Suggested Changes/additions for next season

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Filiplayz, May 27, 2020.


Do you agree with the following suggestions

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  1. Filiplayz

    Feb 1, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Map/Environmental changes
    Increase Wilderness/warp pvp size. many players feel that this season's wilderness is too small.
    Allow us to climb back onto SOME trees and objects like we used to be able to (this is controversial)
    Display Gangtop, Statstop, Baltop and Blocktop on a holographic leader board. this could all be compacted into a single holograph by making a "page" for each of the following statistics

    Mining Changes
    Remove Lapis from Z mine. this is the final mine therefore it should not include lower tier ores. Removing lapis would give the mine a more premium feel compared to previous mines like Y mine.
    Add Speed as a custom enchant that can be added onto Armour and would only function in mines. The following enchantment could also be made only available at higher tier mines

    Make enchantments removable in exchange for your points back but at the cost of Shards. 30/level for example
    Display level progression of upgrade pickaxes as a percentage next to the bar

    Add a Bomb Consumable that can be purchased with a hefty amount of shards. The following consumable would act like a fireball that would explode in the mine/blow up a large area. The items may not fit in the players inventory so maybe the items could be automatically sold.

    Add a consumable that can be purchased using tokens which would boost the speed at which your Upgradeable pickaxes levels up for 10 minutes. (for example)

    Additional Changes
    Give shards a little more purpose then just buying spawners and fixing gear. They could be used to purchase consumables for mines as mentioned above or many other things. consumables are just a suggestion

    Upgrade the minimum amount of shards you can collect from envoys.

    Im open to criticism, these are just suggestions. feel free to add your own suggestions below. i hope these suggestions could improve next season

    Have a great day everyone!

  2. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I think you have some really great ideas that I would love to see implemented in the next Prison update. I have a couple of pieces of feedback as well: first, I feel that the "Bomb" may be a bit overkill as players already have the option to enchant their Upgradeable pickaxe with Blast Mining, which is similar to what you are suggesting. The Bomb Consumable may be too powerful and also eradicate the original need for Blast Mining in the first place. I also think that your Upgradeable Pickaxe speed idea could be turned into a type of "mini-booster." This could be a booster purchasable from the MCC Store which speeds up the rate at which UPs gain levels during a 10 or 30 minute period, for example. Overall, great suggestions and thank you for bringing them up!
  3. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    These are all phenomenal ideas. Thank you so much for these! As you and Rev3rse mentioned, I was also thinking of a mining booster that would boost the rate of speed in which you earn upgrade points, so +1 from me.

    I don't really know about this idea, I think that people who are already super wealthy won't use this since it probably won't be worth their time to buy something like this and sell it, even at the money they're making at that moment. I just don't think it's feasible for people who actually have the money to do this, it won't be worth their time.

    Great ideas overall!
  4. Filiplayz

    Feb 1, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Thank you for the feedback. when i mentioned the bomb it was more of an example of how
    consumables could be implemented into the game. I think it would be great to implement some
    none persistent items/consumables at the cost of shards. this would farther drive the value of shards
    higher and i think it could make mining more fun to grind as well.
  5. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    You are one smart cookie, I agree with all. Plus nice banner!
  6. Conscience

    Apr 26, 2020
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    I think all the ideas listed here are great. I am personally a big fan of the idea to revert enchants back for points, as I have wasted many points on futile efficiency upgrades :) +1
  7. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    These are some great ideas for next season. Here are my views on a few of them

    1. I know many people complain about lapis being in mine Z and I agree that it should be removed also. You only get about 1-2 stacks at a time and its quite annoying having to place in a chest to sell or go to another section in a sell shop for such a low amount of ores.
    2. Love the idea of being able to remove a custom enchant for tokens. However, the issue is later into the season, tokens are so much more rare that it would only be beneficial at the start of the season.
    3. I don't like the idea of having something to help upgrade your pick faster as its meant to be something thats now p2w and I believe it should stay more or less the way it is.


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