable." The only way I see someone getting a YT rank on the server with the current requirements is if they were popular before hand with 5K subs already and just started uploading MCC content for the YT rank. I hope this answers your concerns and that you have a good one.
    - Pxrge
    forgranted likes this.
  7. UrBorinq

    May 27, 2020
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    I agree with Tristan on this one because 5k subs is like a challenge and also kinda a milestone for beginner youtubers I mean if it was only 100 so many people prob get that in a day and apply there would be overwhelming amount of you tubers on the server so for me personally 5k is a good and just able number for right now.
  8. Saboru_

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Hey Pxrge!

    Very interesting stand point and totally agree with you +1

    But here’s the big situation recording/playing on MCCentral has. This is just a stand point of someone who’s been making content for MCC for while now. In my personal opinion I don’t mind whether I have the tag or not since it doesn’t really give any sort of perk at all (basically immortal rank with a different name) not even /nick so you don’t get targeted in Minigames or KitPVP.

    YouTube Rank Features:

    • Immortal rank in-game.
    • /tptoggle command in-game. (Toggles teleport requests)
    • YouTuber tag in-game and on Discord
    Anyways here’s why MCC will never have Active playing YouTubers. As @iTristan mentioned 5,000 subscribers is definitely achievable and Mcc would want to expand their player base through bigger YouTubers but also as @Pxrge stated Mccentral doesn’t even have 5,000 concurrent players.

    As someone who has been recording and making content for MCC community for a few months now I’ve come to realise it is IMPOSSIBLE to reach 5,000 subscribers only recording on McCentral and the only way to reach the requirements is either play on a larger server (I think you know which one I’m talking about) or be lucky enough to start a viral single player series. If anyone including myself made 5,000 subscribers through content unrelated to Minecraft Central they would be smart enough to continue doing what grew their channel (not MCC) for reason been their fan base would be disappointed because their not getting the content they subscribed for and they’re channel will not grow at all as MCC player base is too small. That anyone with 5,000+ subs and adequate views will record on the server for FREE.

    I only make videos so the community have something to watch other than corny montages so for me personally as long as the community sees me as the “YT Guy” even without the tag I’m truly grateful :)

    I was gonna compile that the video I’m making now “How to fix MCCentral” but here it is...

    #8 Saboru_, May 28, 2020
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
  9. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    PainfulStrafes i mean it is possible to get 5k subs off mcc alone but it takes a long long time xd
  10. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Saboru_ isn't even youtube rank i dont believe ...
  11. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'm generally impressed with how you achieved 5K subs off MCC content alone. You have my respect and it's been too damn long since I've seen a YT on MCC with that amount of subs. But you haven't uploaded in months, so you probably have been stripped of YT rank due to the lack of activity and if you haven't, then that's just.... Wow.
    Have a good one mate.
    - Pxrge
    RigBot likes this.
  12. Saboru_

    Aug 29, 2019
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    RigBot likes this.
  13. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I know, all I was saying is he is the only youtuber I see(who isn't staff) who produces MC Central Content actively and consistently. He always has good content, and I was just saying, he's probably the best MC Central youtuber right now and he probably won't ever hit 5k subs for an MC Central purpose. No offense Saboru_. I still think that the count should be lowered and I especially think Saboru_ produces enough content that is good, to get a chance at the rank.
    TheKingOfTurtlez and Saboru_ like this.
  14. Other

    Jul 26, 2019
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    let me correct you, Rigbot didn't get 5k subs off of MCC he uploaded other things like Roblox and other games. There are at least 2k botted (Fake players) on MCC which in reality MCC gets about 1k maybe a little more players daily I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea for YT rank to be 5k especially when this is an American server and the only youtube (from I've seen) doesn't even bring in English players. I've seen about 1 more youtube ranked player that has 5k but only pulls about 100 views per video which leads to the thoughts that he botted his channel to get to 5k because of the fact that it's hard enough to grow off this server because there aren't even that many players on daily that would even give the idea that it should be 5k. I think it should go back to 1k. why? Because when the sub-requirement was 1k more players recorded and tried to stream since getting to 1k is more obtainable and more realistic than trying to gain 5k from a server that doesn't even have 5k players . usually, a server ups its requirements when the rank becomes over-saturated but obviously this is not the case there are way bigger servers that have the requirement to 500 because they want players to record and grow off the server but MCC once again made a decision that wasn't really in the players favor i had a friend who recorded on MCC for about a year and once he hit 1k they upped the requirement to 5k and he just quit and went to a different server because he felt like all the work he did was for nothing.
    Pxrge and Saboru_ like this.
  15. Cefr

    May 9, 2020
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    I agree with many other, I still think youtube rank should be hard to get, but at it's current state I think it's too hard to get. I think around 2500-3000 subs would be a great amount for youtube rank. It would mean that there wouldn't be a whole lot of youtube rank players, but it would mean a little more people would have it.
  16. Melc

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Definitely agree with you I feel like it should be lowered but not by to much where just anyone can get it. I think around 2500 subs would be a great requirement if the Youtuber actively recorded on the server its a pretty reasonable goal for newer YouTubers who consistently put out content.
  17. Other

    Jul 26, 2019
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    No, I guess you guys didn't read my post correctly, as a person that uploads consistently I know how hard it is to gain subscribers and for someone like saboru who uploads about 4 videos a week, deserves a more realistic chance at getting YouTuber on this server or any player that uploads MCC. The server is getting less and less popular which and I don't know if you haven't noticed but there aren't that many people recording on the server like there was last year after everyone figured out they added another 4,000 to the sub count. Even making it 2,500 is still unrealistic I used to record MCC all the time hell, one of my most popular videos is MCC but I quit recording on here because I noticed that the views/ people were lacking and I moved on to a different server and now I'm gaining 100 subs a week. I'm sure people like saboru will end up doing the same if things don't change. Youtube is not easy especially the way he edits it takes hours and people can easily get burned out the requirement should go back to 1k no more than that especially is that's all the server can even get (counting real players) you guys act like "its a challenge and one day they will get to it" but that's not the case and frankly sorry to inform you that's not how YouTube works :joy: people watch popular servers or videos of people with servers with popular people and MCC doesn't have any of that right now. And I've read many other threads that try to justify having the sub count to 5000 and stating that certain YouTubers are "on the rise of getting it" but when I check out their channel they have 1k subs and getting 100 views I have fewer subs and I get more views than that in a day. which proves the point that the server isn't as popular as it used to be. Most people who try to defend that YouTuber should be 5k doesn't even have a youtube channel and have no idea how hard it is to actually run it (quality wise which saboru, in my opinion, has the best quality videos)! especially when you try to be consistent. Anyways I highlighted the important factors to this. Not even sure if staff will read this or even consider the idea because that's not how mcc works either but good luck! @Saboru I'm rooting for you buddy :)
    forgranted, Saboru_ and Pxrge like this.
  18. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Finally, someone who understands. I respect people's opinions, but some of them I believe are ignorant and don't look at the factual part of it and the hard work that goes behind in uploading quality content. 2,500 Sub count requirement is unreasonable like you said. I don't know why people want the requirement to remain so darn high when ignoring the current circumstances of our YT community. I hope @Saboru_ doesn't give up and continues to put up quality content.

    Thanks for taking the time out of your day to come to reason with the people reading this thread.

    - Pxrge
    forgranted and Other like this.
  19. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It's not me, give the props to @RigBot
  20. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Didnt you sub bot too? I remember you had 1k+ subs where did most of them go? Also his mcc videos got 10k views so heres people who are really interested in these videos.

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