The New Report System

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Calvin, Aug 9, 2019.

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  1. Calvin

    Jul 29, 2019
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    What is your experience with the new report system? I submitted a player report of someone blatantly cheating, using Fly, KillAura and Reach. They were dealt with in under ten minutes, I don't know if it was just luck that a mod was on the forums at the time, but that is incredibly quick. I thought at a minimum I would have to wait an hour for a reply. Overall satisfied with the response time from my player report. Just wish we didn't have to submit player reports in the Minecraft community.
  2. kylebop

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, Calvin, I am glad that you have had a good experience using the reporting system on MCC. We strive to do our best with reports as we take them very seriously on MCC.
    However, at times it does get a bit busy at peak hours and yes reports may take a bit to be looked at. Therefore, they may not always be looked at immediately as it was in this instance.
    The new reporting system I have heard from the community is way easier to report players than it was on the older website. I am not sure what else we can do to make it more efficient then it already is, however, if you do have any suggestions at all feel free to let us know.

    If you have any questions or need anything at all feel free to contact me on my discord at any point in time, I am more than happy to help!

    Discord: Kylebop#5467

    -= Kylebop | MCC Senior Moderator =-
    Calvin likes this.
  3. Inj3ction

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I personally LOVE the new report system.
    It's way easier to report, and it seems like we get responses way quicker.
    It's much more intuitive and short, and allows for an smooth experience
    Calvin likes this.
  4. Calvin

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I understand at peak hours, you may be flooded with reports, and of course, it can't be easy on the staff side. One thing I would like to suggest would be the ability to report in-game. Although the forum way works fine, by the time I upload the video of the hacker, they have probably ruined a lot of other players experiences. If we could report in-game, a mod could check it out and this whole step could be avoided. Aswell, Minecraft is not a very hardware intensive game, therefore a lot of people still play on older hardware, which they may not have the ability to record on. I used to play on an old laptop, which was almost impossible to record anything, even on the desktop. The ability to report in-game would make it a lot easier, and more available. I respect the staff on this server and all the hard work they do. Keep up the work staff team!
  5. kylebop

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Regarding having the ability to report players in-game has always been something that has been brought up many times. As cool as it does sound from first glance there actually are a lot of issues that do come along with the idea. Firstly, staff members are unable to actually spectate minigames just as the community. Therefore, we would not be able to actually take care of the hacker if in minigames.

    Another issue is dealing with false reports, some players may rage and decide to falsely report a player in-game for no reason. This creates a lot of wasted time for the staff member to go out of their way with what they are doing to spectate a false reported player. Whilst the forum reports we require evidence for which is very easy to go through and take care of the player on the staff members side. There are just way too many negatives that cancel out the positives of adding a reporting system in-game.

    Hopefully that all makes sense regarding reporting hackers in-game. If you would like to talk more about server ideas feel free to add my discord.
    Calvin likes this.
  6. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Calvin!

    I personally love the new report system and the time that I wait is sometimes around 1-3 hours or, it can be 15 minutes! I’m guessing it all depends on who’s the staff that’s on at the moment checking out reports or if there’s just no one at that current moment. I find that it sometimes gets frustrating seeing the hackers still in the game after reporting but i’m sure we all understand that staff don’t only have MCCentral to deal with and they try to look at the reports as soon as they can so i’m really happy about that. Another thing that I absolutely love about the system is when you go to type the “Rule broken”, you automatically get options that you used in the past, therefore you don’t have to type it over and over. When it comes to typing where the incident happened, I click and automatically get the choices that I almost always use! Most of the time I use “Minigame, Solo Skywars” and its really simple since it’s right at the top! Compared to Enjin, the options were already all there but they weren’t all in order. As Kyle said, it would help so much if staff could spectate players directly into on going games but i’m sure it will come eventually.

    Have a great day;night of yours Calvin!

    HotPringles :)
    Calvin likes this.
  7. astrophysic

    Jul 22, 2019
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    For a while I preferred the old system, it took way too long to get a response on it. Now you get responses to your reports way quicker than before. The only problem I have with the new report system is that you have to manually check to see if it was responded to or not, instead of receiving a notification for it.
    Calvin likes this.
  8. Da11as

    Jul 25, 2019
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    This version of the report system is definitely superior to the older one. It's easier to use along with quick responses from staff members. Love it!

    + instagram//dallasx._
    + immortal rank
    + og minecrafter :)


    godspot is niiiiiceeee :>
    Calvin likes this.
  9. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I like the new report system better than the old website because you don't always have to check the report if it accepted or not. Definitely a bigger upgrade which is nice.
    Calvin likes this.
  10. Technolaid

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Hey, can someone tell me a good way to record ackers? even when i sent a report showing a hacker blatantly hacking in screenshots a staff member told me they needed recorded proof
    Calvin likes this.
  11. Calvin

    Jul 29, 2019
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    OBS is used most commonly, I use GeForce Experience but this is only available to those who use Nvidia graphics cards, which I understand a lot of people are playing on AMD or Integrated Graphics. If you do not have an Nvidia graphics card I would recommend Open Broadcaster Software. It's free, easy to set up, and can choose the settings best for your hardware.
  12. Teddzy

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Glad to hear most of you guys are happy with the new report system! We try to reply to all reports asap. But, the response time does depend which timezone you are in. We do try to deal with them asap, if you guys have any tips or ideas I'm always all ears :relaxed:
    AZXG, luvbri and Calvin like this.
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