Hi all- I was blessed with a miracle today, and that was to have no hackers in CTF. Please see below my video of this once in a life-time occurrence. In all seriousness, please let me know what you think! I haven't recorded or edited a video in maybe a year or more, so it was my first go at it in a while! _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SOFTWARE USED : OBS Camtasia (19) PC SPECS: Ryzen 3 2200G GPU AMD Radeon RX 570 RAM 16 GIG DDR4 (SINGLE STICK) 120 SSD 2TB WD Blue HDD Equiptment: Blue Sn00wBall Condenser Microphone Razer Blackwidow Chroma keyboard and some 5 below wireless mouse xD. The reason I put my specs is because many people think that they need expensive machines for simple gaming and minecraft, but that's not true. All together, with one monitor (I have 2), the PC and peripherals, it will only cost you around $800.00. If you have a crappy laptop, look into building your own system. There are many many posts and videos about it online. If you have any questions regarding building your system, please shoot me a message on discord and I'd be happy to help you pick out parts and build it Stay well.
Hello! I'd say it successfully captures what it's like to play MCC CTF. It encases good and bad moments of playing capture the flag into one video, and if someone who has never played the game before saw this video, they will likely join, since it looks fun. I liked the music, although maybe it could be a little bit more quiet, and the sounds from the game audible, since that's what we're focusing on in the video. The transition was good, but you used it a lot. If you plan to use a transition a lot, maybe make it happen fast. Footage of you getting and/or capturing the flag would also be great to watch! Overall, it's a good video, with a good pick of what footage of the game to include, and good editing. This advice is coming from someone who has never done any cinematography or serious video editing, though. I'd love to see more CTF videos!
Thanks! Your feedback is noted and I will make sure to incorporate that in the next one! Stay well- Cessie2u