A system of givebacks with hackers.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PistolPet, May 19, 2020.


Should this be added?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey everyone!
    This topic has been addressed in the past, but I want to address it again. It's item givebacks when you die to a hacker.
    Basically, if you die to a blatant hacker in KitPvP, Prison, Factions, the main PVP subservers and you recorded it, you should be able to get your items back.
    I know there are ways of bypassing this and duping the items so I made this suggestion:
    A lot of the times, the hackers get banned with the items. Since staff can invsee players when they are offline, if the hacker has the items, the staff can remove those items from the hacker and put it into the person who deserved it. It's not that hard to do and it will serve rightfully. If it doesn't work then have another system that can cooperate with dealing with this.

    In the worse case, if the other suggestion doesn't get added, we should have a system were our deaths, KDR and killstreak get updated.
    So let's say you record yourself dying to a hacker. If you do this, you should be able to get your deaths changed and your killstreak and KDR put back to what it was. Otherwise, if you are going for the top position and encounter a hacker, you're doomed.

    If you see a problem with this, please let me know why.
    Have a great day!
    EssentialsPlus likes this.
  2. Sparky

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Hey Controlleur!
    I agree this can be quite annoying especially when you have stuff like a new kit and gaps on you! But I do not feel this should be added. You made the choice that you could possibly die and you accepted it to go out into the pvp area and try to kill others. Lets say that hacker did this then went onto another mini game or something and decided this server is actually really good and I do not want to get banned so they stopped hacking, then they would have good loot from before just be taken from their inventory, that would not be fair to them. In PVP areas in all subservers is a place where ya win some and ya lose some. This would also require evidence that they are hacking, because you can't just say that any random person you killed you is hacking. So I feel if you get evidence and report them you can ask for your stuff back then.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    - Cxltic_Warrior
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey Controlleur!
    I can see why this would be useful, as players who blatantly break the rules are disrupting server use for others, however I can not see item givebacks added for hacking. Since being scammed with evidence you often do not receive givebacks, I simply can not see it happening with hackers. While I'd definitely think it's fair to players, I think some mare argue otherwise.
    Have a nice day/night,
    Nikki <3
  4. Lexxonist

    Apr 18, 2020
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    It would be a great idea but it would be difficult for staff to carry out as they already have to ban hackers, answer reports, answer questions, etc, and implementing this would add another few tasks to the list (checking/confirming the evidence, checking the UUID, opening the inventory through the UUID, giving back the items, modifying the kdr, etc). I'm definitely not saying that it's a bad idea, it seems like a very fair one as being killed by hackers isn't fair at all, but it would lead to a lot of staff having to focus on just that portion (because let's be honest, the anticheat isn't the best).

    - Lexxonist :)
    PistolPet likes this.
  5. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So from what I understand, you are saying we shouldn't go into PVP at all? I understand what you mean but hackers being on the server isn't necessarily a players fault, in fact not at all. It is also known that you don't get your items back from asking. I also think since server glitches get you your items back, this should as well as it is also a server problem. I do get what you mean though.
  6. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there!
    It is server known that an anticheat isn't well presented in the server, which is partially why I proposed this. Like I said, I understand if giving items is hard as it can be abused easily but the information about deaths, kdr and killstreak cannot be abused. I haven't found a single way we could abuse the system and it honestly isn't hard to type a few commands to change it.
    It is also true that staff are doing very well and they are already busy but writing a few commands here and there doesn't really add all that much. If you played KitPvP for example, you would understand the hassle we go through trying to stay on top so adding this death system would be fantastic.
    EssentialsPlus and Lexxonist like this.
  7. Lexxonist

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Well I mean if one really wanted to abuse the system, they can just hop on an alt with a VPN and they'll be a whole new person in the eyes of the server. Stolen Minecraft accounts (also known as NFAs) can be purchased for like a cent and you'd only need one VPN (free or paid) to get different IPs. After a while this would get suspicious if the same person does it over and over again but then again, maybe they'll do it on alts and then give their main the stuff (referring to items here not KDR). In summary, items would be much easier to abuse but KDR could also be abused, just not really sure who'd bother for KDR.

    - Lexxonist :)
  8. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If there is a way to abuse the death system, I would really like to know. Same with the kdr system.
    My concept was:
    If you have a recorded clip of you dying to a hacker, you can send it to a staff member and your death will get removed. Basically, you will just be revamped before you died to the hacker.
    For the part of the items, there are ways to abuse it so I am less bothered about that then the suggestion of the deaths system.
    Have a great night/day!
    EssentialsPlus likes this.
  9. Nkuk

    May 8, 2020
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    I strongly agree. love you lil nib.

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