Player reports

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Dill, May 22, 2020.

  1. Dill

    May 14, 2020
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    This post is regarding player reports, specifically in games such as solo sky wars, where, as many people know, there are hackers in more games than most other sub-servers. Player submitted reports are a very important tool in combating hackers, and I believe they could be used in a much bigger scale. As of right now, it seems that most people who make a substantial number of reports are probably doing it to get in their 50 player report tickets so that they can apply for staff. I’m sure there are some people who make reports often and are not just trying to reach 50, but they are the minority. My idea is this; There should be some sort of reward for accepted player reports. Even better, there should be a reward for specific numbers of reports i.e., when you reach 100 reports you get coal rank. It doesn’t even have to be a rank, it could be exp boosters, or maybe even just one ability from a rank, such as the ability to talk in colors in chat. If players were given this new motivation to report hackers, by some form of reward whatever that may be, there would be a surge in player reports and therefore a decrease in the amount of hackers on the server.
    khoah likes this.
  2. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Howdy Dill.

    I'm unsure whether this would be a good idea. Whilst it would provide a good incentive to reporting players, I feel like there would be a huge incline in reports, and lots of reports where the same rule breaker is reported by several people. This could be a time waster for Staff on the reports team.

    Additionally, I certainly think the reports team handle enough reports. Last month there were over 10,000 reports accepted. I do find my reports can take a while to get a response to, which could suggest that there aren't enough staff members on the subteam.

    These are just my thoughts, have a great day.
    Dill likes this.
  3. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I see what you are saying that players report to get 50 reports in to apply for staff. But, i'm not with you where you say there should be a reward for submitting reports. I am submitting reports to help me if I apply, as many others are. Also, I am doing it because there is a immense amount of hackers especially on solo skywars like you said. I feel like some players like to do it to help the community. Hopefully they come out with aniti-cheat soon like i've heard is to come soon. We dont fully know yet. But, you can also tell the staff team about hackers in the support tab in the mcc discord, and you can get hackers banned there by saying, " <username> is hacking in cakewars flying!" That is also a good way to report players. I am with you on the amount of hackers in mcc is kinda a problem +1. Then how you said how you should get some sort of reward for reporting players. It docent take long to report a player in my opinion, so I dont see how you should get a reward for doing this. So with that point, -1

  4. Dill

    May 14, 2020
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    Hi, you made good points here. I wasn't aware of those report numbers. I think having more staff to accept or deny reports is a great idea.
  5. Dill

    May 14, 2020
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    Thanks for the input, my point in saying that people should be rewarded for reports was not that they should be rewarded because it is a good thing to do, but because if there is a reward for reporting then more people will report.
    Simplistiq likes this.
  6. khoah

    Oct 27, 2019
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    I understand where you're coming from. However, when i do report players, sometimes the hacker has already been punished accordingly. Though, the idea of people getting an award for reporting players may be a good idea. Many players may feel left out, as they may not be able to record. As other people said, it might be more work for the staff members to deal with.
    - imwetpapi <3
    Dill likes this.
  7. stiva

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i completely understand your thinking and this would definitely help to minimize the amount of hackers. however, i think that more reasonable prizes could be (for example) 20k credits per x amount of reports. additionally, i think that this could result in multiple players spamming in reports for the same hacker, especially since there could possibly be a large amount of people sending in reports so that they could get the rank (as you suggested). another alternative to reporting hackers in the forums, as hotmoms mentioned, is reporting players directly to staff members in the #support channel in the MCC discord. this usually allows people to get banned or punished much quicker than in a forum report. anyways, overall i really like the concept of your idea and i think that it could have upsides and downsides! i’d personally give it a +0.5. have a great rest of your day/night! :D
    Dill and Simplistiq like this.
  8. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I see what you are saying. With anti-cheat rumored to come soon theres no need, and this concept doesn't seem reasonable. As strwbrrys said, many duplicate reports, so if they had a reward system the server wouldn't have enough income.
  9. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Heya friend!
    This idea was actually brought up before with an idea to reward the top reporters of the month quite like the similar system to top voters of the month. And the overall consensus was that the reports team would be overwhelmed with multiple reports on the same players, which therefore will decrease efficiency for removing rule breakers quickly because they will have to spend more time accepting/denying those reports.

    In my personal opinion, it wasn't difficult to get my 50 reports and I got mine extremely quickly. I kept doing my reports because I know that cheaters in SSW is a big problem.

    Coming back to the point; I feel that player reports should stay as they are, as staff get promoted more members will join staff sub-teams and therefore join the reports team, increasing efficiency of player reports. All I can ask from the community is to keep on reporting players on the forums or leaving a name in #support on the discord server :)

    Thank you for making this post!
    forgranted, Dill, khoah and 1 other person like this.
  10. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I remember making a thread about this a couple of months ago just like Elecctricc said and I saw that people didn't like the idea mainly because like already mentioned, there would be so many duplicate reports that the reports team would have to be on 24/7 for them and people will stop playing minigames for fun and just tryhard reports which is the wrong way about it.
    Obviously, this would encourage people to report players but it actually wouldn't help a lot.
    The reason is that the same player will be reported several times over and over and the skywars lobbies will be filled with people killing themselves just to report this hacker.
    So basically, 1) Skywars games will be ended so quickly that there isn't even a point in having the game as there would be no competition.
    Obviously there will be people who will play for fun, but it would be such a minority that they will actually stop playing, making skywars a pointless game mode and that isn't what people want.
    Thank you for reading, hope all of you have a great day :)
  11. Cessie2u

    Apr 20, 2020
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    While my goal is to apply for staff at some point, that isn't my reason for reporting players. Rather, I feel my reward is being able to play the server with the feeling that I made it better. While I may be the minority, I feel that many others, who aren't try-harding for a staff position share the same ideology. I'm sure that every skywars game that I record a cheater in, the other 12 also have filed a report, but at the end of the day, I feel as if, like I said, I did my part.

    With that being said-

    I feel like the response time is a slap in the face. I made a thread about this. The staff team works extremely hard to keep up, but the system is flawed. I hate submitting a report on a hacker, playing 10 more games with the kid and then getting a response 23 hours later. At the end of the day, it gets handled and that's all that matters. But I think that either the developers need to fix the anti-cheat or lack there of, or management needs to re-evaluate their method of handling reports.

    Overall, I think that you present a logical and honestly innovative idea. But at the end of the day there are a few points I want to raise.

    1- If the management of the server isn't willing to invest some time and money into a simple anti-cheat, I doubt that they are willing to implement a system that rewards players for making a report
    2- I also feel that this will cause an influx of fake or unfounded reports and overload the already swamped reports team
    3- At the end of the day, reporting these players purely for the reward of keeping the community clean strengthens us. That's why the MCC community is so strong. Because we band together to deal with issues.

    But I wish you the best of luck on getting this accomplished.

    My Opinion is : Neutral

    Stay well!

    #11 Cessie2u, May 22, 2020
    Last edited: May 22, 2020
    Dill and iiSean like this.

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