so like, im just tired of this, staff do you exist?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wan Yeet, May 25, 2020.

  1. Wan Yeet

    Jul 28, 2019
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    so like, I just was recording for a YT video for ctf, and I caught at least 3 hackers while playing the game. I thought it would be funny to see how many caps they had, and lets just say its over 10 for all of them. It's almost like the hackers are allowed to play on the server for multiple hours, which makes the game un fun. And this isn't including 10+ hackers I've seen since last week, so like, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't even feel like reporting these guys since it'll most likely take a while for the private video of them to go up, AND they probs wont be banned until a few hours/days later, so like, there is basically no point in doing it. I know a lot of us don't give credit to the staff, even though they do do a few good things, its still painful to have to wait till these ppl are gone to ACTUALLY play the game, and not just hope to win. Many staff will tell you stuff like "you shouldn't party with a hacker" or "if they are hacking report them instead of teaming with them". I would agree with them if the hackers where only there for a little while, but since that's not the case, most people playing the minigames are gonna do it. Why? Because most people aren't playing the minigames for fun, they are playing them for either levels or for ranking on the leaderboard, and with that in mind, they are more likely gonna try and win the easiest way without hacking themselves. Plus, it's almost ironic how the staff will mute you for "trolling" or "spamming" when its just dumb stuff that helps helpers get their stupid rank. Why can't they put that same effort into banning people? I would rather have a game of people saying "3, 2, 1, GO!" or "press alt +f4 to win" then having them fly through the air and win the game in 5 seconds. Someone said this in chat, which was funny at the time, but its so true: "Welcome to MCC guys, the place where you are more likely to get muted than banned". so like, what do y'all think about this? I just wanted to see y'all takes on this, and if you are a staff reading this, I'm not trying to come at y'all, but I'm coming at y'all. If you have a problem with it, then fix our minigames so we can actually have fun. Otherwise, people are just gonna make fun of you, myself included (trust me, I've already started bashing y'all, and believe me, its funny as hell).

    so like, cya mates
    Marco5py, Pxrge, forgranted and 3 others like this.
  2. milky

    Feb 23, 2020
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    word. i stg i went on ctf with a fly hacker & when i went on 12 hours later they were still there hackin + cappin LOL
  3. Back when I was MCC mod, our staff team managed to do bans quite quickly, even tho there was way less of us. I am not saying the current staff team is slow or bad. Many things have changed when I left MCC for 5 month. Hackers indeed are more problems because new hack clients are being advanced, alts, and vpns. My self I witnessed three hackers with a huge list of alts, and a working vpn to keep on coming back to MCC.

    Staff them-selves are busy people especially during this CoVID-19 pandemic, some countries are effected extremely, and people must focus more on their lives.
    Current staff still gets their job done, banning hacker in general, I know it may take a long while, but at the end, they are gone (most of the time).

    Blaming staff / complaining about them doing their job bad isn't helpful (not saying you are saying this.) Everyone is also busy with their lives, job, IRL stuff.

    The current situation around the world is affecting everyone around us. Staff are indeed trying their best to get on, and ban the rule breakers!

    Marco5py likes this.
  4. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree that it sucks. CTF is getting less and less staff coverage now because Skywars has such a big hacker problem, so hackers can go unchecked for hours. Since I play CTF fairly regularly, I'd suggest using the #support channel in the MCC Discord rather than reporting. Instead of the few hours a report takes to get processed, you can usually get a staff member in-game almost instantly through there. It's as good as you're going to get without a /report feature. The biggest fixes would be an anti-cheat and giving the ability for staff to join active games though, so lets hope those features roll around when the supposed minigames update does.
    Marco5py and QueenCherie like this.
  5. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Hey there,
    The MCC devs are currently in the process of implementing an anticheat system, so that should reduce the amount of hackers significantly when it is put into use. I get that reporting is long and painful on the forums, so my strong advice is that you report hackers by @ing staff members on the reports section of the MCC discord server. They usually respond and will deal with the cheater within minutes this way. As to hackers with many alts and VPNs, there really isn’t anything you can do to stop them, and I know it feel hopeless sometimes but just keep reporting. Once the anticheat is added hopefully MCC as a server will be much better
    I hope this helped.
  6. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    There is a ton of hackers on this server no question. What I do if I see a ton of hackers I go to the support in the mcc discord and notify a staff member there is a good amount of hackers in whatever game mode and to clean out the hackers. I see them on it whenever I notify the staff team in the support in the mcc discord. I am frustrated with hackers, but I do whatever I can to get rid of them via the mcc discord or simply reporting them. I am sorry you are frustrated but it isn't just you. The staff team cant know whenever someone is just hacking. But you saying you dont wanna report them doesn't help you're case. Hope to see a anti-cheat implemented soon to slow down the immense amount of hackers! Sorry about you're frustration!

  7. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Good afternoon!
    Just a quick note with what you said "Welcome to MCC guys, the place where you are more likely to get muted than banned", when I say I agree with you, you'll probably think that's weird. I wouldn't lie when I say this statement is mostly true, but mainly due to the statistics and punishments themselves.
    While hackers are a problem, the main issue is timezones, where most Mod+ staff are offline. The reason why you are more likely to be muted is due to the simplicity of the punishments. It's easy to get muted, and there's pretty much always a Helper online, whereas there are less mods, so less are online.
    Even the gameplay punishments are fairly hard to "accidentally" do, such as Obstruct the Server, Bug exploit etc, whereas you can be punished for sending the same messages 3 times in a row within a short time period.
    To say Hackers are "allowed" on the server is completely incorrect, but it's difficult to deal with when it's 3am for most staff and a lot of the other staff are at work/school. There are rumours about an anti-cheat revamp, but I only know as much as the rest of the community. The staff work hard to ban hackers when they are playing, but taking a few minutes out of your day to report them won't do any harm. Put it this way, if there are no staff online to witness a player they must punish, reporting them brings the server one hacker down.
    If you have any further questions, PM me on discord :)
    milky and forgranted like this.
  8. reseed

    Jul 29, 2019
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    support discord is the best bet for immediate support i.e. flyhackers
  9. Prismane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    There are a lot of things different in punishments, so I understand where other players and you come from. But, the least we can do is just @ a staff member in the #support channel on the discord they reply pretty quickly with help. Lets just hope that Anti-Cheat revamp is coming up soon.
  10. khoztymis

    Jan 6, 2020
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    everyone on here are obv going for staff its so sad LOL
    Pxrge and Wan Yeet like this.
  11. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Howdy bro. I understand your frustration, and frankly, I get frustrated myself reporting around 10+ hackers every time I go on a wave of reporting people. But just saying, you should never blame the staff for controlling the rules on the server, because they didn't implement them. And I may not like some of the rules myself, but I didn't make them, and I can't control that, so I gotta respect and accept it. Trust me, I've been muted for pretty dumb reasons.

    Also, how can you blame the staff for not doing there job, when you aren't taking the time out of your day to report them? I don't know why you tried to make that point, because if you are too lazy to report anyone, then you just admitted that the staff exist, and they sure as heck do more work then you. Every staff had to report 50+ players and be accepted in order to become staff. Now I'm not telling you to become staff, but you shouldn't bash on the staff members for not existing, when you don't even want to report these hackers.

    My next point is time management. These staff also have lives like yourself, and they take there own time to try and ban most of these hackers. One time, I was on @TheKingOfTurtlez stream, and he was talking to @Chilo_ , and he was saying that there were a lot of report tickets that were pending. Now before I go any further, let's not bring these two into this argument, because Turtlez is just a kid who streams in his room, and Chilo as of lately, has been doing an amazing job at being Sr.Mod, so do not try and bring these guys up. Anyways, lately, a lot of people are getting reported, and these aren't just hackers, these might be inappropriate builds, people being disrespectful, etc. So, these staff members have to deal with a lot of people everyday, and it can cut into there own personal lives because they're trying to make the server a hacker-less server, and they will get demoted if they don't do there job. And, with this corona virus pandemic, they are all probably under stress from online school/extra curricular activities, so they may not have time that day. So moral of this point is, they may not have the time to ban these hackers, because they are just busy with there own lives, so don't blame them for being inactive.

    Also, I just wanna touch on @Khozt 's comment. How would you know that they are trying to become staff? As one said, they were already a previous staff member, and he's said that he won't plan being staff again, he plans on helping people on the forums. So don't be quick to assume that people are going to become staff just because they are replying to your friend.

    So, I hope that this message helps. Hopefully that all the reports of the hackers die down once this anti cheat that everyone has been hyping up gets implemented. Have a nice day broski!

  12. Wan Yeet

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hi, I do respect that you did take the time out of your day to reply to this, but I do have a few things that are a bit off.
    First off, it is not my job to report hackers to the forums. Where I am coming from is that it is too tiring to have to make a video to upload here, and then not have it be reviewed for a few hours/days. There is no point in trying to report someone immediately when the report isn't going to reviewed for a while. I'm not employed/a part of the staff for MCC, therefore it is not my job to report/ban hackers. It's the staff's jobs, not mine. Not everyone is able to report a hacker easily, due to stuff like having a slow download/upload speed and it taking a few hours to get a 40 second video on YouTube, which also cuts into not being able to do anything on said device besides that. Honestly, it makes more sense to hope that you aren't in the same game with the hacker than that.

    Secondly, if the staff aren't the ones making the rules, then who does? If anything, I would like to talk to them about said stuff, but its not like many people do know about them since they are clearly not active.

    Third, I do also realize that staff do have lives. But, if their lives are in the way of making decisions as banning hackers so often that they don't even review or look at appeals/reports, then they shouldn't be staff. If I was a customer at a store, and I saw that the people working there weren't doing their job to the fullest, I know that they have lives as well, but if that gets in the way of work, then they don't need to be working there. The same thing applies here. I take my time out of the day to play on the server too, so I would expect that there wouldn't be any hackers on there.

    Fourth, there are staff that deal with different situations, like some staff are in charge of overlooking the faction's sub server, and there are some that are overlooking minigames, so they all aren't dealing with the WHOLE server when it comes to reports. They can manage what they have, and if they don't, then the phrase that "staff don't exist" becomes that much more real instead of a joke.

    Fifth, I think that staff/helpers try to mute people a lot more then they try to ban people. I myself have just been muted less than an hour ago, and I'm sure that its for just saying "gt" when someone loses the flag on CTF. Like, really? There was a hacker the same game, and before one of them checked to see if this person was hacking, they thought it was a better decision to mute me for something that doesn't effect gameplay. Again, I do understand that Helpers are trying to get promoted and stuff, but why not put that same energy into something that matters a whole lot more?

    Sixth, this is not just from me, but from many others too; do you think that most the people playing on the server don't have online classes/extra events outside of Minecraft? I also have classes and do a plethora of other things too besides Minecraft, but I still find the time in the day to play it because I want to. They are not the only people going through this pandemic, and I highly doubt that all of them have been affected to the point where their job is delayed/put on hold for a long period of time, ESPECIALLY when they are still muting people regularly.

    Lastly, @Khozt was clearly making a joke, I think that most people here knew that, its not a suck up or anything, soooooo
  13. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Hey! I can see your frustration! If you do have a problem with any of the things happening, you can put the hackers names in the #support channel of the MCC Discord (You can join in my signature) and tag a staff member (@Staff member) Most likely, the person will get dealt with! If you aren't doing anything to let the staff know about the hackers, they might not know the hacker is there! Don't be rude to the people trying to keep the game as hacker free out of there own time, there not even getting payed real money! So, be nicer to staff, and maybe they might help! Thanks, Have a great day!
  14. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    well, the staff do their best to get rid of the hackers, but to help you can either report the hackers on the forums or as many people have said go to #support in the community discord and state the name of the hacker and minigame/subserver they are playing on. A staff member will manage to ban the hacker within 10-20 minutes. For the staff team to work efficiently you need to help them out by reporting the hackers.
    gina likes this.
  15. Filiplayz

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Use Mc-Central discord
    mc central staff are very active in the Mc-Central discord!
    just ask for some help in the
    [Support] Channel. just write
    a "report" in the following format "[location of hacker] [Hack being used] [Name of hacker]


    SSW FLY RasberriePotatoes235

    I hope this reply was of use to you have a great day ♥♥♥
  16. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    As a lot of people have said, it's a good idea to use the discord. However we have had to work out that this is better to do ourselves. I've gone out of my way to look for staff in subservers to come and spec a hacker, and have been met with 'please just report them on the forums'. I get that they might be checking chatreports, but I'm pretty sure people would rather see the hacker ruining their fun get banned than that guy who said 'd1ck' 20 minutes ago. I've made a post on this before but I'll say it again. The attitude of the staff needs to be brought back to where it was back in the day when you could literally tell staff to 'kys' or tell them to 'alt+f4' and they'd laugh with you. Now the whole team are sensitive except a select few.

    If you want a hacker banned fast I'd recommend contacting one of the Staff who own/co own guilds. Such as UglyKidSteve, fajoszz, DeathStrokeDevil and kvng_steph (coincidentally the most respected staff - I've only heard good words about these four for the most part). These lot are all in competitive guilds so will have empathy towards your frustration on the hacker, and will most likely come as soon as you ask them too.

    Another issue mentioned by someone else is timezones, I'm pretty sure during my AM period (I'm from the UK) literally 90% of the staff are asleep. This is an issue. I think they need to actively request Helper applications and not treat it like "people who want staff need to come to us or we aren't going to have them".

    So if anyone wants a suggestion out of this mini rant, I suggest that staff be told to tell players to report hackers in the support section of the MCC Discord. And /report should tell you to report hackers on forums AND discord, not just the forums. Forum reports go unseen for days sometimes, whereas I've seen staff confirm bans to reporters within the same minute on the discord.

    Hope this post gives you some reassurance that you're not the only one who thinks Staff need improvement.

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