New Shop Ideas

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Simplistiq, May 16, 2020.

  1. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I feel like the shop should add more items to it! Here are some ideas! Please don’t hate just some ideas, or if you have any more ideas please list them cause i am curious!
    -new particle effects
    -bubble effect a particle that looks like bubbles flowing. I feel like that would be pretty neat.
    -nether purple like effect that looks like the purple part in the nether portal.
    -confetti, confetti like particle effect with a bunch of colors coming out.
    -rainbow particle, a particle with every single color. that comes around you. self explanatory.

    -Adding perks
    -a perk where you can quadruple you’re experience in minigames. Would help level boost and I feel like would motivate players to play more since people like climbing levels quick.
    -key perk, a perk where you get a key every single week to boost you in sub servers. the price would vary. more expensive for a mythical key rather than ancient. And some ideas, this perk would last for a month. so you get 4 keys a week.
    -survival games tracker, I feel like some players feel like it is unfair that you have to purchase bedrock rank or higher to get a survival games tracker. So, i feel like it would be a good idea for putting in a player tracker for a good price. Because I see a bunch of players complain about how they don’t want to purchase that high of a rank just for a compass so i feel like this would be a good perk.

    Those are just some ideas, I will make edits if i find any more ideas. But leave some ideas, as I am curious.

    #1 Simplistiq, May 16, 2020
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey hotmoms!
    I love these ideas! I especially would like to see the photos of the particle effect ideas, (I think that's what you're talking about), since personally I hate using my particle effects because when going up a ladder looking down, building straight upwards, digging straight down etc there's bright flashes of light, mainly with the heart, sparkles and even fire effect. That's why I think some new- noticeable yet not blinding particle effects should be added. I think the effect that comes off dragon eggs would be nice, but I'd love to see some photos of the ones you suggested.
  3. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I will try to find some visuals for these. Have a wonderful day. :)
    Nikki_ likes this.
  4. pirte

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Heyo. These are some pretty cool new ideas but here are my 2 thoughts.

    You can already get a sort of same effect as the nether portal one by the "Witch Effect" although its not exactly the same.
    Then the key perk does seem a bit OP, unless it would be heavily priced since you are basically taking money away from the server and getting 4 free keys.

    Other than those 2 i think all the rest are great ideas, and love to see some examples.


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