Enderpearl Cooldown in Sidebar

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Rev3rse, May 17, 2020.

  1. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    Players would benefit from their enderpearl cooldown being displayed in the information sidebar in Skywars. Currently, the only way to know how many seconds are left before you can fire your next enderpearl is if you attempt to throw the pearl and receive the error message that tells you how many seconds are left before you are able to use the enderpearl. However, when you're in the middle of a fight with another player, per say, switching from the sword to the enderpearl just to check how much is left on its cooldown could mean being killed in that moment. Having the ability to see the timer countdown on the side of the screen would help nail down exactly when a player could make a quick escape with their pearl without risking their life.

    This could be implemented in a similar manner as the PvP timer in any subserver with combat tagging. The countdown would simply appear on the sidebar, and at the beginning of the game it would be initialized with the standard cooldown period. Then, after firing an enderpearl, the timer would be set to the player's cooldown level, taking into account if they have a perk that decreases their enderpearl cooldown.
    Sarrrcasm, abbzyy and Darenn like this.
  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    To be fair, I play skywars basically everyday and it's my favorite minigame and it really bothers me having to attempt shooting an enderpearl to middle or to another player instead, to see how long is left to the cooldown. What I think would be cool is to have this as a purchasable perk. When you hop into a skywars game, you have this emerald which I think this could be added into it and purchasable with credits as now, there isn't too much to buy with credits or even put them to use. This could be a perk worth... i don't know- 100,000 credits which would benefit a few players. Eh, maybe 100k is a little much but it's just an idea.

    Have a good day!
    Rev3rse likes this.
  3. stiva

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey! i really like this idea because i've jumped into the void so many times because i think that i'm able to ender pearl. like ShesPrecious said, it could be nice if the perk had a price on it. but overall nice idea! hopefully this could be implemented in the near future c:
    Rev3rse and Darenn like this.
  4. ltself

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I definitely agree with this one. I have tried using mods to display an epearl countdown on clients such as badlion, lunar and cosmic but it does not work. In skywars there should certainly by a cool down timer as it'll help gameplay a little bit more because it does get annoying having to switch to my epearl constantly to check the cooldown.
    Rev3rse likes this.
  5. Sarrrcasm

    Jan 28, 2020
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    I agree with this. I definitely think there’s a few things that could be implemented in the sidebar. The pearl is good one and I also think that the game time should be in the sidebar for team skywars. These are two timers that I would love seeing getting implemented. I don’t think it would be necessary to buy it like some people suggested above. I think it’s just another thing that everyone should have to enjoy the game more.
    Rev3rse likes this.
  6. ArtGuru

    Nov 24, 2019
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    I definitely agree with this, the enderpearls can be extremly annoying when you attempt to fire it and it says the message, especially in combat.
    Rev3rse likes this.

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