Ban Hackers

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Cowty, May 27, 2020.

  1. Cowty

    Apr 30, 2020
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    Bom dia, você poderia colocar um aviso no chat quando um hacker é banido, assim os hackers teriam medo de usar hack no servidor ... (desculpe pelo inglês por usar o tradutor)
  2. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Hey there Cowty.

    Ban messages are hidden for multiple purposes. I would assume they are hidden to mainly protect Staff's identities. If a hacker sees that a player is getting banned by, for example, DeathStrokeDevil, they'll know that DeathStrokeDevil is a Moderator and might stop hacking when they see them.

    Additionally, if a Staff Member bans a specific player, they could be targeted by the people who don't agree with their decision. You can always check if a player has been punished, the reason, and who by at

    These are just my thoughts, hope this helps.
    FourNut and kuieren like this.
  3. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Olá! Eu não vejo como isso ajudaria o problema que a gente vem tendo com hackers, vendo como a maior parte deles usam vpns e contas alternativas que eles recebem de graça ou por um preço muito baixo para que eles possam hackear sem medo e poder continuar jogando nas suas contas principais. E considerando a quantidade de hackers que são banidos diariamente, colocar um anúncio toda vez alguém é banido encheria os chats dos usuários com mensagens desnecessárias, dificultando conversas e enchendo o saco de pessoas que não têm nada a ver com isso.
    Eu entendo o porquê de você sugeriu esta ideia, mas eu acho que isso não deve ser implementado, pelo menos não neste momento ou desse jeito.
    FourNut and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  4. I don't think hacker is scared or would be even by seeing that message, they are perfectly aware of MCC being a big network and punishments are being done in every few minutes. Like others said above they would know which staff punished them (and may avoid), though even if its like:
    (Insert naughty, annoying hacker name here) was banned.
    The hacker would still understand that a staff-member is active, and this message may be annoying to few people, and if staff accidentally bans a user (which i done quite a lot of times by typoes), people would go into their dm and be like: "Hey why you banned my friend? He was just standing next to me and POOF! banned for hacker?" (If message is hidden), "#support @staffmember why was my friend all the sudden banned? I just went to lobby and I see this message of him being banned for hacking?"

    The real way to scare hackers is by typing "boo", not but for real some fake message like "Currently 20 / 40 staff are on" or fake broadcast message of a none online staff member.

    Most mods on MCC never talks during games, they wait till someone hacks, and strike that ban hammer. However most of the times I would talk, to scare any hackers, so in my opinion adding a fake staff talking system is much better then broadcasting "ban messages"


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